
The article is based on experience of treatment 515 patients with non-specific spontaneous pneumothorax (NSP). Men were 422 (83,56%), women - 83 (16,44%). 426 (84,35%) patients had a primary form of pneumothorax and 79 (15,65%) patients had a recurrent pneumothorax. In 390 patients, who underwent thoracoscopy, in 242 (62%) cases were diagnosed a bullous changes of the lungs. The experience of work of the authors demonstrates the necessity of actively-expectant tactics in treatment of NSP. The treatment had to be started with pleural punctions. The indication to surgical treatment was an absence of efficiency of conservative therapy, reccurense of NSP. The operative treatment was performed in 89 patients. In order to liquidation of bullous changes of the lungs and to create a stable pleurodesis authors used YAG-ND and СО2 lasers. The puposed algorithm of diagnosis and treatment of NSP has allowed to lower the frequency of recurrences of pneumothorax and to increase efficiency of surgical treatment of this disease.

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Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


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