
The experiment involved 45 dogs. The purose of the investigation was to study the effect of antioxidant anti-ischemic treatment, which consists of using mexicor and a temporary portocaval shunting on the severity of ischemic damage of the liver tissue after clamping of the hepaticduodenal ligament for 20-40 minutes. The animals were divided into 5 series. It was founded that in groups of animals without antioxidant protection were marked the development of cytolytic, cholestatic and hepatodepressive syndromes. In the groups with correction of ischemia by mexicor, biochemical parameters were significantly lower than in controls, with following normalization. The results of the experiment is show that the using of mexicor reduces the severity of liver damage caused by hypoxia, prevents the development of ischemic changes in the organ.

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Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


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