Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/7
Original articles
Experience of Martorell’s trophic ulcer medical treatment
The article is dedicated to problems of etiology, patomorphology of rare complication of arterial hypertension - Martorell’s ulcer. Clinical manifestations, methods and difficulties of diagnosis and treatment of this disease are presented. Two clinical case reports are described. Recommendations by diagnostics and medical treatment with the specified pathology
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):97-102

To a question on tactics of surgical treatment of non-specific spontaneous pneumothorax
The article is based on experience of treatment 515 patients with non-specific spontaneous pneumothorax (NSP). Men were 422 (83,56%), women - 83 (16,44%). 426 (84,35%) patients had a primary form of pneumothorax and 79 (15,65%) patients had a recurrent pneumothorax. In 390 patients, who underwent thoracoscopy, in 242 (62%) cases were diagnosed a bullous changes of the lungs. The experience of work of the authors demonstrates the necessity of actively-expectant tactics in treatment of NSP. The treatment had to be started with pleural punctions. The indication to surgical treatment was an absence of efficiency of conservative therapy, reccurense of NSP. The operative treatment was performed in 89 patients. In order to liquidation of bullous changes of the lungs and to create a stable pleurodesis authors used YAG-ND and СО2 lasers. The puposed algorithm of diagnosis and treatment of NSP has allowed to lower the frequency of recurrences of pneumothorax and to increase efficiency of surgical treatment of this disease.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):103-111

Antioxidant therapy by mexicor for correction of ischemic lesions in the liver resection
The experiment involved 45 dogs. The purose of the investigation was to study the effect of antioxidant anti-ischemic treatment, which consists of using mexicor and a temporary portocaval shunting on the severity of ischemic damage of the liver tissue after clamping of the hepaticduodenal ligament for 20-40 minutes. The animals were divided into 5 series. It was founded that in groups of animals without antioxidant protection were marked the development of cytolytic, cholestatic and hepatodepressive syndromes. In the groups with correction of ischemia by mexicor, biochemical parameters were significantly lower than in controls, with following normalization. The results of the experiment is show that the using of mexicor reduces the severity of liver damage caused by hypoxia, prevents the development of ischemic changes in the organ.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):112-122

Treatment of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with diffuse peritonitis, complicated by the severe abdominal sepsis
The analysis of the results of diagnosis and treatment of 60 patients with the diffuse purulent peritonitis. The first (control) group consist of 34 patients treated by programmed sanitations of the abdominal cavity with application by common method without intra-abdominal pressure using to close laparostomy, which was closed by the “zipper” method. The second (study) group included 26 patients, for which there were used a large-cellular mesh polypropylene endoprosthesis to close the defects of abdominal wall. At each programmed sanitation the prosthesis was dissected longitudinally along the entire length and stapled so that the level of intra-abdominal pressure did not exceed 15 mm Hg. In the nearest post-operative period in patients of the second group the indicators of endotoxicosis were 1,3 times lower, the motility and peristalsis of the intestines was 2,1 times higher than in patients of the first group, which led to the decrease of post-operative lethality in 1,3 times
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):123-128

Basis of systematic lymph mediastinal bilateral dissection in the surgical treatment of non-small cell carcinoma of lung
The systematic lymph dissection, a drastic treatment procedure in the surgical treatment of lung carcinoma, is declared to be an operative procedure helping to assess the true extent of a neoplastic [tumor] process. From the 300 operative interventions the 150 (50,0%) came to “expanded” operations which were followed by a systematic lymph dissection from principal considerations. The other 150 (50,0%) patients were operated typically without any systematic mediastinal lymph dissection. The general five-year probability of survival (equal to 35%), while the postoperative lethality is equal to 6,7%, speaks for a surgical assistance of a good quality in the clinical hospital. To present day 254 (85,0% from the 300) patients have been watched over.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):129-132

Сlinical and morphological substantiation of application high gidropressing technologies and the polarized light therapy in the treatment of the soft tissues in experiment
We analyzed data, which was obtained from experimental studies on 288 outbred white rats. The experimental section consisted of two blocks of study. The first block was designed to study the effect of polarized radiation on wound healing of aseptic wounds, the second block - the study of combined using of hydropessive sanitation and polarized radiation on purulent wounds. The positive influence of hydropessive sanitation and polarized radiation on the wound healing consisted of acceleration terms of cleaning of wound surface from purulent tissues, stimulation processes of regeneration.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):133-145

Objectification of the requirements of opioids using the method of patient-controlled analgesia in orthopedic patients
The results of the study included 70 patients aged from 27 to 78 years. Data on the effectiveness of the method were compared with rates of 35 patients of control group. The results of the study demonstrated that the inclusion of PCA in the scheme of balanced postoperative analgesia in orthopedic patients improves anesthetic protection and leads to significantly lower consumption of opioids, which reduces the risk of side effects of these medicines.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):146-148

Complex treatment of abscesses of soft tissues of oral сavity with using of antioxidants
The antioxidant and antihypoxant – «Hypoxen» is used for treatment of patients with a prolonged course of oral cavity abscesses. It is used in complex pharmatherapy as anti-inflammatory, detoxicating and immunomodulating medicine. It was shown that the application of this preparation facilitates to symptomatic cleaning of post operational wounds and cavities and the regression of local suppurative and inflammatory processes, at the background of positive dynamics of indices of blood (the decrease of excess of leucocytes, the level of bilirubin and the activity of ferments). It also provides immunomodulatory action.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):149-151

The long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with luxation of acromial part of clavicle
The aim of the investigation was to study the results using of original plate for the fixation of luxation the acromial part of clavicle. The assessment of the results of surgical treatment of 45 patients demonstrates the decreasion of the time of operation and minimization period of rehabilitation. This technique also provides the best esthetic and functional results, improves the quality of life.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):152-155

Comparative estimation of efficiency of cemented and cementless total hip replacements
The purpose of the study - a complex estimation of range of motion of the damaged joint, changes immunological laboratory indications and indications of antioxidant protection of patients with at cemented and cementless total hip replacements. The study included two groups of patients with which it is established cemented joint replacements (36 person), and cementless joint replacements (52 persons) and 30 healthy persons as control group of comparison. The received results demonstrate the advantage of cementless hip replacement over the cemented one. It is expressed in the absence of statistically significant differences in terms of restoring range of motion in the operated joint, on a background of significant improvement of the dynamics of the immunological status and indicators of the antioxidant protection in three months after operative intervention.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):156-159

Surgical treatment of patients with choledocholithiasis
The article describes the basic types of operations used for correction of outflow in patients with obstructive jaundice. We describe endoscopic and transduodenal methods of papillosphincterotomy, different ways of antegrade introduction of papillotomy through holedohoduodenostomic hole, Ker, Curt, Halstead-Pikovsky drains, biliary fistulas or by percutaneous transhepatic holangiostomy; single-and multi-stage methods of reconstructing the passage of bile of such patients. The main indications and contraindications for each method, possible complications are indicated.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(2):168-173