
Ultrasound-Guided Removal of Deep-Lying Foreign Bodies of the Soft Neck Tissue in a Patient with a Shrapnel Wound
Dadayan A.R., Belik B.M., Tenchurin R.S., Bolotskov A.S.
Endovideosurgery Potential in the Treatment of Liver Cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Gurzhii D.V., Syomin D.S., Ivanyukova M.A., Zakharov E.A.
Ultrasonic Diagnostics at the Stages of Liver Echinococcois Treatment
Stepanova Y.A., Goncharov A.B., Zhao A.V.
Potentials of Artificial Intelligence in Assessing Pancreatic Pathology Based on Spiral Computed Tomography Findings
Sigua B.V., Kleymyuk S.V., Zakharov E.A., Semenova E.A., Loginova D.D., Zemlyanoy V.P.
Diagnostic Options for Postoperative Complications in Surgery
Solomakh A.A., Gorbachenko V.I.
Successful Treatment Of The Patient With Advanced Testic Cancer
Stepanova Y.A., Gritskevich A.A., Oganyan V.A., Kalinin D.V.
Observations of Diagnosticis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis
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Predictor of septic complications in colorectal cancer surgery
Gataullin I.G., Savinkov V.G., Frolov S.A., Kozlov A.M.
Experience of conducting patients with hemangiomas and extensive angiodysplasias of a head and a neck
Biomechanical analysis of indicators of movements in the joints of the lower extremity in patients with coxarthrosis as a method of functional diagnosis
Guriev V.V., Zorya V.I., Biryukova E.V., Prokopenko R.A., Frolov A.A.
The new approach and principles early instillation of diagnosis general forms of infection and mesenchymal sepsis
The Germinal Epithelium of the Testis in Children with Cryptorchidism in the Ultrastructural Section
Komarova S.Y., Pichugova S.V.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma on the Base of Autoimmune Tireoidit
Experience of Martorell’s trophic ulcer medical treatment
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Some Features of the Micrometastasis Arrangement in Ileal Lymph Nodes at the Cancer of Cervix Uteri
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Clinico-laboratory diagnostics of the acute inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area and the neck, caused anaerobic infection
Combined Pharmacological Correction of Experimental Frostbite
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Differential Radiology Diagnostics of Metastasises of Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Pancreas
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Neural Network System for Diagnosing Liver Failure in Surgery
Solomakha A.A., Gorbachenko V.I.
Optimisation of medical-diagnostic tactics at sick of an acute appendicitis with application of videoendoscopical technologies
A comparative study of volatile fatty acids in the blood and in the drainage from pancreatic fistula in pancreatic necrosis
Мetelev A.S., Akayzin E.S., Gagua A.K.
Bezoars of stomach and intestine
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1 - 22 of 22 Items

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