Vol 2, No 1 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 17
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/2
Original articles
Сorrection of dyscrasia at the patients with different forms of acute pancreatitis
It was executed complex dynamic research of state of oxidative homeostasis at the patients with different forms of acute pancreatitis. It was detected that reliable reduction of rates of maximal intensity of chemiluminescence and antioxidative activity ratio of blood serum can serve by extra criteria to early detection of infected pancreatonecrosis. Original algorithm of rational ozone therapy makes it possible to determine adequate number of oxidant; it improves results of treatment at the patiens with acute pancreatitis.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):8-13

Application program hydropressivno-aspiration sanation in complex treatment of patients with suppurative focuses soft tissues
The method program hydropressivno-aspiration sanitation is developed, allowing to raise efficiency of complex treatment of patients with purulent wounds. Indications are defined and techniques with reference to various clinical situations are fulfilled. Introduction of the given method in clinical practice has allowed to improve cosmetic results after surgical sanitation of the purulent centres, to reduce terms of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):14-18

Laser osteopunching in treatment of inflammatory and destructive diseases of bones
The method of laser osteopunching developed in experiment is used in treatment of 508 patients acute and various forms of a chronic osteomyelitis, 51 patients with fractures of the slowed down consolidation and nearthroses and 34 patients with various forms of osteochondropathies. Clinical researches have shown, that the method of laser osteopunching is effective way of treatment both inflammatory, and destructive diseases of an osteal tissue. It is little invasive, promotes fast cupping of inflammatory changes in a bone and soft tissues, possesses the expressed ability to stimulate reparation processes in an osteal tissue.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):19-28

Experience of carrying out of the differentiated immunocorrection at surgical treatment of a good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate
Carrying out of surgical treatment of a good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate against the traditional medicamental grant aggravates the immunologic disturbances accompanied by development of pyoinflammatory complications in the postoperative period. Additional appointment to patients in pre-and the postoperative period mmunomodulyatory has allowed to lower quantity of postoperative complications authentically.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):30-35

Application of the differentiated antimicrobial and nutritivno-metabolic therapy in complex treatment sick of the acute punched mediastinitis
In article results of treatment sick of an acute punched mediastinitis by application of the differentiated antimicrobial and nutritivno-metabolic therapy defined proceeding from representations about a resident microflora and risk factors of occurrence of facultative microorganisms are analyzed
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):36-43

Studying metabolic and morfo-gistochemical changes of eshemized liver after reperfusion
Restoration of a portal blood-groove in eshemized tussue of liver leads to sharply expressed progression of dystrophic changes and the big loss enzymatic activity in hepatocities. Oxygen introduction in perfused portal blood is not the fact improving the indicators of tussue and does not provide the comprehensible level of functioning of a liver.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):44-50

Dynamics of morphological changes of a liver at radiofrequency thermal ablation in experiment
In article the mechanism of irreversible destructive processes in a zone of radio-frequency influence in experiment is described. Research is executed on 93 puberal rats of both sexes. Action radio-frequency termoablatio on structures of a liver in the conditions of the kept hepatic blood flow in various time regimens is bound as to immediate influence on cellular elements, and with redistribution of blood and a fabric liquid.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):51-59

Clinico-laboratory diagnostics of the acute inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area and the neck, caused anaerobic infection
The leading place in development of infectious complications of acute inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area and a neck is accepted by a mephitic gangrene The clinical picture and a homeostasis condition are studied on 283 sick general by the infection form. Disease was characterised by fast dynamics of the development, involving in considerable quantity process region spaces and development of a acute sepsis.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):60-63

Surgical treatment malignant link sided hemodectom
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):64-67

To a question on alternative anatomy of some blood vessels
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):68-71

The results of surgical treatment of fractures of a neck of a femur according to сlinical hospital of name Н.V.Soloveva of Yaroslavl
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):70-71

The specialised traumatologic help to the population of the Voronezh area
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):72-73

To history of the higher medical education in Russia
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):74-77

The past and the present of chair of children's surgery of the Voronezh state medical academy of a name of N.N.Burdenko
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):78-81

ПЛЕШКОВ ВЛАДИМИР ГРИГОРЬЕВИЧ (к 65-летию со дня рождения)
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):82

САМОДАЙ ВАЛЕPИЙ ГPИГОPЬЕВИЧ (к 50-летию со дня рождения)
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):83

Информация о решениях V Всероссийской конференции Ассоциации общих хирургов и Пленумов проблемных комиссий «Неотложная хирургия» и «Инфекция в хирургии» Межведомственного научного совета по хирургии
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(1):84-87