
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment of Benign Epithelial Esophageal Neoplasms under Control of Magnifying Chromoendoscopy
Himina I.N., Trifanov A.N., Razinkin K. ., Himin N.P., Volozhin G.A., Ostrovskaya I.G., Minchenko Y.V.
Pathogenetic Aspects of the Choice of Drug Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis
Ektov V.N., Khodorkovsky M.A., Kurkin A.V.
Local Treatment of Ischemic Skin Wounds Using a Unique Drug Mixture in Combination with Magnetic Therapy
Terekhov A.G., Pankrusheva T.A., Chekmareva M.S., Mishina E.S., Grigoryan A.Y., Klueva E.G., Zaitseva L.Y.
Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Liver Disguised as Hepatocellular Cancer
Ruzavin V.S., Gorlenko C.L., Shirokov V.S., Kalinin D.V., Goncharov A.B., Kovalenko Y.A., Stepanova Y.A., Gurmikov B.N.
Potentials of Endoscopic Combined Treatment of Esophageal Variceal Bleeding in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Cherednikov E.F., Yuzefovich I.S., Barannikov S.V., Chernykh A.V., Banin I.I., Bolkhovitinov A.E.
Options for Two-Stage Extensive Liver Resections in the Surgical Treatment of Advanced Liver Echinococcosis
Krasnov A.O., Anishchenko V.V., Pachgin I.V., Krasnov K.A., Pel'ts V.A., Krasnov O.A., Pavlenko V.V.
Surgical Treatment of Jejunal Diverticula
Kamanin A.A., Bogdanov P.I., Krasnopeeva M.K., Makarenko A.R., Banko V.V., Slabkova A.A.
Endovideosurgery Potential in the Treatment of Liver Cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Gurzhii D.V., Syomin D.S., Ivanyukova M.A., Zakharov E.A.
A method for determining the optimal technique of surgical intervention in patients with post-traumatic kyphotic deformity of the thoracolumbar spine in the late period of spinal injury.
Ptashnikov D.A., Magomedov S.S., Rominsky S.P., Mytyga P.G.
Treatment of Patients with Uncomplicated Sacrcoccygeal Sinus
Lavreshin P.M., Gobejishvili V.K., Korablina s.S., Gobejishvili V.V., Korkmazov I.K., Uzdenov M.B., Tatarshaov M.H.
Application of Autological Adipose Tissue and its Products in the Treatment of Infected Wounds of Different Genesis
Koloshein N.A.
Esophageal Stenting - a Modern Resource of Surgery for Various Perforations
Korymasov E.A., Benian A., Medvedchikov-Ardiia M., Zhdanov A.V.
Intracavitary laser obliteration of Baker cyst under ultrasonic navigation
Krochek I.V., Sergiyko S.V., Privalov V.A., Shumilin I.I., Shekunova Y.G., Anchugova A.Y.
Treatment of Posttraumatic Liver Abscess: a Case Study
Tarasenko S.V., Tyulenev D.O., Kopeikin A.A.
Observations of Diagnosticis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis
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Successful Treatment Of The Patient With Advanced Testic Cancer
Stepanova Y.A., Gritskevich A.A., Oganyan V.A., Kalinin D.V.
Inkjet Oxygen-Sorption Treatment in Local Treatment Purulent Soft Tissue Wounds
Arkhipov D.V., Andreev A.A., Atyakshin D.A., Glukhov A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
The Efficiency of Daptomycin Use in Treatment of Surgical Patients with Infective Endocarditis
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Variants of tactical approaches and methods of surgical treatment in patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral mucosa
Povarkov S., Moshurov I., Petrov B., Lepshin S.
Improvement of Medical Treatment Options of Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis of Low Extremities Associated with Phlegmasia Alba Dolens
Sukovatykh B., Sereditsky A.V., Azarov A.M., Muradyan V.F., Sukovatykh M.B., Lapinas A.A.
Selection of the Method and Analysis of the Results of the Application of Minimally Invasive Methods of Treatment of Hydatidous Liver Echinococcosis
Panfilov K.A., Ivanov S.A., Korymasov E.A., Bogdanov V.E.
Portal vein thrombosis: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment characteristics
SHercinger A.G., Kicenko E.A., Lyubivyj E.D., Fandeev E.E., Sysoeva E.P.
Tactical Issues of Treatment of Fluid Collections According to the Revised Atlanta Classifiction of Local Complications of Acute Pancreatitis
Firsova V.G., Parshikov V.V., Gradusov V.P.
Kursk School of Gerniology
Surgical treatment of complicated colorectal cancer
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Severe Persistent Tetriary HPT after Subtotal Parathyroidectomy, Resistant to Medical Treatment
Ways to improve treatment of epithelzed pilonidal sinun
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Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Extremity Vascular Injuries: Error Analysis
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Recurrent Serous Carcinoma of the Right Fallopian Tube Involving the Dome of Cecum and Rectum
Yurcovskaya A.I., Stepanova Y.A., Kalinin D.V., Kozlov I.A.
Staged Treatment of a Complicated Giant Gastric Ulcer: a clinical case report
Demchenko V., Vlasov A., Cheburkova E.
Solitary Renal Metastasis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Stepanova Y.A., Chekhoeva O.A., Teplov A.A., Gritskevich A.A., Morozova M.V., Davydenko P.I., Ruchkin D.V., Glotov A.V.
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of cystic pancreatic tumors
Kriger A.G., Karmazanovskij G.G., Gorin D.S., Kochatkov A.V., Vetshev N.N., Berelavichus S.V.
The modern view on the rare purulent-necrotic diseases of the external genitalia in men (review of literature)
Prohorov A.V.
Optimisation of medical-diagnostic tactics at sick of an acute appendicitis with application of videoendoscopical technologies
Estimation of results of surgical treatment of the acute destructive pancreatitis
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Experience of Rehabilitation Program Using a Device Amp-01 in Treatment of Suppurative Lactation Mastitis
The method of treatment of acute destructive cholecystitis patients in elderly
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Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on the Course of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Mitsinskaya A.I., Kaschenko V.A., Fishman M.B., Sokolov A.Y., Samoilov V.S., Mitsinskiy M.A., Varzin S.A., Lodygin A.V., Akhmetov A.D.
«Risks and Сhances» of Development of Adverse Events at Treatment of Enteric Fistula
Larichev A.B., Efremov K.N., Shubin L.B., Gabibov I.K.
Predictor of septic complications in colorectal cancer surgery
Gataullin I.G., Savinkov V.G., Frolov S.A., Kozlov A.M.
Treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis complicated with false aneurysm of celiac trunk artery basin and superior mesenteric artery
Kubyshkin V.A., Kriger A.G., Cygankov V.N., Varava A.B.
Surgical treatment of patients with choledocholithiasis
Magnetolasertherapy and miliacylum in the treatment of trophic ulcers in lower extremities
Bezoars of stomach and intestine
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Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma on the Base of Autoimmune Tireoidit
Clinical and Anatomical Aspects of Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Disease
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Applications under Сontrol Minimally Invasive Surgery Computed Tomography in Patients with Suppurative Lung Disease
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Advanced Approaches to Rubber Band Ligation in Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease in the Elderly and Senile Outpatients
Andreev A.A., Ryaguzova A.I., Ostroushko A.P.
Preventive Loop Colostomy in Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Darbishgadjiev S.O., Baulin A.A., Gudoshnikov V.Y., Zimin Y.I., Baulin V.A.
Modern aspects of etiology, diagnostics and treatment of osteomyelitisS
Sakovich N.V., Andreev A.A., Mikulich E.V., Ostroushko A.P., Zvyagin V.G.
The relationship of the anatomical features of the structure of the main veins with clinical manifestations of venous pathology and osteoarticular system of the lower limbs
Yarovenko G.V., Katorkin S.E., Myshentsev P.N.
Basis of systematic lymph mediastinal bilateral dissection in the surgical treatment of non-small cell carcinoma of lung
Surgical technologies in treatment of patients with a metabolic syndrome
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To the question on treatment of closed fractures of the neck of the femur
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Possibilities of Conservative Treatment of Patients with Secondary Lymphatic Edema of the Low Extremities
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Risk Stratification for Embolic Events in Surgical Patients with Left-Sided Infective Endocarditis
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Effect of gene therapy for quality of life and change of objective indexes blood supply of the lower limbs in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis
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Concomitant Liver Disease: Echinococcosis and Aspergillosis
Usmonov U.D., Nishonov F.N., Otakuziev A.Z., Stepanova Y.A., Vishnevsky V.A., Botiraliev A.S., Abdulkhaeva B.K.
New approach to treatment of ventral hernias of the medial localization
Sukovatykh B.S., Nazarenko P.M., Polevoy Y.Y., Blinkov Y.Y., Netyaga A.A., Zatolokina M.A., Dubonos A.A., Pakhomov E.S.
Distant result prognostication in illeofemoral reconstructive surgery in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis using morphometria of vascular wall
Polyantsev A.A., Mozgovoy P.V., Frolov D.V., Polikarpov I.A., Naumov V.V., Spilchuk A.M., Schelokov R.V., Schelokova Y.V.
Pharmacological Correction of Violations of Microcirculation, and Ischemic Damage of the Muscle Tissue in Experimental Critical Limb Ischemia
Sukovatykh B.S., Artyushkova E.B., Orlova A.Y., Gordov M.Y., Alexandrova K.S.
To a question on tactics of surgical treatment of non-specific spontaneous pneumothorax
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A pharmacologic effecacy of the dabigatran in complex treatment of venous thromboembolizm
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Experimental substantiation of application of a programmed magnetotherapy in treatment of wounds of soft tissues
Local Cryoablation Hemangiomas in Children
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Methods of Evaluation of Surgical Components of the Treatment of Сerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
A Modern View on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Newborns
Karpova I.Y., Molchanova D.V., Ladygina T.M.
Surgical Tactics in Damages of the Scenosis of the Duodenumi of the Fince
Kubachev K.G., Hachimov K.A., Mukhiddinov N.D., Zarkua N.E.
Standardization of complex dynamic diagnosing and tactics of treatment of postoperative peritonitis
Nazyrov F.G., Devyatov A.V., Hodjiev D.S., Babadjanov A.H., Sadykov R.Y.
Results of the Endoscopic Stenting in Palliative Treatment of Cardioesophageal Cancer
Strusskiy L.P., Nizamxodjayev Z.M., Ligay R.Y., Khusanov A.M., Omonov R.R., Tsoy A.O., Adjimuratov M.T.
Experience of Martorell’s trophic ulcer medical treatment
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Role of the gene polymorphism of DNA excision reparation and xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes in early diagnosis of gastric cancer
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Experience of conducting patients with hemangiomas and extensive angiodysplasias of a head and a neck
Treatment of Chronic Cystitis in Children
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New Methods of Treatment of the Diffused Peritonitis
Bubbling Treatment Option in the Complex Therapy of Diabetic Foot Syndrome
Ostroushko A.P., Andreev A.A., Shmarin A.A., Novomlinsky V.V., Laptiyova A.Y., Glukhov A.A.
Esophagectomy for End-Stage Achalasia
Ruchkin D.V., Okonskaya D.E., Yan M.N.
Characteristics of Microbiocenosis of Wounds in Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections on the Background of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Plakhotnikova A.M., Vinnik Y.S., Teplyakova O.V., Perianova O.V., Potkina N.K.
A New Method of Treatment Achalasia II-III Stage. Experimental Substantiation
Koshel A.P., Alekseev V.A., Klokov S.S., Zavialova M.V., Ryzhova E.A., Siuhina S.A., Vorobiev V.M., Avhimenko V.A.
Experimental substantiation of ultrasonic postoperative sanation of an abdominal cavity in treatment of an acute peritonitis
Clinico-experimental research at a primary glaucoma
Assessment of Qualification of Surgeons when Carrying Out Recovery Operations at Patients after Obstructive Resections of a Colon and Rectum
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Plastic Surgery in Patients with Soft-tissue Infection
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Increased Effectiveness of Sclerotherapy as a Treatment Option for Hemorrhoidal Disease in the Elderly and Senile Outpatients
Ryaguzova A.I., Ostroushko A.P., Andreev A.A., Laptiyova A.Y.
Renal Cancer with Tumor Thrombus of the Inferior Vena Cava and the Right Atrium
Stepanova Y.A., Gritskevch A.A., Revishvili A.S., Kadirova M.V., Malyshenko E.S., Morozova M.V., Chekhoeva O.A., Shirokov V.S.
Influence of immobilized form of sodium hypochlorite on the functional condition of internal organs, systemic inflammatory response, oxidative stress, antioxidant protection and dysfunction of endothelium in experimental infected pancreonecrosis
Sukhovatih B.S., Elenskaya E.A., Blinkov Y.Y., Alimenko O.V.
Selecting the Way to Surgical Treatment of Patients with Postoperative the Median Rectifiable Hernia Based Noninvasive Evaluation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Cherednikov E.F., Polubkova G.V., Glukhov A.A., Skorobogatov S.A.
A Method for Preventing Scarring from Surgical Treatment of Glaucoma
Zakharova I.A., Makhmutov V.Y., Avdeev R.V., Varakina I.S., Chernyh E.N.
Differentiated Approach in Treatment of the Postoperative Ventral Hernias
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The importance of an extended volume in the surgical cure of lung carcinoma
Acute Paraproctitis. Review of the Literature
Profilaxis of Intraabdominal Adhesion in Patients with Mechanical Abdominal Trauma and Hemoperitoneum
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Combined Pharmacological Correction of Experimental Frostbite
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1 - 93 of 93 Items

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