Vol 3, No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/8
Original articles
Performance algorithm in closure colostomy operation
The article presents the recommendations of optimal preparation algorithm for way and method of performing closure colostomy operation, individual way and method of operation. Basic principles of performing closure colostomy operations as well as criteria of data monitoring with respect to natural passage rehabilitation are considered. One can see comparison of after effects depending on the method of operational access. The data and results of operation on 161 patients with colostomy are given. Good and satisfactory results were obtained in treating this category of patients, with minimum complications in treating patients with severe colostomy.

Problems of diagnosis congenital kinking of the aortic arch
The article deals with modern aspects of diagnosis of a rare congenital malformation of the cardiovascular system - congenital deformation of the aortic arch (CDAA), characterized by elongation, kinking, and excesses of the aortic arch pathological structure of its wall. Many case of kinking of the aorta associated with aortic aneurysm formation. This article describe main methods of diagnosis anomaly (chest radiography, ultrasound cardiography, angiography, CT, MRI), evaluate facility and specificity of this methods. The modern level of development of diagnostic technics allows to answer the majority of questions facing to the doctor and to exclude diagnostic thoracotomies.

Сliniko-morphological aspects topographical anatomy of the back surface thyroid gland
Features of the sizes, volume, the form and thyroid gland topography (GT) at persons of Central Black Earth region according to ultrasonic and intrasurgical researches are studied. New laws on topographical anatomy of a back surface of lateral shares GT that it is necessary to consider both at performance of ultrasonic researches and during operative interventions are received. Revealed new patterns of topographic anatomy of the posterior lateral surface of the shares of the thyroid, it is necessary to consider both the performance of ultrasound examinations, as well as during surgical interventions.

The importance of an extended volume in the surgical cure of lung carcinoma
The surgical procedure still remains the leading one in a drastic treatment of lung carcinoma. The reduction of the postoperative lethality gives a chance of widening indications for a surgical treatment. The term “an expanded operation” reflects an expansion at the expense of mediastinal tissue and lymph nodes excision, and “a combination operation” means resections of neighboring to lung anatomic lumps. The necessity of a complete mediastinal tissue and lymph nodes ablation, both from principal considerations and forcedly, is proved by studying lymphogenic metastasis staging.

Clinico-experimental research at a primary glaucoma
Article is devoted questions of surgical treatment of not compensated glaucoma of various degrees by means of the modified technique of performance of classical filtering operation. The offered method of preventive maintenance of a cicatrisation
of filtrational area is based on application of a principle of a denervation at surgical intervention performance. The pathomorphologic mechanism of more expressed hypotensive effect offered antiglaucomatous operations is studied in experiment. The proposed method is technically simple, safe and contributes to the stabilization of visual functions and ophthalmotonus, which improve the quality of life of patients with glaucoma.

Structural and functional features of healing of aseptic wounds of soft tissues using by platelet-rich blood plasma
Morpho-functional characterization of the wound process during platelet-rich plasma application to evaluate the regeneration processes using this method of treatment. Histochemical techniques combined with classical histological methods give the opportunity to monitor the state of the wounds on morphological indicators. The use of platelet-rich plasma stimulates collagenization, epidermization, angiogenesis, promotes more rapid formation of qualitative scar.

Actovegin application in treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy and preventive maintenance of diabetic foot syndrome in surgical patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension
On the basis of the Voronezh municipal hospital of the first help №10 in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic polyneuropathy and arterial hypertension total oxidative capacity increase, LDLс oxidized antibodies enhanced level and total antioxidative capacity deficiency were revealed. Antioxidative and antihypoxemic action caused by actovegin in 400 mg daily dose in diabetic patients are established. We observed that actovegin indication produces corrective influence
on lipid peroxidation parameters and promotes improvement of diabetic polyneuropathy clinical implications preventive maintenance of diabetic foot syndrome.

Immunotherapy in complex treatment of non-clostridial anaerobic phlegmons of the facial and neck
The results of treatment of 118 patients with confirmed diagnosis o of nonclostridial anaerobic phlegmons of the facial and neck, are analyzed. The most frequent immune disorders in septic patients are: decrease in lymphocyte count, both T (54%) and В (39,1%) populations, decrease of T-helpers and T-suppressors (57,6%) count and phagocytic coefficient (45,4%). Standard immunoglobulins were used in the treatment: «Intraglobin» and «Pentaglobin» (Biotest, Germany). Analyze of the control immunogramms showed the reliable improvement of immune indices and normalization of T-cell counts.

Results of plasma flows in the complex treatment of chronic osteomyelitis
The authors analyze 80 cases of surgical treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. In the study group (53,75 %) used a plasma stream in complex treatment of patients. In comparison group (46,25 %) carried out traditional treatment. In the study group the quantity of unsatisfactory results was essential less, than in comparison one. The authors conclude that the use of plasma flow in the «coagulation» in chronic osteomyelitis can significantly improve surgical treatment by reducing the exudative phase and acceleration of reparative processes.

Features total hip replacement in patients previously undergone surgical intervention for femoral neck fractures
The article analyzes the results of treatment of 48 patients with complications (failure of union and aseptic necrosis of the femoral head). Total hip arthroplasty, they were held after osteosynthesis of the various latches. Date hip replacement ranged from several months to several years of receiving a fracture of the femoral neck. When treating patients with fractures of the
femoral neck were applied total endoprosthesis import manufacturers (De Puy, MATHYS, Zimmer). Cement-free fixation implants (press-fit) set 29 (60,4%) patients, cement fixation - 19 (39,6%). To select the type of implant used a system of clinics Lahey (U.S.). The results of arthroplasty in the period from 1 to 2 years were studied in 46 patients (95,8%) patients. In all 48 patients, when performing hip, had problems as expressed by scar tissue. These difficulties eventually led to an increase in the duration of the operation, that arthroplasty is undesirable, because it increases the risk of infectious complications. But despite the above difficulties, we believe that only the hip joint during the development of complications can rehabilitate the patient as quickly as possible and to restore its quality of life.

Remote preconditioning influence on ischemic tissues survival potential
The investigation of remote preconditioning influence on isolated skin pedicle flap was taken. Also the role of К+ATP-channels was detected in the realization of positive remote preconditioning effect. Application of remote preconditioning allowed to half again as raise the survival potential of skin flap in comparison with control group. Preconditioning positive effect cancellation in introducing of К+ATP-channels blocker glibenclamid to animals witness that ATP-dependent К+-channels are important and necessary part in the realization of preconditioning positive effect.

Use of methods of reconstructively-plastic surgery in treatment of consequences of a deep thermal head injury and neck
In work the analysis of surgical treatment deep a thermal head and a neck injury is carried out. Traditional methods of operative treatment in the early period often not-are effective. Long existence wounds defect involves a great risk of occurrence of heavy complications, up to vitals. A method of a choice of elimination of extensive defects of a head and a neck is operative treatment with use free tissue flaps. This method is fairly atravmatichen, allows a reasonable time to adequately
restore the integrity of the integumentary tissues.

About the possibility and usage perspectives of biologically active suture materials with antimicrobial and complex effect in sugery (experimental trials)
«In vitro» experiment the antimicrobial properties of various kinds of biologically active threads (420 samples) were studied. Some of them were used «in vivo» experiment on 173 white rats using visual criteria, cytological and histological methods, electronic microscopy and tensionmetry to estimate the results of experiences. Presence of expressed and prolonged antimicrobial activity of threads containing doxycycline and ciprofloxacin was confirmed. It is established that presence in threads of doxycycline; the substance from germanium containing organic compounds group (GOC), doxycycline and GOC stimulates reparative processes in the wound model and fasten its healing. Results of the experimental researches allow to recommend suture materials with doxycycline and doxycycline and GOC to use in surgical practice.

Magnetolasertherapy and miliacylum in the treatment of trophic ulcers in lower extremities
The study was undertaken to determine the clinical effect of local combined use of miliacylum and magnetolazertheraphy in complex treatment of lower extremeties trophic ulcers of differet genesis. Two hundred twenty-six patients with trophic ulcers have been examined. It was established that the of trophic ulcers treatment proved to be more successful with combined use of miliacylum end magnetolazertheraphy than with the use of 1% dioxidine solutions and hyppophae oil, miliacylum alone or, combination of miliacylum and lazer beams. The mean period inpatient treatment was reduced at 2,5; 1,5 u 1,1 times respectively.

Morphological changes of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis experimentally and the application of complex «sandostatin and antiserum to snake venom Vipera berus»
Studied the morphological changes in the pancreas of rats with acute experimental pancreatitis induced by the second Vipera berus snake venom and phospholipase A2, and If the instrument is complex sandostatin and antiserum to snake venom.
These results demonstrate the high efficiency of complex «sandostatin and antiserum to snake venom» as evidenced in the absence of animals mortality, pancreatic necrosis using smaller doses of sandostatin and antiserum to snake venom.

Analysis of lethal outcomes in children with burn dieases
The data of 16 children with serious burns who were treated and died in burn centre in Tyumen were analyzed. 9 boys (56,25%) and 7 girl (43,75%) aged (9 month – 3 years) had large burn area from 7 to 70%. The result of investigation revealed the most typical errors of organization, diagnostic and curative ensuring. Prognosis of recovery depends on many factors. The main ones are the state of person before injury, localization and area of burns, development of complication, and completeness of necessary extent and intensity of medical measures. To make the treatment of the patients with burns more affective it is necessary to find the way of burn wound infection decreasing and to use measures leading to increasing of patients’ immune system.

Effect on mexicor syndrome during abdominal hypertension in experimental total peritonitis
A Mexicor’s effect onto microcirculation disorders, endothelial dysfunction, and free radical lipid oxidation has been assessed in 166 male Vistar rates having experimental total peritonitis complicated by intraabdominal hypertension. All animals have been selected into three groups: intact, control, and basic respectively. An intraabdominal injection of 10% concentration of fecal mixture was used to cause peritonitis. Thereby intraabdominal hypertension was created by double fold plasty of the abdominal wall aponewrosis. A 10mg/kg Mexicor injections during 7 days were used in the basic group rates. During the treatment it was noticed that Mexicor injection increased microcirculation characteristics in the colon wall by 45,5%. It also lead to drop of free radical lipid oxidation characteristics by 1,8 times, NO concentration in 1,6 times, and intraabdominal
pressure in 1,4 times comparing to the control group.

Prosthetic hernioplasty of umbilical hernias: outpatient experience