Analysis of lethal outcomes in children with burn dieases
- Authors: 1, 1, 1, 1
- Tyumen state medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 3, No 3 (2010)
- Pages: 256-259
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 541
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The data of 16 children with serious burns who were treated and died in burn centre in Tyumen were analyzed. 9 boys (56,25%) and 7 girl (43,75%) aged (9 month – 3 years) had large burn area from 7 to 70%. The result of investigation revealed the most typical errors of organization, diagnostic and curative ensuring. Prognosis of recovery depends on many factors. The main ones are the state of person before injury, localization and area of burns, development of complication, and completeness of necessary extent and intensity of medical measures. To make the treatment of the patients with burns more affective it is necessary to find the way of burn wound infection decreasing and to use measures leading to increasing of patients’ immune system.
About the authors
Tyumen state medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
the candidate of medical Sciences, assistant of the Department of pediatric surgery, traumatology and anesthesiology Tyumen state medical Academy Russian Federation
Tyumen state medical Academy
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head, Department of pediatric surgery, traumatology and anesthesiology Tyumen state medical Academy Russian Federation
Tyumen state medical Academy
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of forensic medicine with the course of foundations of the rights of the Tyumen state medical Academy Russian Federation
Tyumen state medical Academy
PhD, senior lecturer in forensic medicine with a course of basics rights Russian Federation
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