
Staged Restoration of Colon Continuity in an Adult Patient with a Segmental Form of Hirschsprung's Disease
Bogdanov P.I., Kulikov D.V., Gonchar M.V., Did-Zurabova E.S., Melnikov V.V., Morozov V.P.
Negative Effects of Knee Replacement
Mansurov J.S., Tkachenko A.N., Saiganov S.A., Khaidarov V.M., Urazovskaya I.L., Tsololo Y.B., Baranovskii A.A.
Alternative Options of Blood Vessels Anastomosis
Makaev A.G., Zhulkov M.O., Sirota D.A., Agaeva K.A., Grenaderov A.S., Makaev A.G., Sabetov A.K., Khvan D.S.
A TRAM Flap Harvesting Technique for Breast Reconstruction Surgery after Mastectomy
Chernyh A.V., Popova M.P., Yakusheva N.V., Korobov I.V.
Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis in Patients with Severe Combined Trauma and Polytrauma
Khromov A.A., Gumanenko E.K., Linnik S.A.
Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Liver Disguised as Hepatocellular Cancer
Ruzavin V.S., Gorlenko C.L., Shirokov V.S., Kalinin D.V., Goncharov A.B., Kovalenko Y.A., Stepanova Y.A., Gurmikov B.N.
Development of the Olympiad Student Surgical Movement at the N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University
Chernykh A.V., Glukhov A.A., Shevtsov A.N., Magomedrasulova A.A., Neverov A.V.
Wound complications after prosthetics of hernial defects of the anterior abdominal wall: causes and methods of prevention (literature review).
Chernykh A.V., Magomedrasulova A.A., Shevtsov A.N., Aralova M.V., Lopatina A.S., Fedotov E.A.
The Era of Minimally Invasive Techniques in the Surgical Treatment of Hernias of the Anterior Abdominal Wall - a Review of the Global Experience
Orlov B.B., Mitsinskaya A.I., Sokolov A.Y., Mitsinskiy M.A., Akhmetov A.D., Yuri A.V., Ignatenko O.V., Babayants A.V.
Israil Perelman: the shore of his life, or the corners of childhood and adolescent. To the 130th of birthday
Larichev A.B.
Features of Diagnostics and Treatment of Acute Appendicitis in Patients of Infectious Hospital
Zemlyanoy V.P., Melnikov V.A., Nakhumov M.M., Letina Y.V.
Immediate Effects of the Self-Retaining Barbed Suture Material Application for Gastrojejunostomy During Mini Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Surgery
Chaykin D.A., Chaykin A.A., Chaykin А.N., Vinnik Y.S., Teplyakova O.V., Beloborodov A.A., Ilinov A.V.
Endovideosurgery Potential in the Treatment of Liver Cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Gurzhii D.V., Syomin D.S., Ivanyukova M.A., Zakharov E.A.
Israil PERELMAN: the shore of his life, or the distance of youth lived (to the 130th of birthday)
Larichev A.B.
Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernias of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
Teuvov A.A., Baziev A.M., Tlakadugova M.H., Pshukova E.M., Sardiyanov A.I.
Intraoperative Tactics of Local Surgical Hemostasis in Injuries and Planned Operations on the Parenchymal Organs of the Abdominal Cavity
Severinov D.A., Bondarev G.A., Lipatov V.A., Saakyan A.R.
Alexander Alekseevich SHALIMOV – the chief surgeon of the Ministry of health of Ukraine, Director of the Kharkiv Institute of General and emergency surgery, Kyiv Institute of Hematology and blood transfusion, Kiev Institute of clinical and experimental surgery, editor in chief of the journal "Clinical surgery", Hero of Socialist labour of the USSR
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Simultaneous Bariatric Surgeries in Females with Neoplasm of the Reproductive System and Morbid Obesity
Samoilov V.S., Popov V.V., Moshurov I.P., Redkin A.N.
The Impact of Combined Bariatric Interventions on the Course of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Mitsinskaya A.I., Evdoshenko V.V., Fishman M.B., Sokolov A.Y., Samoilov V.S., Mitsinskiy M.A., Varzin S.A., Akhmetov A.D.
Experience of the Plastic Surgery Center of Ngha "Railway Clinical Hospital at the
Novomlinskii V.V., Sokolov A.P., Lynov P.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Neural Network System for Diagnosing Liver Failure in Surgery
Solomakha A.A., Gorbachenko V.I.
Alexander Nikolaevich BAKULEV - Soviet surgeon-scientist, the founder of cardiovascular surgery in the USSR (to the 130th of birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Rationale for prompt access to the appendix in people with abdominal obesity.
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Semenova E.A., Abidueva S.O., Prichisly M.S., Schegolev A.I., Melnikov V.A.
PETROVSKY Boris Vasilievich – academician of RAS and RAMS, the Minister of health of the USSR, Director of all-Union scientific center of surgery, AMS USSR (to the 110 anniversary from the birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
STRUCHKOV Viktor Ivanovich (to the 110th of birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Removal of fibroadenoma of the breast augmentation and breast implants. Analysis of the possibility of simultaneous and delayed execution of these operations
Dzhuganova V., NOVOMLINSKY V.V., Sokolov A.P., Lynov P.A., Sokolova M.G., Ostroushko A.P., Kutsuradis A.F., Chugunova A.V., Laptiyova A.Y.
Ivan Danilovich KOSACHEV - Colonel of medical service, Professor, Honored doctor of the Russian Federation. To the 80th of birthday
Iwanusa S.Y., Varzin S.A., Yakovlev A.E.
Tissue Engineering in Cardiovascular Surgery: Evolution and Contemporary Condition of the Problem
Soynov I.A., Zhuravleva I.Y., Kulyabin Y.Y., Nichay N.R., Timchenko T.P., Zubritskiy A.V., Bogachev-Prokophiev A.V., Karaskov A.M.
Physico-mechanical features of barrier bicomponent membranes in abdominal surgery.
Lipatov V.A., Mutalifovich D.M., Davydova A.V.
Surgical technologies in treatment of patients with a metabolic syndrome
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Sergey Sergeyevich YUDIN - Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (to the 130th of birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Current Views on the Use of Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Extreme Obesity
Mitsinskaya A.I., Kaschenko V.A., Fishman M.B., Sokolov A.Y., Samoilov V.S., Mitsinskiy M.A., Varzin S.A., Lodygin A.V., Akhmetov A.D.
Application of Polypropylene Mesh Implants in Thoracic Surgery
Belov S., Grigoryuk A.
140-th anniversary of the birth of the first in Russia head of the department of surgery, a well-known radiobiologist, geneticist and oncologist, Professor Nadezhda Alekseevna Dobrovolskaya (on the 100th anniversary of the Voronezh State medical university)
Alexeevich A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Possibilities of Laparoscopic Decompression of Celiac Trunk in the Treatment of Dunbar Syndrome
Ivanov Y.V., Chupin A.V., Panchenkov D.N., Orekhov P.Y., Terehin A.A.
Prosthetic hernioplasty of umbilical hernias: outpatient experience
Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on the Course of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Mitsinskaya A.I., Kaschenko V.A., Fishman M.B., Sokolov A.Y., Samoilov V.S., Mitsinskiy M.A., Varzin S.A., Lodygin A.V., Akhmetov A.D.
Restoration of motor innervation by the «end-to-side» neurorraphia: experimental modeling and clinical and instrumental control of reinnervation
Nisht A.Y., Fomin N.F., Imelbaev A.I., Mikulich A.A.
Modern possibilities of reconstructive plastic surgery of breast cancer
Ivanov Y.V., Sharobaro V.I., Panchenkov D.N., Khabarov Y.A., Astakhov D.A.
Rehabilitation Methods after Surgical Treatment of the Static Foot Deformities
Ilchenko D.V., Kardanov A.A., Karandin A.S., Korolev A.V.
Effect of reduction of fat mass in abdominal reconstructions on the dynamics of some markers of the metabolic syndrome
C-Reactive Protein as a Diagnostic Tool for Infectious Complications and Esophagojejunal Anastomotic Leakage after Gastrectomy
Ilina O.V., Ruchkin D.V., Kozyrin I.A., Stepanova Y.A.
Dmitry Oskarovich OTT – Russian and Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist, the founder of the world endoscopic surgery (to the 160th of birthday, to the 120th of the development of the basics of laparoscopic surgery)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Vladimir Dmitrievich FEDOROV, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, academician, Director of the Institute of surgery them. A.V. Vishnevsky (to 85-th anniversary from birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
The quality of life of the patients ,which have had surgery of minimal access to the aorta and the main arteries
Krasavin V.A., Smirnov G.V., Fomin A.A., Krotova E.N., Krasavin G.V., Mihajlenko E.V.
Pilot clinical trial of tissue engineered constructs consisting of autologous stromal cells from adipose tissue in patients with bone tissue deficiency in the field of the alveolar process of maxilla and mandible
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Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis with Application of Various Operational Access
Gavrilyuk V.P., Kostin S.V., Statina M.I., Severinov D.A., Primov F.S.
Nikolai Sergeevich Korotkov - Russian surgeon, pioneer of modern vascular surgery (to the 145th of birthday)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Justin Ivlianovich JANELIDZE – Chairman of the all-Union society of surgeons, Chief surgeon of the Soviet Navy, chief editor of the journal "Bulletin of surgery" (135th anniversary of birth)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Functional Condition of the Stomach and The Small Bowel after pancreatic resection
Shabunin A.V., Tavobilov M.M.
Modern semiotics of acute adhesive intestinal obstruction
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Henri Marie Rene Leriche – a French surgeon and physiologist, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (to the 140th of birthday)
Alexeevich A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
Clinical Observation of Several Complications at Different Stages Perform Bariatric Procedures
Samoilov V.S., Glukhov A.A.
Clinical and Economic Aspects of Surgical Care Elderly Patients
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Long-Term Outcomes and the Quality of Life in Patients with Postoperative Ventral Hernias after Various Surgical Options
Tarasova N.К., Dynkov S.М., Osmanova G.S., Pozdeev V., Teterin A.Y.
Unsolved problems of peripheral nerves reconstructive surgery
Nisht A.Y., Fomin N.F.
Konstantin Shchepin – doctor of medicine, professor of anatomy, physiology and surgery (1728-1770) (to the 290th anniversary of birth)
Andreev A.A., Ostroushko A.P.
The Influence of Ontogeny Parathyroid Glands on their Topographic Anatomy Particular
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1 - 58 of 58 Items

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