Vol 6, No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 19
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/20
Original articles
Wound Process in Kidney Parenchyma Following Traditional Partial Nephrectomy Versus Laserassisted Partial Nephrectomy in Experiment

The Results of an Original Method Restrictions of Portocaval Reset in the Formation of the Distal Splenorenal Shunt in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

Development of Bioimpedance Analysis Algorithm of Tumors on an Experimental Model with Transplanted Rs-1 Tumor

The Possibilities of the Application of Venous Blood Acid-Base Balance Indices of the Lower Extremity to Predict the Effectiveness of Revascularizating Osteotrepanation in Patients with Diabetic Foot Syndrome

Axiloofemoral Prosthesis in Treatment of Critical Ischemia of the Lower Extremities at Patients with Predicted Short Life Expectancy

Sorbtion Methods Correction Metabolic Disorders for Mediastinitis

The Influence of Ontogeny Parathyroid Glands on their Topographic Anatomy Particular

Importance of Choice Surgical Access for Operative Treatment Diaphysis Clavicle Fracture

The Morphological Features of Reparative Process after Sutureless Plasty of Abdominal Wall with Mesh Use

Analysis of the Ratio of Collagen Types I and III in Skin and Aponeurosis in Patients with Ventral Hernias

Concerning Determination of Indications for Staging Abdominal Cavity Sanitation at the Extentive Purelent Peritonitis

The Choice of Method of Urinary Diversion after Cystectomy

The Value of Functional Tests in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Ventral Hernias in Preoperative Period

Robotic-Assisted Resection in Case of Urinary Bladder Feohromotsytome

Clinical and Morphological Basis of the Vacuum-Therapy Using in Complex Treatment of Patients with Gastroduodenal Ulcer Complicated by Bleeding

Modern Aspects of the Treatment of Acute Appendicitis

Clinical and Anatomical Aspects of Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Disease

Clinical and Economic Aspects of Surgical Care Elderly Patients
Relevance Study of the modern model of healthcare sector in Russia in terms of effective use of limited health care resources, is
very important. Especially because now there is virtually no research on the clinical and economic features of surgical care elderly
people, whose share in the community has clear upward trend.
The purpose of the study Study the modern clinical and economic model of surgical care to patients of old age, to identify its
weaknesses, to identify ways to optimize.
Materials and methods The subject of the study was contingent elderly patients treated in surgical hospitals in Belgorod. In the
study of the rehabilitation phase of surgical care to patients of old age, the method of interview. The study of the economic aspects
of surgical care performed by studying official documentation of regional fund of obligatory medical insurance and then applying
the method of expert estimates. Materials and Methods: The subject of the study was contingent elderly patients treated in surgical
hospitals in Belgorod. In the study of the rehabilitation phase of surgical care to patients of old age, the method of interview. The
study of the economic aspects of surgical care performed by studying official documentation of regional fund of obligatory medical
insurance and then applying the method of expert estimates.
Results and their discussion Investigated the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of elderly patients surgical: structure
analysis of surgical and comorbidities in patients of older age groups, the impact of polymorbidity on the course of the disease
and surgical treatment strategy of patients. For the analysis of the rehabilitation phase interviewed 98 convalescent 1-2 years after discharge from hospital. Explore different models of health care and care for the sick, a detailed study of the current Russian economic model clinical-surgical care elderly patients, analyzed the possible payment options patient care in the statutory health insurance, consider payment for inpatient hospitalization completed case, used in the Belgorod region. Conclusions The results show the prevalence of disease in the structure of cholelithiasis, acute pancreatitis, and vascular diseases of the lower limbs, and chronic inflammatory diseases. In 58,7% of patients with acute surgical pathology could arrest the conservative methods, but conservative treatment of the treated patients required readmission to 21,5% of patients. Clinical and economic model of surgical care elderly people is focused on reducing the time of treatment, is characterized by the direct dependence on the amount of the income, while at the same time, there is an unjustified reduction in health care, the lack of incentive to limit the overall costs. Important ways to optimize clinical and economic model of surgical care to people of old age is to introduce a system of differentiated tariffs paid per case (outcome) to form a target group of patients, taking into account gender, age of the patients, the complexity of the required medical treatment, as well as the introduction of a full rehabilitation healthcare.

Analysis of the Options of the Damaged Structures of the Shoulder Joint, Accompanying Traumatic Shoulder Dislocation