
Negative Effects of Knee Replacement
Mansurov J.S., Tkachenko A.N., Saiganov S.A., Khaidarov V.M., Urazovskaya I.L., Tsololo Y.B., Baranovskii A.A.
Wound complications after prosthetics of hernial defects of the anterior abdominal wall: causes and methods of prevention (literature review).
Chernykh A.V., Magomedrasulova A.A., Shevtsov A.N., Aralova M.V., Lopatina A.S., Fedotov E.A.
Liposuction as a Stage of Abdominoplasty
Vinnik Y.S., Pakhomova R.A., Babadzhanian A.M., Kochetova L.V., Fedotov I.A., Sindeeva L.V.
Samoday V.G., Rylkov M.I.
Analysis of enhanced recovery protocol failure for pancreatic surgery
Drozdov E.S., Korotkevich A.G., Klokov S.S., Grishchenko M.Y.
External Small Intestinal Fistula as a Rare Complication of Total Pelvic Infralevator Evisceration
Akhtanin E.A., Markov P.V., Goev A.A., Struchkov V.Y., Arutyunov H.R., Martirosyan T.A., Shukurov K.U.
Analysis of the Major Factors Affecting the Course of the Immediate Postoperative Period with Stab and Cut Wounds of the Heart in a Multidisciplinary Surgical Hospital
Maslyakov V.V., Pavlova O.N., Dorzhiev P.S., Urjadov S.E., Kurkin K.G., Gezali A.J., Akmalov N.A.
Diagnostic Options for Postoperative Complications in Surgery
Solomakh A.A., Gorbachenko V.I.
Moshurov I.P., Kravec B.B., Kamenev D.
The Role of Prehabilitation in Patients Undergoing Pancreatoduodenal Resection
Koshel' A.P., Drozdov E.S., Topolnitskiy E.B., Klokov S.S., Shefer N.A.
Surgical Aspects of Treatment of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma
Abdullaeva A.Z., Medzhidov R.T., Murtuzalieva A.S.
WHO Surgical Complication Prevention Checklist: a Comparative Analysis of Two Clinics
Timerbulatov M.V., Timerbulatov S.V., Nizamutdinov T.R., Timerbulatov V.M., Grushevskaya E.A.
Application of Hydrogel Wound Dressings Combined with Bacteriophages
Beschastnov V.V., Yudanova T.N., Begun S.M., Luzan A.S., Shirokova I.Y., Belyanina N.A., Pavlenko I.V., Tulupov A.A., Leontiev A.E.
The choice of surgical treatment of patients with ischemic forms diabetic foot syndrome affection of necrotic suppurative process
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Importance of Choice Surgical Access for Operative Treatment Diaphysis Clavicle Fracture
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Preventive Loop Colostomy in Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Darbishgadjiev S.O., Baulin A.A., Gudoshnikov V.Y., Zimin Y.I., Baulin V.A.
Local is purulent-septic complications of vascular accesses and angiogenic sepsis in patients on a program hemodialysis
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The Analysis of Influence of Chronic Diffuse Liver Pathology at the Risk of Intra- and Postoperative Complications in the Resectional Interventions on the Liver
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Peculiarities of Diagnostics of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Acute Infectious Diseases
Zemlyanoy V.P., Nakhumov M.M., Tretyakov D.V.
To the Question of Surgical Tactics in Children with Facial Bites
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Local hemostasis during endovascular interventions
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Fournier’s Gangrene: the Criteria for Diagnosis, Prognostic Factors, Complications and Mortality
Prokhorov A.V.
Treatment of the Surgical Infection Caused Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Experiment
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Post-Resection Biliar Complications
Botiraliev A.S., Stepanova Y.A., Vishnevsky V.A., Zhao A.V.
Prevention of bleeding complications in operations for congenital deformation of aortic arch
Arakelyan V.S., Ivanov A.A., Gamzaev N.R., Chshieva I.V., Papitashvili V.G., Gidaspov N.A.
Acute Severe Pancreatitis Intra and Early Post Open Packing Operation Complications
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Derinat in Complex Treatment of Destructive Forms of Erysipelas
Brazhnik E.A., Ostroushko A.P., Brazhnik A.V.
Prognosis of complications by infrared thermography in treatment of children with facial bites
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Transpleural Сontralateral Occlusion of the Left Main Bronchus Stump in a Patient with Bronchopleural Fistula and Chronic Pleural Empyema
Lednev A.N., Pechetov A.A., Karchakov S.S., Makov M.A.
Clinical Observation of Several Complications at Different Stages Perform Bariatric Procedures
Samoilov V.S., Glukhov A.A.
Ways to improve treatment of epithelzed pilonidal sinun
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General and specifi c complications in total knee arthroplasty with and without patellar resurfacing
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Clinico-morfologic signs of the complications of the ulcer disease with chronic duodenal obstruction
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1 - 33 of 33 Items

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