Vol 4, No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 35
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/12
Short articles
Antioxidant therapy with anaerobic neklostridialnoy soft tissue infection maxillofacial region and neck
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):568-570

Radiofrequency ablation of endocardial attachment in cardiac myxomas with atypical localization
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):590-591

Original articles
Instrumental diagnostics of hepatic encephalopathy at patients with liver cirrhosis before and after portosystemic shunting
It was subjected to analysis the result of examination and treatment of 243 patients with liver cirrhosis, whom was performed different variants of portosystemic shunting for 2004-2010 years period. “HEPAtonorm TM - Analyzer” device was used in liver encephalopathy diagnostics complex, allowing to induce glimmer critical frequency, which threshold is in direct dependency from progressing liver encephalopathy. According to results of examinations it is proved, that defi nition of glimmer critical frequency threshold both in preoperative period and after portosystemic shunting allows objective to value not only severity level and risk of progressing liver encephalopathy of patients with liver cirrhosis but also effi ciency of taken treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):431-435

Citokines profi le features for patients with postoperative ventral hernias at the using of the endoprosthesis "Ecofl on" and "Unifl eks"
Surgical treatment of abdominal wall hernia is the very important problem of modern surgery. Up to 15-35% of all the «open» operations on abdominal wall lead to postoperative ventral hernias formation and their complications. The further research of endoprosthesis implantation area condition, especially cytokine profi le in dynamics, is necessary. The immunologic reactivity of different in structure, thickness, hardness and, what is more important, chemical structure of endoprosthesis is still not studied. The results of politeraftoretilen – «Ecofl on» (71 patients) and polyvinilidenftoride «PVDF-Unifl ex» (41 patients) endoprosthesis clinical use have been studied. The research of cytokine profi le in the postoperative period to determine the implants biocompatibility was hold.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):440-445

Experience in the implementation of minilaparotomy cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis access complicated about cystic infi ltrates
In this paper shows the results of treatment of 47 patients with a cloelithiasis, complicated by an acute cholecystitis and paravesical infi ltrate by using atypical ways of a cholecystectomy from minilaparotomy access. Criteria and indications for performance universally recognized cholecystectomy from minilaparotomy access, from a bottom and by Pribram are showed. Rational receptions of operating and tool maintenance of a hemostasis are detailed at minicholecystectomy in the conditions of dense paravesical infi ltrate. It is shown that frequency of conversion at the acute cholecystitis complicated by dense infi ltrate, at performance of atypical ways minicholecystectomy, makes 4,2 % that is statistically authentic more low, than at performance standard minicholecystectomy at which frequency of conversion reaches 15 %. Introduction of atypical ways of minicholecystectomy at destructive forms of the acute cholecystitis complicated by dense paravesical infi ltrate, reduces risk of damage of anatomic formations of a hepatoduodenal ligament, and number of intra and postoperative complications from 12,7 to 2,1 %.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):450-455

Results of osteosynthesis of fractures of limb bones with shape-memory implants made of nickelid titanium
During the period from 2006 to 2010 years 52 patients with fractures of limb bones were treated with the use shape-memory implants made of nickelid titanium. Concept of biochemical and biomechanical compatibility justifi es using these implants. There is the possibility of an early activation and the rehabilitation of patients without signifi cant restriction of mobility involved segment of bone in the postoperative period, due to superelastic properties of nickelid titanium. Choice of fi xation of bone fragments was dependent on the type of fracture, the nature of the displacement of bone fragments, bone strength. The proposed method of surgical treatment has helped to accelerate rehabilitation patients and improve treatment outcomes. The obtained results good in 50 (96%) patients, satisfactory in 1 (2%) patient and unsatisfactory in 1 (2%) patient show that the use of nickelid titanium is effective method treatment
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):489-497

Grafting of abnormalities of cancellous bones by cylindrical transplant
The research includes the 86 occurrences of treatment the patients with fractures of cancellous bones of lower extremity. Long-term results were studied in all cases. The new method supposes the using of circular hollow cutter. The study includes mathematical proof of the new method’s advantage as against classical bone grafting technique.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):498-503

Innovations in coloproctology in children
The paper presents the several new methods of diagnostics and treatment using in pediatric coloproctology. As usual the innovations are used in treatment of complications of surgical correction of the colon malformations and anorectal region and infl ammatory bowel diseases. The publication is based on 25 years materials of the surgical koloproktologic department of RCCH. It includes monitoring patients with stenosis of the anus and rectum, rectourethral fi stula, pararectal fi stula in Chron disease receiving treatment with minimally invasive techniques. The results show the opputunities of new methods in pediatric coloproctology.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):513-516

Features of immune status at newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis
80 newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis were observed from2006 – 2009 in Nizhniy Novgorod Children's Municipal Clinical Hospital No 1. The research of parameters cellular and humoral immunity is executed 40 (50%) patients. The negative infl uence on formation immune system was rendered by harmful habits of the parents, sharp and chronic diseases of the mothers, intrauterine infection, chronic hypoxia, complication during childbirth. The parameters immunograms of the patients with necrotizing enterocolitis refl ect a clinical picture of disease, but are not specifi c, therefore can be additional diagnostic criterion of forecasting infl ammatory process.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):528-531

First experience of the use of dressings with nanostructured silver at treatment of wound healing
The functional properties and effectivness of dressing coated bandages with silver nanolayers, obtained by ion-plasma deposition, in treatment of infected wounds has been investigated. The Research was carried out on mongrel dogs and has been shown increasing healing of wounds parameters for silver monolayer modifi ed coatings in comparison with standard bandages.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):561-564

Structure of congenital cardiac pathology at newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):587-589

Infection explants of aorta: the causes and treatment methods
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):600-604

Surgical treatment of patients with dislocations of the acromial end of the clavicle
Treatment results of 29 patients with dislocations of the acromial end of the clavicle were analyzed. Depending on the
severity and remoteness of ligamentous system injury the most rational methods for clavicle fi xation using devices with shape
memory effect were determined. In 4 (13,8%) patients with II degree of clavicle dislocation by Tossy transarticular fi xation
using devices with shape memory effect was performed. In 3 (10,3%) – cases transarticular fi xation knitting Kirshers. In
7 (24,1%) – cases clavicular-coracoid fi xator was used to stabilize the clavicle in sagittal plane. In 15 (51,8%) patients with
clavicular dislocations of III degree combined fi xation by S-shaped clip with protective leg and clavicular-coracoid device
was performed. Treatment results were assessed at terms 1-3 years. In patients with clavicu lar acromial end dislocations
of II degree the effective treatment method was fi xation with clavicular-coracoid (85,7% of good results). In clavicular
acromial end dislocations of III degree the fi xation with clavicular-coracoid device and transarticular fi xation of the clavicle
by S-shaped tightening clip gave good results in 86.6% of cases.
severity and remoteness of ligamentous system injury the most rational methods for clavicle fi xation using devices with shape
memory effect were determined. In 4 (13,8%) patients with II degree of clavicle dislocation by Tossy transarticular fi xation
using devices with shape memory effect was performed. In 3 (10,3%) – cases transarticular fi xation knitting Kirshers. In
7 (24,1%) – cases clavicular-coracoid fi xator was used to stabilize the clavicle in sagittal plane. In 15 (51,8%) patients with
clavicular dislocations of III degree combined fi xation by S-shaped clip with protective leg and clavicular-coracoid device
was performed. Treatment results were assessed at terms 1-3 years. In patients with clavicu lar acromial end dislocations
of II degree the effective treatment method was fi xation with clavicular-coracoid (85,7% of good results). In clavicular
acromial end dislocations of III degree the fi xation with clavicular-coracoid device and transarticular fi xation of the clavicle
by S-shaped tightening clip gave good results in 86.6% of cases.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):484-488

Атензионная пластика: современное состояние вопроса, проблемы и перспективы
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):612-618

Mass spectrometry of microbial markers in diagnostics of posttraumatic arthritises of knee joints in children
To identify the markers of possible activators of posttraumatic gonartritises in children a research study of knee joint
puncture samples and cubital vien blood samples was performed with the help of gas chromatography–mass spectromerty
and mass fragmentography assay (GC-MS-MF). An increase of bacterial markers concentration of mainly gut organisms in
knee joint punctates was identifi ed. Thus, a traumatic injury of a knee joint is a stress factor for an organism and contributes
to an endogenic infection of a knee joint and development of a posttraumatic arthritis immediately after the injury.
puncture samples and cubital vien blood samples was performed with the help of gas chromatography–mass spectromerty
and mass fragmentography assay (GC-MS-MF). An increase of bacterial markers concentration of mainly gut organisms in
knee joint punctates was identifi ed. Thus, a traumatic injury of a knee joint is a stress factor for an organism and contributes
to an endogenic infection of a knee joint and development of a posttraumatic arthritis immediately after the injury.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):521-527

Criteria for the diagnosis of intrauterine infection newborn
Authors proved the role of intrauterine infection in the development of disease of the newborn agents, which penetrate to
the fetus from an infected mother's birth canal. Confi rmed that the risk of fetal infection and the possibility of infection in
the form of the disease in newborns due to the type of pathogen, the degree of its virulence, the massiveness of the infection
pathways of microorganisms (usually ascending and hematogenous), premorbid background of the mother and the nature
of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The diagnostic value of markers of intrauterine infection, developed
criteria for the diagnosis of intrauterine infection, with subsequent formation of groups at risk of neonatal special diagnostic
signifi cance given to the histological examination of placenta, fetal membranes, umbilical cord. Also noted the role of
immunoglobulins IgM, IgG, IgA, and acute phase proteins - fi brinogen and CRP are markers of infl ammation and damage.
the fetus from an infected mother's birth canal. Confi rmed that the risk of fetal infection and the possibility of infection in
the form of the disease in newborns due to the type of pathogen, the degree of its virulence, the massiveness of the infection
pathways of microorganisms (usually ascending and hematogenous), premorbid background of the mother and the nature
of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The diagnostic value of markers of intrauterine infection, developed
criteria for the diagnosis of intrauterine infection, with subsequent formation of groups at risk of neonatal special diagnostic
signifi cance given to the histological examination of placenta, fetal membranes, umbilical cord. Also noted the role of
immunoglobulins IgM, IgG, IgA, and acute phase proteins - fi brinogen and CRP are markers of infl ammation and damage.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):532-537

Morpho-functional alterations of dorsal root ganglion neurons on the soft tissue wounds
Morfo-functional characteristics of dorsal root ganglion neurons allow to estimate in dynamics occurring in initial department
of refl ex arch of nervous system processes. Neurons react to wounds of soft tissue with complex of the adaptive reactions
shows us populations of cells with a various functional condition: cells with reversible changes and cells with destructive
changes. At application platelet-rich blood plasma for treatment of wounds, in comparison with a natural current of process,
are observed quantitative changes of neurons with a various functional condition. The quantity of cells with destructive
changes decreases in all terms of research, and the quantity of cells with reversible changes increases in the beginning of
experiment and decreases in late terms. Such dynamics is refl ection of activation of processes of healing at application of
platelet-rich blood plasma for wound treatment.
of refl ex arch of nervous system processes. Neurons react to wounds of soft tissue with complex of the adaptive reactions
shows us populations of cells with a various functional condition: cells with reversible changes and cells with destructive
changes. At application platelet-rich blood plasma for treatment of wounds, in comparison with a natural current of process,
are observed quantitative changes of neurons with a various functional condition. The quantity of cells with destructive
changes decreases in all terms of research, and the quantity of cells with reversible changes increases in the beginning of
experiment and decreases in late terms. Such dynamics is refl ection of activation of processes of healing at application of
platelet-rich blood plasma for wound treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):557-560

Reconstruction of alveolar bone of the upper jaw with oro-antral fi stula
The method of surgical treatment of patients with chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis complicated oro-antral fi stula,
developed and used in the department of Maxillofacial Surgery MRSRCI, includes plastic defect mucosa of maxillary sinus
in the oro-antral fi stula and creation of the necessary amount of bone tissue in the defect of alveolar process. As a result,
the treatment becomes possible to carry out dental implantation and restoration of the continuity of the dentition with fi xed
prosthetic designs that provide full rehabilitation of patients.
developed and used in the department of Maxillofacial Surgery MRSRCI, includes plastic defect mucosa of maxillary sinus
in the oro-antral fi stula and creation of the necessary amount of bone tissue in the defect of alveolar process. As a result,
the treatment becomes possible to carry out dental implantation and restoration of the continuity of the dentition with fi xed
prosthetic designs that provide full rehabilitation of patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):473-477

The choice of surgical treatment of patients with ischemic forms diabetic foot syndrome affection of necrotic suppurative process
In four years 338 patients were diagnosed with ischemic and neuroischemic forms diabetic foot syndrome affection of necrotic
suppurative process. Early direct revascularization on aorta and great vessels were carried out to 71 patients of main group.
The post-pone direct revascularization were carried out to 30 patients in control group. And indirect revascularization –
isolated lumbal sympathoectomy, were carried out to 46 (37%) patients. In conclusion, early revascularization and bilateral
lumbal sympathoectomy, don’t late then 24-48 hours after surgical treatments, are recommend of patients with ischemic and
neuroischemic forms diabetic foot syndrome with necrotic suppurative process. It’s help to save damaged limbs from higher
amputations and to limit them at the foot and decrease lethal rates.
suppurative process. Early direct revascularization on aorta and great vessels were carried out to 71 patients of main group.
The post-pone direct revascularization were carried out to 30 patients in control group. And indirect revascularization –
isolated lumbal sympathoectomy, were carried out to 46 (37%) patients. In conclusion, early revascularization and bilateral
lumbal sympathoectomy, don’t late then 24-48 hours after surgical treatments, are recommend of patients with ischemic and
neuroischemic forms diabetic foot syndrome with necrotic suppurative process. It’s help to save damaged limbs from higher
amputations and to limit them at the foot and decrease lethal rates.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):462-467

The long-term results of the partial gastrectomy concerning the peptic ulcer
A life quality comparative studying on scale GSRS of three groups of patients is made: 1st - peptic ulcer disease patients
(n=44), 2nd and 3rd - the respondents who have sustained, accordingly, a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I (n=75) and Bilrot-II
(n=34). A life quality of the patients who have sustained a partial gastrectomy both on Bilrot-I, and on Bilrot-II, has appeared
authentically above quality of a life of the patients, suffering a peptic ulcer. A life quality of the patients who have sustained
a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I, on a dyspeptic syndrome scale is authentic above quality of a life of the patients who have
sustained a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-II. Comparative studying of quality of a life of the respondents who have sustained
a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I in tubular and classical variants has not taped authentic differences. Questionnaire GSRS
has shown low sensitivity in dumping syndrome revealing.
(n=44), 2nd and 3rd - the respondents who have sustained, accordingly, a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I (n=75) and Bilrot-II
(n=34). A life quality of the patients who have sustained a partial gastrectomy both on Bilrot-I, and on Bilrot-II, has appeared
authentically above quality of a life of the patients, suffering a peptic ulcer. A life quality of the patients who have sustained
a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I, on a dyspeptic syndrome scale is authentic above quality of a life of the patients who have
sustained a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-II. Comparative studying of quality of a life of the respondents who have sustained
a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I in tubular and classical variants has not taped authentic differences. Questionnaire GSRS
has shown low sensitivity in dumping syndrome revealing.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):436-439

К дискуссии о радикальных операциях при прободной язве у пожилых пациентов
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):624-628

The comparative valuation of effectiveness of different variants of stomach resection and vagotomy made on the background of portal hypertension in experiment
There were used 85 dogs in 65 series of testing during experiment with the aim of comparison in studying the infl uence of
stomach resection according to Billrot I and II on the portal pressure and blood speed in the portal vein; on the background of
modeling portal hypertension there were investigated the optimal variants of stomach resection and vagotomy. According to
the observation of animals condition, their vascular, functional and morphologic data there were found out that the stomach
resection according to Billrot I and II without dependence on methodics didn't infl uence on the pressure and blood speed
in portal vein; more rational intervention on the background of portal hypertension would be stomach resection with the
preservation of unity of gastro-omental vessels and their anastomosis between themselves with parietal mobilization; among
organ-saving operations – selective proximal vagotomy.
stomach resection according to Billrot I and II on the portal pressure and blood speed in the portal vein; on the background of
modeling portal hypertension there were investigated the optimal variants of stomach resection and vagotomy. According to
the observation of animals condition, their vascular, functional and morphologic data there were found out that the stomach
resection according to Billrot I and II without dependence on methodics didn't infl uence on the pressure and blood speed
in portal vein; more rational intervention on the background of portal hypertension would be stomach resection with the
preservation of unity of gastro-omental vessels and their anastomosis between themselves with parietal mobilization; among
organ-saving operations – selective proximal vagotomy.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):545-551

Features of mycotic infections in patients with diabetic foot syndrome
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):565-567

Clinical nutrition in surgery and therapy: a view from the present through the past to the future
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):619-623

General and specifi c complications in total knee arthroplasty with and without patellar resurfacing
The need to replace the patella in total knee arthroplasty is still a subject of debate among orthopedic surgeons. Existing
studies show heterogeneous and even contradictory results. А study of 249 patients with unilateral knee osteoarthrosis , who
underwent total knee arthroplasty with (group I) and without (group II) patellar resurfacing in the orthopaedic department
of National Medical Surgical Center named N.I.Pirogow was carried out. Group I included 128 patients (51.4%), and group
II included 121 patients (48,6%), Posterior Stabilized Sigma (DePuy Johnson&Johnson) implants were used. We studied
the rate and structure of general and specifi c (patellofemoral), complications and the revision rate related to patellofemoral
complications after total knee replacement with and without patellar resurfacing. On the basis of the study results, we
concluded that, with the design of prosthesis used in our study, in patients with primary knee osteoarthrosis, similar results
may be achieved with and without patellar resurfacing.
studies show heterogeneous and even contradictory results. А study of 249 patients with unilateral knee osteoarthrosis , who
underwent total knee arthroplasty with (group I) and without (group II) patellar resurfacing in the orthopaedic department
of National Medical Surgical Center named N.I.Pirogow was carried out. Group I included 128 patients (51.4%), and group
II included 121 patients (48,6%), Posterior Stabilized Sigma (DePuy Johnson&Johnson) implants were used. We studied
the rate and structure of general and specifi c (patellofemoral), complications and the revision rate related to patellofemoral
complications after total knee replacement with and without patellar resurfacing. On the basis of the study results, we
concluded that, with the design of prosthesis used in our study, in patients with primary knee osteoarthrosis, similar results
may be achieved with and without patellar resurfacing.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):478-483

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):605-611

Chronic ischemia of the colon after abdominal-perineal rectoplasty
The paper presents the results of patient investigation with chronic colonic ischemia after abdominoperineal pull through
operations. The publication is based on material of coloproctologic department of RCCH. The patients underwent next
diagnostic procedures: contrast enema, colonoscopy, angiography, morphology. The results are interest for pediatric surgeons.
operations. The publication is based on material of coloproctologic department of RCCH. The patients underwent next
diagnostic procedures: contrast enema, colonoscopy, angiography, morphology. The results are interest for pediatric surgeons.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):517-520

Experimental basis of the медикаментозной therapy of adgesion process
Antiadgesion and immunomodel effects of the application «Longidaza 3000 МЕ» were studied on the 48 rats. According
to the modeling of aseptic adgesion process it was exposed the forming of the defects of the functioning of neutrophylic
granulocytes, which are inferring of transgression of their phagocytie function. In consequence of the application of the
preparation «Longidaza 3000 МЕ» was an increase mobilization readiness of the neutrophylic granulocytes, stimulation of
phagocytosis and digestion.
to the modeling of aseptic adgesion process it was exposed the forming of the defects of the functioning of neutrophylic
granulocytes, which are inferring of transgression of their phagocytie function. In consequence of the application of the
preparation «Longidaza 3000 МЕ» was an increase mobilization readiness of the neutrophylic granulocytes, stimulation of
phagocytosis and digestion.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):538-544

Experience in the use of local anesthesia with sedation medication during transanal hemorrhoidal dezarterizatsii nodes under doplerkontrolem with mukopeksiey and lifting of rectal mucosa in an outpatient clinic
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):577-578

Participation of mutant genes in the pathogenesis of the idiopathic pancreatitis
The analysis of distribution of polymorphic variants of the genes of the cationic tripsinogen (PRSS1), inhibitor of tripsin
(SPINK1), regulator of the cystic fi brosis (CFTR) and genes of glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1)
is carried out. This research was held according to the group of people, who have the disease of idiopathic pancreatitis (32
people). This group of people was compared with the donors (69 people). The gene mutation exists under the condition of the
appearing of the acute idiopathic pancreatitis. In Krasnoyarsk 31,25% patients, who have the acute pancreatitis and 9,4%
of patients with pancreatonecrosis have polymorphic variants of the gene GSTM1. The destructive form of the pancreatitis
is diagnosed for 28,1% of patients. Patients with idiopathic pancreatitis have the risk of development of the heavy form of
the disease in 33,3% of cases is caused by the isolated mutations of a gene inhibitor of tripsin. The mutations of the gene
of cation tripsinogen in a combination with the polymorphic variants of genes SPINK1, GSTM1, CFTR are lethal genetic
determinants defi ning an adverse current of the destructive process.
(SPINK1), regulator of the cystic fi brosis (CFTR) and genes of glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1)
is carried out. This research was held according to the group of people, who have the disease of idiopathic pancreatitis (32
people). This group of people was compared with the donors (69 people). The gene mutation exists under the condition of the
appearing of the acute idiopathic pancreatitis. In Krasnoyarsk 31,25% patients, who have the acute pancreatitis and 9,4%
of patients with pancreatonecrosis have polymorphic variants of the gene GSTM1. The destructive form of the pancreatitis
is diagnosed for 28,1% of patients. Patients with idiopathic pancreatitis have the risk of development of the heavy form of
the disease in 33,3% of cases is caused by the isolated mutations of a gene inhibitor of tripsin. The mutations of the gene
of cation tripsinogen in a combination with the polymorphic variants of genes SPINK1, GSTM1, CFTR are lethal genetic
determinants defi ning an adverse current of the destructive process.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):446-449

Features modifi cation of proteometabolism as the extent hepatectomy
The study the effects on blood protein of extent hepatectomy under anatomic and atypical methods operation. In experiments
on a 27 dogs was demonstrated that operative trauma oppressed proteometabolism, but anatomic liver resections impacting
on modifi cation of quantitative and qualitative changes of serum blood protein in a less degree.
on a 27 dogs was demonstrated that operative trauma oppressed proteometabolism, but anatomic liver resections impacting
on modifi cation of quantitative and qualitative changes of serum blood protein in a less degree.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):552-556

Peculiarities of changes of immune status in chronic infl ammatory diseases
Clinical –laboratory research of patients suffering by purulent infection of tissues soft, deep pyodermia, microbe eczema
complication, intensifi cation of salpingoophoritis chronic complicated by colpitis or vaginitis revealed typic changing of
immunologic reactivity non corrected by traditional treatment.Allocation at patients mono and complexe pharmacological
immunotherapy in the different degree contribute remover of pathology
complication, intensifi cation of salpingoophoritis chronic complicated by colpitis or vaginitis revealed typic changing of
immunologic reactivity non corrected by traditional treatment.Allocation at patients mono and complexe pharmacological
immunotherapy in the different degree contribute remover of pathology
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):468-472

Комбинированное лечение обширных ангиодисплазий и гемангиом головы и шеи
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2011;4(3):