Vol 6, No 2 (2013)

Original articles

Plastic Surgery in Patients with Soft-tissue Infection

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The purpose of the study To improve the results of the treatment of patients with purulent wounds through the development and introduction of a differentiated approach to the selection of skin plastic and reconstructive surgeries into clinical practice. Materials and methods The results of the treatment of 312 patients with purulent wounds of various etiologies were analyzed. The age of the patients ranged from 15 to 82 years. The wounds with the area of no more than 100 cm2 were observed in 152 (48,7%) patients, 100-200 cm2 - in 109 (34,9%), more than 200 cm2 - in 51 (16,3%) patients. The large size of the wound defect served as an indication for performing skin grafting. Results and their discussion We noted that if the area of the wounds was less than 100 cm2 , skin flaps were used (115 (75,7%) patients). For the area of the wounds between 100 and 200 cm2 , the use of split flaps prevailed (75 (68,8%) patients). For the wounds of more than 200 cm2 , plastic by split flaps was most commonly performed as the only possible form of the wound closure (24 (47,1%) patients) or in combination with plastic by local tissues (15 (29.4%) patients). Conclusion Full-thickness skin grafting can be used for the closure of the wounds that are located in the bearing areas as well as cosmetically and functionally important zones as well as during the recovery phase of the treatment of pressure ulcers, neurotrophic ulcers and deep frostbites. A differentiated approach to the selection of skin plastic and reconstructive operations allowed to achieve 91,4% short-term and 80% long-term positive results in the treatment of patients with surgical infection.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):131-139
pages 131-139 views

Acute Severe Pancreatitis Intra and Early Post Open Packing Operation Complications

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Relevance The need to determine the frequency of occurrence of a speciŸc type of complication of "open" operations in severe
pancreatitis, the timeliness of their recognition, the deŸnition of the indications for surgical or conservative treatment of intraoperative
and early postoperative complications, the choice of surgical methods, the development of principles of postoperative management
and rehabilitation of such patients.
The purpose of the study Was to improve the results of the use of "open" surgery in patients with acute severe pancreatitis.
Materials and Methods 6844 patients with acute pancreatitis were under surveillance for the last 20 years. 493 (7,3%) of them
underwent surgical treatment. 322 had an "open" operative intervention, and in 102 (31.6%) identiŸed 197 intraoperative or
early postoperative complications. Lien trauma was revealed intraoperationally with 7 patients, 3 cyst bleeding after dissection, 1
splenic artery bleeding and 1 parenchymal splenic bleeding. Among the early postoperative complications were revealed: arrosive
hemorrhage 30,8%; pancreatic Ÿstulas 19,1%; hollow organ Ÿstulas – stomach 7,4%, duodenum 5,3%, small intestine 3,2%, colon
12,7%, cystoduodenal Ÿstulas 2,1%, stomach phlegmon 2,1%, acute cholecystitis 1,06%, trombotic complications 3,2%, purulent
pleuritis 1,06%.
Results and their discussion The main reason for acute severe pancreatitis intra and early post open packing operation complications
are the inŸltration process on the intervention area, the involvement of the hollow organ wall into the purulent process, vessel
deformation and the destruction of the pancreatic duct disruption. The primary prophylactic measures of the complications are
adequate access, certain intraoperative tissue differentiation, unconŸned sequestrum elimination without force, the rejection of
the acute removal of the necrotic tissues and the sanation relaparotomy with the application of local anesthesia each 48-72 hours.

The treatment tactics of the open packing operation complications is quite diversiŸed and can be either conservative or operative, palliative or resective and depend on the local changes in the intervention area and polyorganic deŸciency presence.

Conclusion The results of the treatment “open” packing operations complications in severe acute pancreatitis are achieved through 

the use of our clinical guidelines developed in the management of patients with severe acute pancreatitis in all phases of treatment.


Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):140-147
pages 140-147 views

Profilaxis of Intraabdominal Adhesion in Patients with Mechanical Abdominal Trauma and Hemoperitoneum

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The purpose of the study Through the development of complex of diagnostic and treatment, events organization, aimed at the prevention of the development of abdominal adhesions, improve the results of treatment of patients after surgery for a mechanical abdominal trauma, complicated haemoperitoneum. Material and methods For clinical study was performed 83 patients with open and closed mechanical trauma of the abdomen, complicated by haemoperitoneum. In dynamic screening was used self constructed diagnostic magnoimmunsorbs-test system based on the antigen commissural complex. Definition of indicators of hemostasis was carried out using by method of NGOs «RENAM». Results and their discussion Modified by author the test system on the basis of magnoimmunsorbs and immobilised adhesive antigen allows with the high per-formance to predict the development of intraabdominal adhesions, to control of results by antiadhesion therapy. Develop a pathogenetically justified complex of therapeutic measures, directed on elimination of hypoxia in the tissues, activity normalization of the fibrinolitic blood system, the appointment of the antiadhesion drug, the gradual application of physical therapy. This complex allow to bettering the treatment results , to decrease adhesion development in postoperative period from 65% to 12,1% i.m. in 5,4 times. Conclusion In patients operated due to abdominal trauma, hemoperitoneum was founded statistic improved condition of medium hipocoagulation, decreased activity of fibrinoliticic blood system. In identification of the dynamic changes in amount of positive reactions Ag+At in different titres of blood serum can be determined the therapy starting date and estimated its effectiveness.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):148-154
pages 148-154 views

The Choice of Synthetic Mesh to Surgical Treatment by I.L.Lichtenstein of Inguinal Hernia

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Relevance The basic technique of inguinal hernia repair is Lichtenstein procedure. This operation based on prosthetic repair of posterior wall of inguinal canal. The question of male infertility after Lichtenstein repair is to date known. The recommendations to choice of synthetic mesh for surgical treatment of inguinal hernia in males are to date not presented. The purpose of study is the choice of synthetic mesh for inguinal hernia repair in males. Materials and methods There was performed the simulation of Lichtenstein plasty in rabbits. The standard polypropylene (PP Std), light polypropylene (PP Light), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and reperene (R) meshes were used. Area of implantation was explored in 3 – 6 months. Macroscopic changes were estimated by special score. The data were by Mann – Whitney analyzed. Results and their discussion The maximal scar process was associated with PP Std. Medium scar process was noted after PP Light implantation. Minimal scar connective tissue was observed after PVDF plasty, but lower – in R cases (p=0,018). Conclusion We marked than after PP Std plasty strong scars developed with involvement of ductus deferens. This phenomenon is a base for ductus deferens obliteration, obstructive azoospermia and male’s infertility. The routine use of PP Std meshes to the Lichtenstein technique in young males with inguinal hernias is inadvisable. The possibility of PP Light use need of further researches. Some good results are associated with PVDF and R implantation
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):155-160
pages 155-160 views

The Bases of Pathogenetics Preventions of the Negative Influences on Operation Traumae of Acute Pancreatitis

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Relevance In the structure of urgent surgical pathology the acute pancreatitis is a hold one of leading positions. The purpose of the study is reported in experimental of the pathogenetics mechanisms a advances acute pancreatitis in consequences on surgical aggression; on bases of the receive informations prepare of new approach in decreases (prevention) of the negative manifestations of surgical traumae. Material and methods The study is based on materials of experimental studies. The acute pancreatitis is a simulated by the method of V.M. Buyanov et al. (1989). The adult mongrel dogs performed a median laparotomy, punctured gallbladder, bile were taken with followed by ligation of the puncture site. Bile then injected into the parenchyma of the vertical parts of the pancreas of 0,6 ml in 5 points. In two day after simulation performed a relaparotomy. It the control periods of the investigation (the first, third and fifth day after relaparotomiae) animals collected the blood, biopsy of the pancreas. Results and their discussion The exposed that of the effect of surgical aggression a leading to bigger intensifies in the pancreas cells of a processes of lipid peroxidations, activation of phospholipasae A2 and oppression systems of antioxidant protections, that one is important of mechanisms in the pathogenesis on breaking lipid metabolisms and development a membranodestruction phenomenons in organ bring of progresses a diseases, right until destruction forms. Conclusion Established of experimental that antioxidant of etoksidol showing a fast (already the first day after relaparotomiae) and a significant influences on the processes of lipid peroxidations of the pancreas cells, reducing the level of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidations. The important moment it ability is to reduce the activity of phospholipasae A2 and increase its own antioxidant enzyme potential of a tissue structures of organ damages. This bring pronounced of a membranoprotectors action of the preparation that essential decrease action no only «natural» trigger mechanisms of pathology, but and negative influence of surgical aggression.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):161-167
pages 161-167 views

Dynamic of myocardial ischemic events in different periods of general anesthesia during abdominal surgery and possible methods of their profilactics

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Relevance Perioperative myocardial ischemia is often the result of operation stress development particularly in presence of cardiovascular pathology, in this connection the development of new methods for myocardium defence at surgical intervtntion is the important problem for anesthesiology and cardiology. The purpose of the study Investigation of ischemic episodes length, their quantity and value of ischemic index at different stages of perioperative period during open cholecystectomy under intravenous multi-component anaesthesia and possibility for their correction by cardioprotectors. Materials and methods There were examined 98 patients divided into three subgroups according to one of the pathologies: ischemic heart disease (IHD), hypertensive disease (HD) and without cardiovascular disease. In each subgroups there was a group of comparison (n=34), received traditional therapy and two main groups: the 1st - (n=34) received, additionally, Mexicorum – 3 times/a day, 200 mg, intravenous (a day before the operation, during premedication, during the operation, during early postanesthetic period, and for 2 days after the operation – 600 mg (a day); the 2nd - (n=30) (a day before the operation, received Мildronat 2 times/a day, 500 mg, intravenous ( a day before the operation, during premedication, during early postanesthetic period, and for 2 days after the operation – 1000 mg (a day). Registration of ischemic episodes was carried out by the way ofdaily Holter monitoring ECG. The monitoring was divided into 6 time intervals: 1 – the day before the operation, 2 – 6 hours period before the operation, 3 – leading in anesthesia, 4 – maintenance of anesthesia, 5 – leading out of anesthesia, 6 – on the 2nd day after operation. Results and their discussion There has been revealed reduction of the ischemia time in Mexicorum and Мildronat groups among the patients with IHD and HD during the periods of leading into, leading out of anesthesia and on the2nd day after the operation (p≤0,05), among the patients without pathology - during leading into (p=0,003). The namber of ischemic episodes reduced in groups with cardioprotectors among the patients with IHD during leading into and out of anesthesia (p≤0,05). Value of ischemic index reduced after cardioprotectors prescription among the patients with IHD during leading into and out; among the patients with HD – during leading out, and among the patients without pathology during leading into anesthesia and the 2nd day after operation (p≤0,05). Conclusiou Ischemic episodes are registrated not ouly among the patients with IHD and HD, but among the patients without cardiologic pathology. Use of cytoprotectors reduced the number, duration of ischemic episodes and the value of ischemic index at differeut stages of anesthesia.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):168-174
pages 168-174 views

Experimental Study of Local Cryohemostasis in Cases of Liver and Spleen Damage

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Relevance One of the features of traumatic epidemic peace time is an increase in the frequency of injuries of the organs of the abdominal cavity. Abdominal trauma occupy one of the per-out places in the structure of injuries of various systems of the body, and their frequency is 12-40,5%. In Western European countries in peace-time the specific weight of abdominal injury reaches 1.5-4.4% of all injuries. In different regions of our country the abdominal trauma falls from 1.5 to 36.5% from the number of injuries peace time, but their frequency and severity, in spite of the tendency to decrease, remain high. Injuries of parenchymatous organs are one of the most severe types of surgical pathology, both in peacetime and in wartime. The condition of the injured is determined by the multiplicity damage of parenchymatous organs, as well as the volume and intensity of blood loss. One of actual problems of surgery at the present time is to stop the bleeding in the event of damage of the liver, spleen. The purpose of the study To explore, experiment and make a comparative assessment of cryotherapy and some local applicator means of hemostasis in wounds of the liver and spleen. Materials and methods The paper presents experimental data showing changes in the tissue of liver and spleen under low temperature (-195,75°С) when modeling the wounds of various depth and length of the given organs. Simultaneously, in the control group the use of some of the adhesive hemostatic agents in cases of liver and spleen injury on a equatable number of experimental animals was evaluated. In all of the cases a histological study of areas of cryoapplication and adhesion of local hemostasiс agents was conducted. Results and their discussion It was proven that it takes significantly less time for hemostasis with the help of cryoapplication in comparison with hemostatic sponges. In addition to that, cryogenic method has antiadhesive activity and to a lesser extent causes inflammatory changes in the tissues as well as it allows for the formation of connective tissue in the place of the stoppage of bleeding significantly faster. Conclusions Local cryohemostasis can be used in cases of parenchymatous hemorrhage for an ultimate or temporary hemostasis. Proven lesser degree of severity of inflammatory changes when using cryohemostasis and showed a significant decrease in inflammatory reaction after cryohemostasis in the early stages of the experiment, which is not observed when using hemostatic sponge.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):175-187
pages 175-187 views

Possibility of Use of Microsurgical Equipment at Recovery Operations on the Ileotsekalny Valve at its Insufficiency

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Relevance Insufficiency of the ileocecal valve is one of the most frequent and completely unsolved pathologies in the ileocecal area. It is characterized bu reflux of the contens in the large intenstine into the ileum vihich in its turn leads to the development of secondary enteritis, intestines dysbacteriosis, the emergence of syndrome of malabsorption. Conservative treatment of this pathology is symptomatic and has a short character. The existing methods of surgical correction of the ileocecal valve insufficiency aren't numerous, the are carried out extraluminally and don't eliminate the direct cause of the large intestine reflux. The use of microsurgical technique can become one of the ways of improving the results of interventions on the elements of the ileocecal valve. Howerer, the data on the use of microsurgery for restorative operation in the incompetens of the ileocecal valve are absent. Microsurgical technique reduces traumatizing of the sutured tissues, enabless to avoid the disturbance of blood supply and to use microanatomic features of the organs. The purpose of the study The aim of the present study was anatomo-experimental basing and the development of restorative intraluminal microsurgical operation on the ileocecal valve in its insufficiency. Materials and methods 151 objects (21 dogand 130 corpses of people) were studied. The section on the anatomical basis of restorative microsurgery of the ileocecal valve was performed on the organocomplexes takeu from 130 corpses of people of both sexes aged from 21 till 82. Morphological and histotopographic investigation of the ileocecal valve in norm and in pathology was carried out. The experimental part of studies was made on 21 nonpurebred dogs of both sexes weighing from 5 to 12 kg. 2 series of experiments were carried out using different surgical restorative methods/ Results and their discussion Based on these data a mode of intraluminal correction in ileocecal valve insufficiency was worked out bu using microsurgical technique. New data on the dynamics of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after restorative operation were obtained bu microsurgical technique. Morphological and functional characteristics of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after the operation were defined. Conclusion The data obtained during the experiments show that the use of microsurgical technique in performing restorative operation on the ileocecal sphincter allows to improve both the nearest, and remote results of the operation thanks to the restoration of sphincter and antireflyx properties. The risk of the development of the incompetent sutures is minimized owing to favourably proceeding reparative processes
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):188-194
pages 188-194 views

Local Cryoablation Hemangiomas in Children

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Relevance Hemangiomas - the most common in early childhood benign vascular tumors. Treatment of vascular tumors and challenge still remains the subject of discussion of many experts, as evidenced, as a waiver of any medical or surgical intervention on the involution c hope, and offers a large number of different treatments. The purpose of the study Improvement of treatment of hemangiomas in children by local cryoablation according to the ultrasound picture of education. Materials and methods Experimental. For the identification of a mechanism for cryotherapy hemangioma, we conducted an experiment on the model of vascular tumor crest of live chickens. For the experiment using ridges 20 live chickens at the age of 150-200 days. The experimental scheme was as follows. Scallops on the first group of chickens was performed cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) on an area of 1.5 cm 2 exposure of 30 seconds. As a control group of birds, the scallops are not affected. After the experimental exposure was carried out daily visual monitoring of birds and morphological changes scallop chickens. Crest biopsy was performed at 1, 4, 8 and 14 of the study. Clinical section. For 2008-2009. hospitalization GOOSE "DRKB number 1" asked 487 children, who revealed 540 hemangiomas. After clinical evaluation in 214 children (43.94%) performed ultrasound of hemangiomas, conducted 232 surveys. In 435 patients treated with cryotherapy hemangiomas started due to the fact that the patient was exposed to a preliminary diagnosis of capillary hemangioma. Results and their discussion In the experiment, after cryoablation on the first day of the integrity of the scallop is not broken, the cells clear. By 4 days is a violation of the integrity and structure of the surface layer of the vascular and the surrounding connective tissue layer, the structure of which is bubbly. Marked migration of fibroblasts and macrophages, the formation of fibrous tissue. To a lesser extent affected fibro-fatty layer and place in a large caliber vessels there. On the 8th day of the ongoing destruction of frostbite tissue rejection of the surface layer. Observed a tenfold increase in the number of fibroblasts, the large size of the cytoplasm with clear boundaries. Appear around the cells of connective tissue fibers yellow. By 14 days of elastic fibers are replaced by collagen. Collagen fibers to orient the intercellular substance. There is a destruction of fibroblasts to form in their place of continuous acellular collagen strands, followed by the formation of thin fibrous strands of vascular and connective tissue layers and their subsequent epithelization. Found that the method of cryoablation not guarantee 100% recovery in the treatment of hemangiomas. Recovery occurred in only 66.21% of patients who underwent cryoablation. Results kriolecheniya hemangiomas depends on the severity of the subcutaneous component of the presence or absence of feeding vessels. In 33.79% cryotherapy was ineffective in some cases been successful only in the skin, subcutaneous component continued to grow. When the skin with subcutaneous hemangiomas feeding vessels after krioaplikatsii recovery does not occur, after 2-3 weeks there is a renewed exophytic growth. When the skin with subcutaneous hemangiomas component and subcutaneous feeding vessels after cryoablation observed the opposite effect - the rapid growth of hemangiomas, recovery occurred after surgical or combined treatment. Conclusion Lack of subcutaneous vascular pattern accented or branched component in patients with a preliminary diagnosis of capillary hemangioma on ultrasound mode DRC found only in 44% of cases. When cavernous hemangioma and mixed by ultrasound mode DRC branched components in a mixture of 56% is observed, branching venous component of character - in 36% of the components of blood and branching character - 8%. The results of cryosurgical treatment of hemangiomas depends on the severity of the subcutaneous component of the presence or absence of feeding vessels: with capillary hemangiomas of the skin without subcutaneous component and lack of vascular pattern accented with DRC recovery occurs after one session cryoablation in 79% of cases and after 2 sessions - in 21% of cases. When the skin with subcutaneous hemangiomas component, capillary or cavernous vascular pattern accent and no feeding vessels, as detected by the DRC after cryoablation was successful on the skin, subcutaneous component continued to grow, although not extensively, recovery occurred after surgery, or combined treatment. When the skin with subcutaneous hemangiomas feeding vessels revealed by the DRC, even in the absence of other changes in the subcutaneous tissue after cryosurgical treatment recovery does not occur, after 2-3 weeks there is a renewed exophytic growth and recovery - after surgery or combined treatment. When the skin with subcutaneous hemangiomas and subcutaneous component supply vessel revealed by the DRC after cryoablation opposite effect was observed, the rapid growth of hemangiomas, the recovery - after surgery or combined treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):195-201
pages 195-201 views

Free-radical processes and antioxidant status in patients with enteral insufficiency

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Relevance Acute intestinal obstruction is accompanied by a violation of bowels haemocirculation, ischemia of the intestinal wall and enteral insufficiency, which leads to the activation of free radical processes. Quantitative evaluation of the expression of free radical processes and antioxidant status of the blood system in this pathology is particularly importance. The purpose of the study To determine the condition of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection in blood serum, to estimate their predictive value, depending on the degree of enteral insufficiency for the postoperative period of patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. Materials and methods 87 patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction, treated in a surgical department of SBHF "City Clinical Hospital № 1" in Orenburg in 2007-2012 were examined. All patients were operated emergency. Conservative treatment in the postoperative period in accordance with the current standard diagnostic and treatment was carried. The duration of postoperative intestinal paresis in all patients was estimated. In addition to standard clinical examination the leukocyte index of intoxication and the level of average weight molecules in blood serum was determined. Condition of free radical oxidation evaluated by determining the concentration of malondialdehyde and diene conjugates in blood serum, as well as the study of spontaneous chemiluminescence and iron-induced chemiluminescence of blood serum. Result and their discussion Leukocyte index of intoxication, the concentration of lipid peroxidation products and the average weight molecules in serum in the early postoperative period did not always correspond to the degree of intestinal dysfunction, and it can not predict the duration of postoperative intestinal paresis. Chemiluminescence indicators are informative predictor of enteral insufficiency syndrome in the preoperative and early postoperative period in patients with intestinal obstruction. Conclusion The syndrome of intestinal failure associated with activation of free radical processes and reduced antioxidant status. Indicators of chemiluminescence of blood serum are informative predictor of the development of enteral insufficiency syndrome as in the preoperative and early postoperative period in patients with intestinal obstruction.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):202-207
pages 202-207 views

Predicates of Unfavorable Outcome of the Acute Pancreatitis with Primary Injury Head and Isthmus of Pancreas

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The purpose of the study There is development of method of estimate possible outcome of the acute pancreatitis with primary injury head and isthmus of pancreas. Materials and methods 60 patients which had hard courses acute pancreatitis, aged of patients was between 19 and 80 years were studded. The patients with localization of inflammation in head and isthmus of pancreas were included in clinical group. Reactive response of neutrophil (RRN) was calculated on the ground of blood analysis. Indices of bilirubin in blood and diastase in urine are taken into account. Presence according to abdominal cavity organ CT – angiography’s dates significant signs of hard course acute pancreatitis are taken into account too. Results and their discussion The original method “Method of estimate possible outcome of the acute pancreatitis with primary injury head and isthmus of pancreas” was developed for estimate possible outcome of the acute pancreatitis with primary injury head and isthmus of pancreas. If we have each sign, decided quantities of points are given, and possible outcome of the pathologic process was judged by depending on total score. Sensitivity is 90,4%, specificity - 95,7%, accuracy - 87,1%, positive predictive value (PPV) - 86,3%, negative predictive value (NPV) - 97,1% Conclusion As a result, the introduced method make it possible to early identify of hard courses acute pancreatitis and prognoses unfavorable outcome of diseases.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):208-212
pages 208-212 views

Breach Cytokine and Humoral Adaptive Immunity and their Correction in Patients with Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Foot Bones

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Relevance Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is one of the urgent problems of surgery. Against the background of introduction of new methods of surgical treatment and programs combined antibacterial therapy percentage disability of patients with chronic osteomyelitis remains high. Found that immune mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic osteomyelitis, participating in the formation of the state of the patient secondary immunodeficiency one level or another. The purpose of the study To estimate the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones with the use of standard therapy and immunomodulatory drugs (glutoxim or polyoxidonium). Materials and methods Adaptive immunity of 60 patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones, ages of 30-59, admitted to the Department of purulent surgical infection before and after treatment was evaluated. Concentrations of cytokines and immunoglobulins levels were measured by ELISA using commercial kits "Vector-Best". Results and their discussion In patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones marked increase in the level of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines and reduced blood IgA. Use glutoxim led to effective control of cytokine status, increased levels of IgA. Use of polyoxidonium or glutoxim reduced the number of complete amputation of toes with resection of the metatarsal bone. Conclusion The need to include in the treatment algorithm glutoxim or polyoxidonium. Addition to standard treatment drugs glutoxim and polyoxidonium reduces the amount of disarticulation of toes with resection of the metatarsal
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):213-216
pages 213-216 views

Metal Nanoparticle Effect on Regeneration of Experimental Wounds



The purpose of the study Effect of the suspensions of copper and zinc nanoparticles on regeneration of an experimental conditionally aseptic wound when applied locally. Materials and methods The research object was60 laboratory white rats; copper, zinc nanoparticles generated with the help of plasma technology as suspensions in isotonic sodium chloride solution. Modeling of a full-layer conditionally aseptic wound was carried out in the interscapular region with an area of 400 mm². In the work experimental, planimetric, microbiological and statistical research methods were used. Results and their discussion The change of the area of the conditionally aseptic wound in experimental animals, conditionally aseptic wound healing rate (in mm²/day), diurnal reduction of the area of experimental wounds (in %) in dynamics are analysed. In animals of the experimental group taken the treatment by the suspension of copper nanoparticles a fast healing of the wound surface was observed. During the whole period of the research the healing of the wound surface of the animals of the experimental group was more active than in case of the comparison group because of the absence of the reinfection, that is connected to the evident antibacterial action of copper nanoparticles. Under the influence of the suspension of zinc nanoparticles stimulation of wound regeneration, earlier complete healing was observed as well, but some animals had wound infection resulted in expansion of the wound surface. It confirms the evident regenerative action of zinc nanoparticles in case of an absence or low-grade antiseptic effect. Conclusion The analysis of healing rate of conditionally aseptic wounds, diurnal reduction of the area of experimental wounds in dynamics confirms the effect of copper and zinc nanoparticles as a suspension on soft tissue wound regeneration.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):217-221
pages 217-221 views

Evaluation of Antimicrobial Effect of Copper Nanoparticles’ and Low-intensity Laser Radiation and Their Combined Application in vitro Experiment

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Relevance The study of nanoparticles’ bactericidal properties and laser radiation antimicrobial activity is quite relevant for experimental substantiation of laser nanotechnologies’ application efficiency. The purpose of the study To study the markedness of copper nanoparticles’ and low-intensity laser radiation (LILR) antimicrobial action and to evaluate the effectiveness of their combined application in in vitro experiment. Materials and methods Markedness of synthesized copper nanoparticles’ and laser radiation antimicrobial effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated according to MacFarland by mixing daily cultures. In the first series of the experiments the culture of the microorganisms was subjected to radiation for two minutes using the ALT “Matrix” apparatus; in the second series copper nanopowder suspension was introduced into the culture of the microorganisms; in the third series laser radiation and introduction of copper nanoparticles were combined. Results and their discussion Low antibacterial LILR activity was noted; reliable decrease of the number of colonies was observed at nanocopper introduction. There was revealed reliable synergism of antimicrobial action of copper nanoparticles’ and LILR combined application. Conclusion Combined application of LILR and copper nanoparticles allows to obtain antibacterial effect at lower concentrations of copper nanoparticles, thus decreasing possible toxic action of the given substance on the organism in in vivo conditions.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):222-226
pages 222-226 views

Acute Pancreatitis. Results of Surgical Treatment

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The purpose of the study To analyze the results of the treatment of patients with acute destructive pancreatitis and determine the most effective methods of various drainage operations to decrease the number of complications and mortality rates as well as improve treatment outcomes. Materials and methods The results of the treatment of 1433 patients, among whom 136 (9,5%) had various forms of acute destructive pancreatitis, were analyzed. The basic complex conservative therapy during the study period was consistent and included antisecretory, infusion, antiulcer, antibacterial, corrective therapy, extracorporeal detoxification methods. At admission, the general condition of 49 patients (36,3%) was viewed as moderate, of 46 patients (34,2%) – as serious and of 33 patients (24,5%) – as extremely difficult. Results and their discussion In case of primary destruction of the pancreatic tissue and parapancreatic cellulose of less than 30%, conservative therapy, extracorporeal detoxification methods along with minimally invasive surgery proved to be effective in 91,1% of the cases. In 8,9% of the cases, additional minimally invasive "closed" drainages of the local suppurative complications were required. The prolonged epidural analgesia was applied to all patients during the complex treatment, regardless of the number of destructive changes and severe course of the disease, starting from the first days. The general stages of surgical intervention for patients with severe acute destructive pancreatitis during the early development of both aseptic as well as early and late unlimited postnecrotic septic complications were developed. Conclusion A differentiated approach to the surgical treatment strategy of the patients with destructive pancreatitis, depending on the amount of the initial lesion of the pancreas, allowed to reduce the average number of suppurative complications by 4 times per patient (from 9,8 to 2,2%) and decrease the mortality rates by 3 times from suppurative complications.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):227-233
pages 227-233 views

Experience of Application Videolaparoscopic Technologies in Complex Treatment of Patients with Perforated Ulcers of the Stomach and Duodenum

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The purpose of the study To summarize the experience of application videolaparoscopic technology in patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer complicated by perforation. Materials and methods Analyzes the results of treatment of 712 patients with perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Patients were divided into three clinical groups. Two main groups were 257 patients who had been made suturing of perforated ulcers of the stomach or duodenum using videolaparoscopic technologies. The control group included 406 patients who underwent closure of perforated ulcers of the stomach or duodenum traditional laparotomy access. A separate group comprised 49 patients who had carried out the conversion. Results and their discussion Videolaparoscopic sanitation has certain advantages over laparotomic, as it provides an opportunity reorganization under the control of virtually any department of the abdomen, followed by her sighting drainage. A significant amount of time saved at the final stage of operation as suturing the abdominal wall puncture, unlike abdominal incision, requires in most cases, the minimum time-consuming. In carrying out the control endoscopy after 0.5-3.0 years in the control group, it was noted that 166 of them (65.6%) there is a relapse of peptic ulcer disease and in 192 (75.9%) have a pronounced scar deformity pyloro- duodenal area, 80.6% of the patients complained of recurrent epigastric pain. Conclusion Application videolaparoscopic technology in patients with perforated ulcers of the stomach or duodenum has significantly reduced the duration of inpatient treatment, speed of 4-5 terms rehabilitation, and in combination with a full conservative therapy significantly improved long-term outcomes.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):234-238
pages 234-238 views

Long-term Outcomes of Carotid Reconstructions with Patch Angioplasty

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Relevance The number of ischemic stroke (IS) has been increasing every year. Large investigations world wide have proved the effectiveness of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in IS prevention for patients with significant atherosclerotic carotid artery (CA) lesions. Many authors got superior results after closing arteriotomy site with patch during CEA. This article is a continuation of early published in this journal “Short-term outcomes of carotid endarterectomies using different types of patch materials” (Vol.IV, №1 2011). The purpose of the study To analyze the long-term results of using different patches at CEA, to determine the indications for the use of a plastic material. Materials and methods In presented investigation long-term outcomes of carotid reconstructions with patch angioplasty have been analyzed. Patches were made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and great saphenous vein (GSV) fragment from the hip. We formed two groups – the first group consists of 110 patients, they underwent 113 CEA with PTFE patch plasty. The second one combined 82 patients (83 CEA, autologous vein patch). Statistically groups were similar by concomitant diseases. The analyzed period of longterm outcomes was for the first group 38 months, for the second – 43 months. Results and their discussion The main cause of death in both groups was cardiac infarction (9,7% vs 8,4%, P>0,05). Lethality from IS at operation site was statistically comparable: 2.7% after CEA with PTFE patch angioplasty and 1,2% if autologous vein patch has been used, P>0,05. Consequences of non-lethal IS in the ipsilateral hemisphere were found after 3,5% and 1,2% cases accordingly, P>0,05. Hemodynamically significant CA restenosis (>60%) was registered after 1,2% CEA with saphenous vein patch; 8,9% patients with PTFE patch had this complication (3,5% – CA occlusion), P<0,05. Conclusion CEA’s with patch angioplasty demonstrate durable outcomes in long-term period. The results didn’t find any statistically significant difference in frequency of ipsilateral lethal and non-lethal strokes. Risk of hemodynamic significant carotid artery restenosis was higher in patients with PTFE patch angioplasty rather than using autologous vein patch.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):239-243
pages 239-243 views

Possibilities of Conservative Treatment of Patients with Secondary Lymphatic Edema of the Low Extremities

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Up-to-date treatment of patients with lymph edema of different origin based on various (operative and conservative) treatments. However, the immediate and long-term results of current surgical interventions show that they do not always have the desired effect. The modern concept of conservative therapy involves the use of complex pathogenetic physical, pharmacological and rehabilitation measures, each of which affects a certain link of pathogenesis. The purpose of the study Improve the results of a comprehensive conservative treatment of patients with chronic lymphatical edema of the lower extremities secondary aetiology. Materials and methods We analyzed the results of a comprehensive survey of clinical and instrumental examination and subsequent treatment of 223 patients. Of these, 190 patients with C3-C6 CEAP classes at a secondary disorders of lymphatic drainage of venous origin: class C3 – 78, C4 – 64, C5 - 20 and C 6 - 28 people. In 46 patients had grade I edema was detected in 133 grade II and 44 - III degree. To survey and to monitor patients were used anthropometry, computed tomography, duplex angioscanning, ultrasound studies of limbs soft tissue and lymph nodes, clinical motion analysis, computer thermograthy, the sample of McClure and Aldrich and lymphoscintigraphy. Medical therapy included a diverse group of drugs - flebotoniki, limfotoniki, anti coagulants profibrinolitiki, rheological, antiplatelet agents, antiplatelet and diuretics. According to medical evidence were used adjunctive agents. Used compression therapy, biomechanical pnevmovibrostimulation, gravity therapy, methods and endolymphatic lymphotropic therapy, magnetic field and laser effects. Results and their discussion Observations showed that the combined treatment of all patients reported disappearance or reduction of sense of heaviness and fullness in the affected limb. Dynamics of measures of limb circumference showed decreasing perimeters at the foot and the lower third of the leg, was celebrated symmetric cycle step through the orthopedic correction and a set of special gymnastic exercises, as well as biomechanical pnevmovibrostimulation with elements of the locomotor remodel. According to the ultrasound scan extremity soft tissue vibrations set thickness and echogenicity was a decrease in the linear dimensions of the lymph nodes and change their structure. According to the results of duplex angioscanning revealed a significant increase in the linear and volumetric blood flow in the great saphenous vein, the superficial and deep veins of the thigh. By CT scan of limbs were noted changes in the density of the subcutaneous tissue. Indicators of computer thermography expressed in enhancing the infrared radiation and increase the absolute and relative margin settings hyperthermia. According to a sample of McClure and Aldrich observed a moderate increase in the time of absorption of skin induration, while lymphoscintigraphy percentage of residual radioactivity decreased, and the rate of lymph flow increased in patients with I-II degree of edema. Conclusion All of the above diagnostic and therapeutic measures used in the complex, both provide adequate influence in secondary lymph violations, prevent the development of complications and provide adequate preoperative and postoperative effective medical and social rehabilitation of patients with chronic secondary lymph edema of the lower extremities.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):244-249
pages 244-249 views

The Method of Surgical Restoration of the Perineum in Women During Vaginal Delivery

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Relevance One of topical issues of modern obstetrics is diagnostics and treatment of women with an injury of the perineum during childbirth. Damage of soft tissues of the birth channel is seen at each 3-5 women in labor, thus the frequency of ruptures of a perineum can reach 15% of cases. For the purpose of restoration of anatomic and functional integrity of a perineum during childbirth various techniques of an episiorraphy are applied. Unfortunately, results of using each of them are not always favorable and are accompanied by inconsistency of muscles of a pelvic bottom and leads to development of serious gynecologic pathology – genital prolapse. The purpose of the study The purpose of the research work was development of the method for surgical restoration of the perineum, allowing to reduce the frequency of failures after an episiotomy or a spontaneous rupture of a perineum during childbirth. Materials and methods In research work 236 women was included, who had injury of perineum during delivery. 106 women were carried out by a traditional technique and entered into the control group. The main group was made by 130 women who are treated with offered technique for restoration of perineum. Results and their discussion Complaints of patients of the main group for pain in a perineum met by 1,3 times less than in control group. More favorable healing of a perineum wound in women of the main group allowed to reduce the need for anesthetics and antiinflammatory therapy, and also application of courses of physiotreatment. In the main group, unlike control, cases of a hematoma of a vagina and inconsistency of suture on a perineum weren't revealed. In the remote terms dyspareunia at women of the main group was met twice less than in the control.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):250-253
pages 250-253 views

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma on the Base of Autoimmune Tireoidit

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The article discussed some problems in diagnostics and specific issues of treatment of Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lymphomas (NHL) of thyroid gland, more than 30 congenital diseases, growing from mature B, T and NK-cells, which are different in morphology, clinical symptoms and treatment’s results, especially in case of combination of NHL and autoimmune thyroiditis. Correlation between autoimmune thyroiditis and the development of primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the thyroid gland remains unclear. Authors pointed unsatisfaction with cytological methods of diagnostics. The authors recommend a comprehensive study of patients for diagnostic of thyroid gland diseases, including ultrasonic needle biopsy with cytology analysis, CT scan of the thyroid gland and anterior mediastinum, thyroid gland ultrasound, scintigraphy of the thyroid gland, hormonal status investigation. Open biopsy following by histological examination and necessity of differentiation with non- differentiated cancer of thyroid gland, autoimmune thyroiditis and Ridel’s goiter are also recommended. In case of rapid growth of the thyroid gland, significant heterogeneity of structure, absence of organ’s mobility in combination with cytologically proved "Hurthle’s autoimmune thyroiditis", it is necessary to exclude NHL. Besides surgical treatment authors recommend chemotherapy.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):254-256
pages 254-256 views

Reconstruction of the Nose Paramedialnym Frontal Flap

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Reconstruction of the shape of the nose is one of the oldest plastic surgery. Near the medial frontal flaps are preferred by local flaps for reconstruction of large defects cover most of the nose because of the supratrochlear artery, which provides the main blood supply to the median axis of the frontal flap. The article presents a clinical case of the reconstruction of the defect all layers nose and left nostril by a two-stage plastic near the medial frontal flap. At the same nostril formed using ear cartilage and mucous membrane of the nasal septum. On examination at 1 month after the second stage, the patient was completely pleased with the aesthetic result. This clinical observation proves efficiency naso-frontal flap reconstructions at the tip of the nose in a short-stay surgical hospital patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):257-259
pages 257-259 views

Severe Persistent Tetriary HPT after Subtotal Parathyroidectomy, Resistant to Medical Treatment

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Relevance. Tertiary hyperparathyroidism (TНPT) is one of the serious complications of terminal chronic kidney disease and renal replacement therapy. Despite the opportunities of surgical and medical treatment in some cases TНPT has persistent clinic and poor controlled correction. The purpose of the study To describe the case of persistent serious tertiary hyperparathyroidism clinic. Materials and methods The patient with serious tertiary hyperparathyroidism is described who gets extracorporal dialysis from 2002. Results and their discussion In 2008 parathyroid adenoma and high level of parathyroid hormone (PTH) - 1580 pg/l revealed. In September 2009 he underwent parathyroidectomy (PTE) with removal of two parathyroid adenomas. Because of early hyperparathyroidism recurrence he got Cinacalcet therapy course for 17 months. In 2011 CT-scan revealed new adenomas. We had to repeat PTE but within 3 months after operation PTH level increased from 950 to 1467pg/l. Operations and pre- and postoperative treatment did not allowed to correct the indexes of bone metabolism. Conclusion Severe persistent THPT in some cases is refractory to both invasive and therapeutic treatments. The case demonstrates the potential difficulties in modern diagnosis and choice between conservative and surgical treatment of this pathology
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):260-263
pages 260-263 views

Liver Function in the Syndrome of Multiorgan Failure in Patients with Acute Small Intestine Obstruction

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The main problems of modern surgery are in the field of emergency abdominal pathology. Relevant issues are the treatment of patients with acute surgical abdominal disease, including acute small intestine obstruction, complicated by peritonitis and acute liver failure. Deaths in acute small intestine obstruction is 10,7-64,7%, while the complication of peritonitis mortality reaches 47- 100%. Mortality in patients with peritonitis, complicated by acute liver failure reaches 73% with no tendency to decrease even in the core of modern hospitals. In peritonitis disturbed barrier function of the liver with «breakthrough» of infectious and toxic agents into the systemic circulation and the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and toxic-septic shock. It is obvious that without a deep knowledge of the morphofunctional changes in the body of endotoxemia and after its removal, there can not be a qualitative improvement in the pathogenetic therapy of patients with acute liver failure complicating during peritonitis. We need experimental-morphological study - an experimental model of acute small intestine obstruction are needed, which would investigate morfofuntsionalnye conversion in the liver in the dynamics of the disease, to determine the staging of these changes and, consequently, on the basis of the data to justify the preventive and therapeutic tactics in the preoperative and early postoperative period
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2013;6(2):264-270
pages 264-270 views

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