Vol 10, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 16
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/38
Full Issue
Original articles
Possibilities of Laparoscopic Decompression of Celiac Trunk in the Treatment of Dunbar Syndrome
Presented clinical case laparoscopic decompression of celiac trunk syndrome of Dunbar. In most cases, the diagnosis of syndrome of compression of the celiac trunk is by exclusion of other gastrointestinal diseases. Sure, it tells about lack of awareness among the medical community about this specific and rare pathology, as well as a possible skeptical attitude towards it related professionals. The main methods of diagnostics of a syndrome of Dunbar are: ultrasonic duplex scanning of the abdominal aorta, multislice computed tomography and angiography with a respiratory samples. The indication for surgical treatment is the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, the preservation of the leading symptoms of abdominal ischemia on the ground proved critical in compression of the celiac trunk. Currently, laparoscopic decompression of celiac trunk syndrome Dunbar is the operation of choice. The obvious advantages of laparoscopic surgery are less blood loss, a slight pain syndrome in the postoperative period, short hospital period and better cosmetic effect. In the clinic, where surgeons proficient in the technique of laparoscopic procedures, the surgery can be performed quickly, safely, and efficiently. Additional intervention in the form of endovascular correction is not required in all patients and can be performed in a delayed order.

Modern Trends in Transplantation Using High‒Tech Methods
Provides an overview of modern domestic and foreign literature, discuss the main and most relevant approaches to the solution of the accumulated problems of transplantation in the 21st century, when, as never before, the acute problem of shortage of donor organs and rejection during transplantation. One of the variants of their solution is the decellularization of the donor organ with subsequent decellularization acellular matrix (ECM) stem cells (SC) of the recipient. Another area, which in recent years very actively developing is bioprinting (3D the same results for bioprinting). For the first time encountered with this innovation, the very essence of creation on the computer using 3D modeling seems to be a history of science fiction, but this is a real example of how well-developed modern medical science. The above options give you the opportunity to solve the main question of transplantation – rejection of the transplanted organ, for patients undergoing surgery, transplantation, forced life to take immunosuppressive drugs that make a person defenseless against infectious agents and opportunistic viral infection. The article presents the main stages already achieved; the philosophy and development prospects of regenerative medicine; the difficulty faced by scientists in the search for suitable options to prevent the development of immune responses, as well as the use of different materials. The decellularization and bioprinting allow you to create the autograft that solves the problem of immune rejection of the transplanted organ. Defined a detailed description of each of the presented directions of development and provides an objective assessment of their effectiveness and possibility of application at this point in time. Examples of the use of the considered techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Selecting the Way to Surgical Treatment of Patients with Postoperative the Median Rectifiable Hernia Based Noninvasive Evaluation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Relevance. Currently, there is no single common approach to the treatment of postoperative median hernias
Objectives. To develop an algorithm for choosing the method of surgical treatment of patients with postoperative median rectifiable abdominal hernias based on a noninvasive assessment of changes in intra-abdominal pressure by determining oxygen saturation.
Materials and methods. The research was performed in 65 patients with postoperative median, rectifiable hernia of various sizes. All patients are divided into three main groups. We used an indirect technique for determining changes in intra-abdominal pressure by examining the saturation of blood with oxygen. Four methods of plastics were applied to patients with median postoperative hernias:
1) plastic by own tissues in the form of duplicate (according to Sapezhko);
2) plastic in the form of duplicate with immobilization of the wound on surgical bridges [9];
3) two-stage hardware operation method, developed by Professor Lyubykh EN [9];
4) prosthetics of the abdominal wall with a mesh prosthesis.
Results and its discussion. In the first group of patients with small hernias, when modeling the postoperative situation (immersion of the hernial contents in the abdominal cavity with the help of a pelot, and simultaneous approach of the hernial gates with the help of a bandage), the saturation was reduced insignificantly (97,1 ± 1,5% (p <0,05), which allowed us to recommend plastic by own tissues in the form of dublication.
In the second group of patients with medium-sized hernias, the saturation was moderately reduced during the simulation (95,4 ± 1,4% (p <0,05). Plastics in the form of dublication with immobilization of the wound on the surgical bridge has been recommended these patients.
In the third group of patients with extensive and giant hernias, blood oxygen saturation was significantly reduced (91,5 ± 1,5% (p <0,05). Such patients with extensive and giant hernias and a and long term hernia has been recommended prosthetic abdominal wall with mesh prosthesis. If the hernia disease is less than 5 years of age and patients of working age, two-stage hardware method of treatment hernias created by professor E. N. Lyubykh has been recommended. [9]
Conclusion. The proposed algorithm for choosing a method of plastic surgery for postoperative median repaired hernias based on preoperative determination of oxygen saturation with oxygen under different conditions allows for a differentiated functionally oriented approach to the treatment of patients and a reduction in the number of relapses.

Immuno-biological Rationale for the Use of Platelet-rich Donor Plasma for the Regional Treatment of Wounds
There has recently been great interest in platelet growth factors. Universal mechanism of action, simplicity, low cost and maloinvazivnogo receiving expand their use in practical medicine. However, comorbidities and the technical difficulty of isolating platelets from autoplasma are the limiting factors for widespread adoption of the techniques in the daily work of doctors of most hospitals. The article listed the main drugs of platelets enriched plasma (pure platelet-rich plasma enriched with white blood cells and platelets blood plasma, pure platelet-enriched fibrin enriched with platelets, leukocytes and fibrin), the features, the conditions of their production and hardware by apheresis, and from the pool leykotrieny layers. The marked advantages of automatic separation of blood components, which minimizes the human factor in (avoiding manual labor), allows to distinguish the platelets of high quality with little loss of hemoglobin and plasma, ensures quick and accurate obtaining of necessary blood components and the shelf life of platelets, the importance of timely delivery. The authors considered immune and biological aspects of the use of donor platelet concentrate. Describes methods to reduce the risks of transmission of hemotransmissive infections, alloimmune effects, bacterial contamination of wounds with local application of platelet concentrate. Comparative evaluation of the economic component of the latest hardware by apheresis and from the pool leykotrieny layers. The use of platelet-rich donor plasma for the stimulation of reparative processes in the healing of nonhealing wounds is due to equivalent clinical effectiveness of the use of donor platelet concentrate and platelet-rich autoplasma. Convenience of centralized procurement allows greater use of platelet drugs in many hospitals.

The Use of Asepticob-A and Platelet-rich Plasma in Complex Endoscopic Teatment of Patients with Ulcer Gastroduodenal Bleeding
Relevance. Gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding is one of the most complex problems of emergency abdominal surgery. An endoscopic hemostasis is a crucial importance during the treatment of patients with gastroduodenal bleeding. The using of biologically active draining sorbents in combination with local haemostatic drugs is a promising direction in the endoscopic hemostasis.
Objective. The aim of the investigation is to improve the results of treatment of patients with acute ulcerative gastroduodenal hemorrhages by application of biologically active draining of sorbent Asepticob-A in combination with platelet-rich plasma for endoscopic hemostasis as an important component of complex therapy.
Materials and methods. The study is based on the results of treatment of 112 patients with peptic ulcer bleeding. They were treated in the specialized city centre for the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding of Voronezh state hospital of emergency medical care №1. During the treatment of patients of the main group (n=57 persons) was used individual complex approach with the using of biologically active draining of sorbent of new generation – Asepticob-A and platelet-rich plasma in endoscopic treatment of bleeding complications of gastroduodenal ulcers. In the comparison group (n=55 persons) was used the well-known traditional methods of endoscopic hemostasis without the use of granular sorbents and platelet-rich plasma.
Results and discussion. The effectiveness of treatment of patients with ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding was assessed according to the criteria of reliability of hemostasis, assessment of dynamics of reparative processes in ulcerous defects, the frequency of recurrence of bleeding on the background of treatment using endoscopic techniques, prevention, emergency operations and mortality rate. The methods of treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding with the combined use of biologically active draining sorbents and platelet-rich plasma for the reliability of endoscopic haemostasis, that was developed and introduced into clinical practice, reduces the number of emergency operations in 2.6 times, mainly due to the reduction of recurrent bleeding and, as a consequence, leads to lower postoperative mortality.
Conclusions. The use of biologically active draining of sorbent Asepticob-A and platelet-rich plasma in complex endoscopic treatment of patients with ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding allows to reduce the frequency of recurrence of bleeding from 10.9% to 3.5% (3.1 times), to reduce the number of emergency surgical interventions at the height of bleeding from 9.1% to 3.5% (2.6 times), to reduce postoperative mortality from 5.45% to 1.75% (3.1 times) and reduce the duration of inpatient treatment from 9.0 to 6.0 days (p<0.05).

Comparative Morphological Efficiency Different Methodics of Pleurodesis by Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions and Talc
Relevance Currently, the choice of effective and safe means for chemical pleurodesis is an urgent problem in the surgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax.
Objective The purpose of our research was to compare the effectiveness of various methods of pleurodesis in the experiment based on the macro and microscopic study material.
Materials and methods We used laboratory rats of the WISTAR line, weighing 180 grams, 200 individuals in the experiment. They were divided into three experimental groups and a control group of 50 rats each. Spontaneous pneumothorax was simulated on one side of the thorax of rats. One of the chemical agents was used in three experimental groups for carrying out the pleurodesis. The animals were observed and sacrificed in groups on days 3, 5, 7, 10, 30 of the experiment. Next, macro and microscopic changes in the lungs and adjacent tissues were described and compared. Regression models were constructed for the change in the number of free cell populations in the lung tissue during the process of analyzing data.
Results and its discussion The use of a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide causes the formation of persistent pleural adhesions with a shorter duration and severity of the inflammatory process in comparison to the analogues. Regression models of the dynamics of the free cellular composition of the pulmonary stroma were created with the aim of predicting the adhesion process.
Conclusions The findings suggest that 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide have the maximum efficiency as a chemical agent for pleurodesis.

Metabolic correction of the ischemic-reperfusive liver damage against the background of its vascular exclusion in experimental conditions
It is an urgent issue of practical hepatology to find and to use means possessing the tissue protective properties to increase the potential of the own antioxidant system in conditions of the vascular liver exclusion which have to satisfy the practical medicine.
The purpose of the present study is to research the influence of intraperitoneal injections of the sodium dichloroacetate on the course of the ischemic-reperfusive syndrome in conditions of the modeled vascular liver exclusion.
Materials and methods. The study has been performed on 105 non-linear male rats divided into 7 groups. After the laparotomy animals have undergone the intraperitoneal injection of the sodium dichloroacetate in dosage 300 mg/kg under the general anesthesia, then the hepatoduodenal ligament has been clamped for 10, 15 and 20 minutes. The comparison groups have been formed from animals that have undergone the same manipulations without injections of the sodium dichloroacetate. The control group has been made up of 15 rats only laparotomy has been performed on. After 15 minutes of reperfusion the blood sampling from the caudal vena cava and liver has been carried out to perform further laboratory analysis. In the blood plasma the activity of lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase has been determined as well as the content of general thiol groups. In erythrocytes and liver homogenate the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase have been determined. To evaluate the endotoxicosis level the content of substances of medium and low molecular mass in erythrocytes and the blood plasma has been studied.
Results and discussion. It has been revealed during the performed study that the sodium dichloroacetate significantly decreases the manifestation of the cytolytic syndrome. The increase of transaminase activity in the blood plasma by injection of the sodium dichloroacetate has fallen behind for 5 minutes in average in comparison with the groups without metabolic correction. The activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the blood plasma has been lower than the indices of the comparison groups by 2-3 times. The activity of enzymes of antiradical protection by injections of the sodium dichloroacetate has increased both in erythrocytes and the liver homogenate against the background of the lowering in the comparison groups. The content of thiol groups in the blood plasma within 10-20 minutes of the vascular exclusion has decreased by 25-38% and has persisted on this level while in the comparison groups the concentration decrease by 51.2% has been revealed to the 20th minute. By the correction the significantly lower level of endotoxicosis has been developing. One of the possible mechanisms of cytoprotective action of the sodium dichloroacetate is the activation of antioxidant system due to the development of oxidative stress as the leading damage factor by reperfusion.
Conclusion. The received data demonstrate the cytoprotective properties of the sodium dichloroacetate in conditions of the developing ischemic-reperfusive syndrome on the model of the vascular liver exclusion in experimental conditions. The results of the study perspectively allow expanding the usage possibilities of the vascular liver exclusion in its various types in the field of surgical hepatology.

Application of ultrasonic treatment and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate in the surgical treatment of experimental osteomyelitis
Chronic osteomyelitis is one of their complex health problems, since it accounts for up to 6% of cases in the structure of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, relapses of the disease occur in 30%, and disability is 90% of cases.The aim of the study was to improve the results of treatment of experimental chronic osteomyelitis by applying ultrasound sanation and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate.Materials and methods. The study was carried out on 210 white rats, which were divided into 5 groups: 2 control rats and 3 experimental ones. In the 1st control group, no treatment was performed. In the 2nd control and experimental groups, the hearth was surgically sanitized. In the 1 st experimental group, the focus was performed by ultrasonic treatment. In the 2nd experimental group, the bone cavity was filled with a synthesized hydrolyzate of collagen. In the third experimental group, the combined use of ultrasound sanitation of the focus and filling it with synthesized collagen hydrolyzate was carried out. To assess the dynamics of treatment, the analysis of the general condition of animals, hematological and morphometric studies was performed.Results and their discussions.The dynamics of the general state of animals, the antioxidant defense system, the mineral metabolism, and the evaluation of the histoarchitectonics of bone tissue have been studied. It was noted that against the backdrop of the inflammatory process in chronic osteomyelitis, all the studied indicators indicate a reduced regenerative capacity. Using the developed treatment methods based on ultrasound sanitation, synthesized collagen hydrolyzate, as well as their combination, accelerated relief of inflammatory phenomena, normalization of AOS, mineral metabolism, and regenerative abilities of bone tissue were observed.Conclusions. The developed complex method of treatment based on combined application of ultrasound sanation and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate allowed to shorten the healing period of the wound defect, normalize the general condition of animals, free radical oxidation and mineral metabolism parameters, and accelerate the regenerative capabilities of bone tissue.

Sustainable Postoperative Care After Cesarean Section
Rationale: puerperal endometritis is the major cause of formation of incompetent uterine scar and spread of infection. By contrast, reparative processes concerning uterine walls are the basis for formation of a competent uterine scar. In the past decades, there have been observed significant changes in the clinical course of puerperal endometritis. Apart from other factors, they are caused by improper antibiotics prophylaxis and antibiotic treatment. The key factors responsible for uterine scar incompetence also include improper surgery methods, namely: application of uninterrupted, continuous suture of uterus, reactogenic material, inappropriate hemostasis, pathological blood loss, surgery duration over two hours, using technique of manual fetal exteriorization.
The aim of the present research is to identify a group of maternity patients that could avoid being administered perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis and the further antibiotic therapy on condition that their lower uterus segments are processed with interrupted sutures. It also involves the assessment of the early postoperative care period as well as eliminating possible complications. Materials and methods: The article analyses a group of 63 maternity obstetrics patients in early postoperative care period. They had their lower uterus segments processed with interrupted sutures. In all cases we used peritonization with help of plica vesicouterina. Antibiotic prophylaxis was avoided in both perioperative and early postoperative care periods. The article also presents the lab test values, data on thermometry and ultrasound diagnostic. The latter analyzed the following: length, width, thickness and the size of uterus, thickness of the front part of the uterus in the scar area, echoicity and echo structure of the mentioned area. Ultrasound examination allows us to estimate the uterus size, the scar condition, possible pathologic elements in the uterus body. The article also presents data on physical examination and bacteria culturing of the content of the uteri cavity during three days.
The results: the complications were not presented by such nosological forms as endometritis or postoperative peritonitis, as well as inflammatory urinary conditions. No cases of any partial suture line disruption have been observed on the anterior abdominal wall or hyperthermia over 37,5 within the first three days of the postoperative period.
Conclusions: during the rehabilitation period for the lower uterus segments by using synthetic suture material for the low-risk group of obstetrics patients it is not necessary to provide antibiotics prophylaxis and antibiotic treatment in the case of a planned or postponed caesarian section

Biorezonance at the Surgical Clinic for Diagnostics and Treatment of the Surgical Wound Infection
In modern medicine a great variety of chemotherapeutic agents is used for treating the infection. However, in spite of their improvement, increasing the quality of providing medical aid, development of surgical technique, using new and more thorough technologies for the patients’ treatment, the incidence of purulent complications at surgical clinic doesn’t decrease. Moreover, there is a marked tendency of its increase.
2% of all the initial laparotomies are accompanied by unplanned operations about intraabdominal infection, and approximately 50% of all serious intraabdominal infections appear during the postoperative period, which leads to 2% of lethal outcomes after planned operations.
Needless to say, the problem of surgical infection is actually urgent for our country. Therefore, in our opinion, searching for methods of diagnostics, control and treatment of infection, which could be an alternative to antimicrobial chemotherapy, is very important.
The physical method of treatment, based on using the patient’s own electromagnetic fields and emanations, which is also known as bioresonance therapy (BRT), gained wide application in modern medicine.
BRT method is based on the ideas about the human body being a source of fluctuations of electric nature, which exist in the human body or on its surface and spread across the environment.
The new method of wound surgical infection treatment is analyzed. Theoretical and practical aspects of using multiresonance therapy in surgeon’s work are discussed. The treatment of the patient with polyresistant infection associated with giving medical aid is analyzed in the article. The author draws a conclusion about the expediency of using bioresonance in complex treatment of wound surgical infection.

Review of literature
Fournier’s Gangrene: the Criteria for Diagnosis, Prognostic Factors, Complications and Mortality
The early diagnosis, prognosis, complications and mortality Fournier’s gangrene (FG) are discussed. The terms pre-hospital period with FG is amount of 8.0 ± 5.2 days. Cases of misdiagnosis are observed in 70% in the early stages of FG due to nonspecific clinical and laboratory picture, lack of awareness and alertness of doctors. Early diagnosis of FG is based on clinical and laboratory data of the picture. In order to timely diagnosis of FG is used scale laboratory indicators of necrotizing fasciitis (LRINEC), allowing suspect FG in doubtful cases. In diagnostically unclear cases FG used radiation methods. At the slightest suspicion on the FG made explorative operation, including express biopsy of soft tissues. The differential diagnosis is carried out in the early stages of FG with acute diseases anogenital region and is rarely used. As a prognostic criteria discussed the patient's age, the presence and nature of comorbid diseases, severity of the condition, the hospital admission dates, duration of preoperative period, necrosis area, metabolic parameters, the amount of remedial necrectomy, antibiotic regimen, hyperbaric oxygen therapy. For the systematic evaluation of the severity of the patient's condition and prognosis use different scoring systems. Many of the proposed prognostic criteria are controversial. The favorable prognosis in FG is entirely dependent on early diagnosis and timing of emergency surgery. Sepsis and its complications are the main causes of deaths. Mortality in the FG has been a steady downward trend, and is 22.3 ± 8.8%. Prevention of the FG is a timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs and their complications.

The Diabetic Foot Syndrome
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) - takes the third place in the structure of causes of death, affects 4-5% of the world's population, and the costs of its treatment reach 30% of the country's budget for health, of which more than 90% are wastes of treatment of complications SD. Syndrome of diabetic foot (SDS) is formed in 20-50% of patients and in 30% of cases leads to infectious-necrotic complications. When diagnosing SDS pay attention to the condition of the skin and fingers of the feet, blood flow, the presence of pain, to study sensitivity, to conduct capillaroscopy, polarography, ultrasonic dopplerography; Radiography of foot bones, densitometry, angiography, etc. Principles of treatment of infectious-necrotic complications; SDS: urgent hospitalization in the profile department (angiological or "diabetic foot"); Insulin, antibiotic, immunotherapy; The introduction of drugs that improve microcirculation (anticoagulants, antiaggregants, antioxidants); Syndromic therapy; Surgical treatment. Prevention of VTS should include: regular examination of the feet; Definition of a risk group; Selection of adequate shoes; Correction of pathological conditions predisposing to the development of VTS; Training of patients and their family members.

GREKOV Ivan Ivanovich (1867-1934). The 150th of the birthday
Ivan Ivanovich Grekov (1867-1934) – an outstanding Russian surgeon, a talented organizer and teacher, doctor of medical science (1901), Professor (1915), honorary Chairman of the Surgical society N.I.Pirogov (1920), chief editor scientific medical journal "Vestnik of surgery and border areas" (1922-1934), Chairman of the XVI all-Russian Congress of surgeons (1924), the chief doctor of Obukhovskaya hospital (1927-1934), honored scientist of the RSFSR (1932).
I.I. Grekov was born on 5 (17) March, 1867, on a farm Tomilino Bogucharsky district, Voronezh province. In 1876 he entered and in 1885 graduated from Novocherkassk men's gymnasium, and was admitted to the Moscow University. In 1890 for participation in student riots Ivan was expelled from the University, but later continued her studies at the medical faculty of Yuryev University, and in 1894 he was awarded the title of doctor.
In 1895 I.I.Grekov worked in the Obukhov hospital in St. Petersburg: first – supernumerary resident since 1905 head of the surgical Department, from 1927 to 1934 – the chief physician. In 1901 he defended his doctoral thesis: "Materials for the issue of bone defects of the skull and their treatment."
In 1903 I. I. Grekov performs world's first successful suturing wounds of the heart. I. I. Grekov for the first time in Russia performed the intraoperative dissection of the cavity of the heart, pankreatectomia, one of the first made expeditious treatment of the stomach the methods of Kocher, Billroth–I and Billroth–II operation to create an artificial esophagus by the method of Roux–Herzen, has developed a technique tamponade of the abdominal cavity, restoration of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint broad fascia of the thigh; method of resection of the sigmoid and descending colon intestines (Greek I and Greek II).
In 1915, Smith was elected Professor of the hospital surgery chair of the Psychoneurological Institute (from 1930 – 2nd Leningrad medical Institute). From 1918 to 1924 I. I. Grekov was Chairman, and in 1920 Honorary Chairman of the Surgical society N.I. Pirogov. In 1922, on the initiative of I. I. Grekov was resumed publication of the journal "Vestnik of surgery and border areas", whose editor he was from 1922 to 1934. In 1924, Ivan was unanimously elected President of the XVI Congress of Russian surgeons; in 1925, 1927 and 1929 – the Chairman of the congresses of surgeons of North Caucasus. In 1932, I. I. Grekov was awarded the title of honored scientist of the RSFSR.
I.I. Grekov died 11 Feb 1934 and was buried at the Communist platform of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
I.I. Grekov is the author of over 150 scientific works, devoted to problems of thoracic, cardiovascular, vascular, and emergency surgery, surgical infection.
In memory of I. I. Grekov since 1934, the journal "Vestnik of surgery and border areas" was renamed to "Vestnik of surgery named by I.I.Grekova"; on the former Obukhovskaya hospital in 1969, a memorial plaque; Department of surgery North-Western state medical University named by I.I.Mechnikov, first head and founder of which he was given the name of I.I.Grekov

VOYNO-YASENETSKY Valentin Feliksovich (1877-1961). To the 140th of the birthday
Voyno-Yasenetsky Valentin Feliksovich (Archbishop Luka) Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol, Russian and Soviet surgeon, the author of works in anesthesiology, doctor of medical Sciences (1916), Professor (1917); doctor of theology (1959), winner of the Stalin prize, first degree (1946).
- F. Voino-Yasenetsky was born 27 APR 1877. After graduating from high school and Kiev art school, studied painting in Munich. In 1898 he became a student of the medical faculty of Kiev University, after which he worked as a surgeon in Chita, the town of Ardatov in Simbirsk province S. Verkhniy Lyubazh, Kursk region, town of Fatezh, Moscow. In 1915 he published in Saint Petersburg the book "Regional anesthesia", and in 1916 he defended it as his thesis and received the degree of doctor of medicine. Until 1917 the doctor in some of the provincial hospitals of Russia, and later the chief doctor of Tashkent city hospital, Professor of Central Asian state University. In 1921 he was ordained to the diaconate, a week a priest in 1923 he was tonsured a monk and consecrated a Bishop with the name Luca, a week later arrested. In 1926 V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky returned to Tashkent, but in 1930 he was arrested again and transported to Arkhangelsk. In 1934 he published a monograph "Sketches of purulent surgery". In 1937 he was arrested for the third time. Since 1940, works as a surgeon in the link in Bolshaya Murta, 110 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. 1941 – consultant to all hospitals in the Krasnoyarsk territory and the chief surgeon of the hospital. In 1942 was elevated to the rank of Archbishop and appointed to the chair of Krasnoyarsk. In 1944, published the monograph "On the course of chronic empyema and hundreth" and "Late resections of infected gunshot wounds of the joints." In 1944, Archbishop Luke was headed by the Department of Tambov. In 1945, awarded the Patriarch Alexy I right to wear the diamond cross, wrote the book "Spirit, soul and body." In 1946 he headed the Crimean Department in Simferopol. In 1946 he was awarded the Stalin prize. In 1955, was blind. Died V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky June 11, 1961, Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol.
Author of 55 scientific papers on surgery and anatomy, ten volumes of sermons. His most famous book "Sketches of purulent surgery". Awarded Pointscore (1916), the diamond cross from the Patriarch of all Russia (1944), medal "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war" (1945), Stalin prize first degree (1944).
Archbishop Luka monuments in Krasnoyarsk, Tambov, and Simferopol, is an honorary citizen of Pereslavl-Zalessky (posthumously). In 1995, St Luke canonized as locally venerated saints of the Crimean diocese, in 2000, the definition of the Council of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church glorified as a Confessor (Saint) in the Assembly of new martyrs and Confessors of Russia. His relics are installed for worship at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol.

LISTER Joseph (1827-1912). To the 190th of the birthday
Joseph Lister – the largest English surgeon and scientist, the founder of antiseptics, President of the Royal society of surgeons, a member of the house of lords. Joseph Lister was born on 5 apr 1827 in England. In 1844 he graduated from high school, and in 1852, the medical faculty of the University of London and was appointed resident assistant College University hospital. The first scientific work of Lister was published in 1852 and was dedicated to the structure of the iris of the eye and its muscles. Soon Lister began working in the clinic of Professor George. Syme in Edinburgh and published lectures, devoted primarily to ophthalmology. In 1855 he became a member of the Royal College of surgeons and is a Professor in the George. Saimaa. In 1858 Lister became a surgeon of the Royal hospital in Edinburgh and at the same time began to read a course of surgery at the University. On 9 March 1860 he was appointed Professor of surgery in Glasgow. In 1867 in the journal "Lancet" published articles Lister, in which he argued the idea that wound infection is called a living beginning, introduced from the outside; was presented to combat surgical infection, comprising treating hand surgeon, surgical field and instruments, disinfection of the air by atomization of a solution of carbolic acid. In 1869 Lister was transferred to the surgical clinic in Edinburgh, and in 1877 he was given the chair of clinical surgery at king's College London. In 1884 Joseph Lister was given the title of baronet, from 1895 to 1900 he was President of the Royal society of surgeons; in 1897 appointed a member of the house of lords. In 1892 he was 65 years old and, according to the law, he had to leave the Department at the Royal College. Joseph Lister was made an honorary member of numerous universities and scientific societies, was awarded the Royal medal (1880), medal of Comenius (1877), albert (1894), Copley (1902); the order of merit (1902). Died Joseph Lister, on 10 February 1912 in Walmer. In honor of Joseph Lister has been named a genus of bacteria Listeria (Listeria), he is on the English postage stamp, issued in 1966.

SHAMOV Vladimir Nikolaevich (1882-1962). To the 135th of the birthday
Shamov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1882-1962) – an outstanding Soviet surgeon, neurosurgeon, transfuziolog, academician of the USSR (1945), honored scientist of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR, General-Lieutenant of medical service, laureate of the Lenin prize (1962); awarded the order of Lenin (twice), red banner (twice), red banner, red Star and medals of the USSR.
Born may 22, 1882 in Menzelinsk, Ufa governorate (now Tatarstan). In 1908 he graduated from the Military medical Academy. In 1911 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: "the importance of physical methods for surgery of malignant tumors".
From 1914 to 1923 V. N. Shamov – senior assistant in the Department of Fedorov. In 1919 he received isohemagglutinins serum for the determination of blood groups and for the first time the country produced a blood transfusion given group membership. In 1923, V. N. Shamov was elected as head of the Department of surgery of the Kharkov medical Institute and the surgical clinic of the Ukrainian Institute of experimental medicine. In 1926, he reported he developed a method of complete isolation from neural connections of the small intestine, derived under the skin, and transferring it to the blood supply of the subcutaneous vessels. In 1928, V. N. Shamov proposed and successfully conducted the transfusion of cadaveric blood. In 1930, he organized the second in the USSR and in the world Institute of blood transfusion and emergency surgery, and became its Director. In 1935 he was awarded the title of honored Worker of science. In the years 1939-1958 V. N. Shamov headed the Department of hospital surgery of the Military medical Academy, he was the scientific Director of the Leningrad Institute of blood transfusion (1939-1941). During world war II – General-Lieutenant of medical service, Deputy chief surgeon of the red Army, in 1945 – the chief surgeon of the Supreme command of the far Eastern front. In October 1945, he was elected a full member of the USSR AMS. Since 1947 – was also the Director of the Leningrad research neurosurgical Institute them. A. L. Polenov, surgeon-in-chief of the RSFSR. Since 1958 Professor-consultant of the Military medical Academy. In 1962, V. N. Shamov became a laureate of the Lenin prize for development and introduction in practice of the method of preparation and use fibrinoliticescoy blood.
- N. Shamov for the first time in the country performed periarterial sympathectomy and surgery choroidal plexuses of the ventricles of the brain; developed method pregrading plasty of the esophagus isolated loop of the small intestine, raised the question of limitation contraindications for surgical interventions in the elderly. He was one of the first applied with the purpose of anesthesia, controlled hypotension and hypothermia anesthesia gas nitrous oxide, etc.; successfully completed one-step pankreatoduodenektomiyu in pancreatic cancer; described the clinical picture of tumors of cortex and medulla of the adrenal glands.
V.N. Shamov was a member of the Board of the all-Union society of surgeons and the International Association of surgeons, Chairman of the Surgical society. N.I.Pirogov, the Chairman of the organizing Bureau of the 24th all-Union Congress of surgeons, member of the scientific medical Council of Ministry of health of the USSR. More than 20 of his students became heads of departments of medical Universities. V. N. Shamov awarded the order of Lenin twice red banner (twice); the red banner of Labour, red Star, medals of the USSR. Died V.N. Shamov in Leningrad on 30 March 1962.
In memory of academician V. N. The Shamov in St. Petersburg on the building of the Military medical Academy and Neurosurgical Institute. Professor A. L. Polenov installed a memorial plaque, a bust of Lieutenant General of medical service V. N. Shamova installed in the courtyard of the St. Petersburg blood transfusion center, one of the streets of the city of Menzelinsk were named after academician V. N. Shamova.