Vol 9, No 4 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/36
Original articles
Optimization of treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis
Relevance. Mortality in necrotic pancreatitis ranges from 50-60%.
Purpose of the study. To improve the results of treatment of patients with infected pancreatitis by applying for rehabilitation common bacterial cellulitis immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite.
Materials and methods. We analyzed the results of the diagnosis and treatment of 94 patients with advanced infected pancreatic necrosis, the treatment of which was carried out by open-programmed landmark sanations necrotic foci. The patients were divided into two groups of statistics by gender, age, reasons of destructive pancreatitis, the degree of intra-abdominal pressure, endotoxemia, multiple organ failure. The control (first) group consisted of 48 patients after necrosectomy for sanitation of purulent foci used "Levomekol" ointment, and the main (second) - 46 patients treated on the same technology, with the introduction of the packing bag of sodium hypochlorite solution in the gel polymers. The effectiveness of treatment in the immediate postoperative period was assessed by the dynamics of systemic endotoxemia, multiple organ failure on the scale of the SOFA, the frequency of complications and mortality, and in the long term the quality of life of patients. To assess the severity of endotoxemia determined dynamics leukocytosis, LII postoperative sanation after each stage.
Results and its discussion. At all stages of the observation systemic endotoxemia indicators in the control group were higher than in the main: readjustment after the first 1.2 times after the second - 1.4 times, after the third and fourth - by 1.5 times. Intensity of multiple organ failure in the first group was higher than in the second: after a first sanitation - 1.1, after 1.4 second after the 3rd and 4th - 1.3 and after 5 minutes - 1 6 times. The first group of early postoperative complications occurred in 22 (45.8%), while the second group - 16 (34.8%). Mortality in the first group was 39%, and in the second - 30.4% .In the late postoperative period, diabetes developed in 29 (47.5%) with the same frequency in both groups. The physical component of health in the first group is 37,86 ± 1,84, and the second 43,63 ± 2,04, and psychological respectively 38,16 ± 1,26 and 41,21 ± 1,25.
Conclusion. The use of immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite in the treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis pathogenetically justified and effective.
Keywords: infected pancreatic necrosis, programmed open rehabilitation, necrosectomy "Levomekol" ointment immobilized form sodium hypochlorite.

The Method of Postoperative Endoscopic Monitoring
A new method of endoscopy in the postoperative period is presented. To implement this method the authors designed a device
comprising a silicone tube with miniature camera mounted inside that registers intestine status in the outer tube. The method was
used in 30 patients with abdominal ischemic syndrome and 43 patients after intestine resection for necrosis segments. In process of
video monitoring complications of abdominal ischemic syndrome were found in 4, after resection - in 5 patients. Early diagnosis of
complications made it possible to perform timely corrective and repeated surgical interventions.
Key words: endoscopic video monitoring, intestine ischemia, resection

The relationship of the anatomical features of the structure of the main veins with clinical manifestations of venous pathology and osteoarticular system of the lower limbs

Evaluating the effectiveness of a combination of concentrated platelets and suspension of native collagen unreconstructed for the topical treatment of trophic ulcers of the small and medium-sized.
Relevance. Treatment of venous ulcers so far is one of the most difficult tasks. In the context of impaired wound trophism in extremely slowed synthesis of tissue elements, so it seems appropriate to use the funds to stimulate regeneration.
The purpose of the study. To evaluate the efficacy of different methods of regeneration stimulation in nonhealing wounds.
Materials and methods. In order to investigate the clinical efficacy of a combination of concentrated platelets and suspension of native collagen unreconstructed for the topical treatment of venous ulcers, a comparative study with a control, parallel-group. Patients randomly assigned to the main group, which included patients who for the topical treatment of trophic ulcers used a combination of concentrated suspensions of platelets and native unreconstructed collagen and 3 control groups: the first - in the complex treatment of patients using advanced dressings, in the second - in the comprehensive topical therapy was used only collagen-containing preparations, in the third control group consisted of patients who have a comprehensive topical therapy using platelet rich plasma. The healing process was assessed by measurement of the ulcer, the skin around the wound, the bacteriological study of wound, cytological and pathological and histological studies of tissue injury, instrumental methods of research.
Results. Use of a combination of concentrated suspensions of platelets and native collagen unreconstructed statistically significantly accelerates epithelialization of the wound surface efficiently stimulates granulation, substantially reduces adverse feeling in the wound.
Key words: venous trophic ulcers, concentrated platelet suspension, collagen

Derinat in Complex Treatment of Destructive Forms of Erysipelas
complications of this disease. Only in our clinic, the proportion of patients with destructive forms of erysipelas is about 18% of all
patients of the Department of purulent surgery.
The aim of the present investigation is to improve the results of treatment complications associated with erysipelas according to
modern concepts about this problem.
Methods We conducted a randomized controlled trial of 34 patients suffer from erysipelas, associated with purulent complications.
All patients were categorized according to kind of treatment into two groups. The control group (17 patients) included patients treated
with conventional therapy. In the main group (17 patients) in the conventional treatment of erysipelas was included immunomodulator
Derinat. The efficacy of the treatment was monitored through clinical tests with calculation of indexes of intoxication (LII, YII), and
special studies of the immune status.
Results In patients treated with Derinat symptoms of intoxication were stopped in earlier periods (6 ± 0,58 (p<0,5) day, LII and YII
was normalized on the 7th day) in comparison with the control group. After the traditional therapy, in patients was the suppression
of T-lymphocytes and their subpopulations, ingestion rate was lower than in healthy persons. In the main group of patients after
treatment with derinat we are reveal the stimulation of T - and B - immunity with increased ingestion rate.
Discussion The inclusion of Derinat in the conventional therapy of patients with erysipelas allows to correct disorders in the immune
status of these patients, which contributes to their rapid healing and reducing the risk of recurrence of the disease.
Key words: erysipelas, destructive forms of erysipelas, complications of erysipelas, Derinat.

The Modern Views of The Diagnosis of Male Breast Cancer
Background Mail breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease, accounting for about 1% of all breast cancer cases. Male breast is easy
accessible place for all clinical examination techniques. But in Russia it stills a problem of detecting male breast cancer at early
stages. It is related to many factors, including the misinterpretation of the results mammography and (or) ultrasound.
The purpose of the study To clarify the characteristics of diagnosis of breast cancer in men.
Methods We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 31 male patients with MBC who were surgically treated at the Voronezh Regional
Oncology hospital, Russia between 2010 and 2016. We registered, age, histology, TNM staging and results of Radiologic methods
of examination.
Results It was identified and summarized the various symptoms defined by mammography and chest CT in men with breast cancer
at different stages.
Conclusions. 1. Pathognomonic for breast cancer in men is the relationship of the tumor to the breast skin, the nipple and areola.
2. If mammography can not be performed, it may be used chest CT to assess the nature and prevalence of breast lesions.
3. Algorithm examination in men with breast cancer should include mammography, breast ultrasound, chest CT, if possible, PET \
CT-18 FDG.
Keywords: Male breast cancer, mammography, chest CT.

Experimental Analysis and Clinical Application of Implant Permacol
Relevance: in the era of advanced surgical interventions in oncoproctology, such as cylindrical extirpation and resection of the
rectum, surgeons are increasingly faced with the problem of nonhealing postoperative wounds, which involves the removal of a
large array of tissues and the formation of extensive defect of the pelvic floor or abdominal wall. The solution to this problem is
to use the implant to replace the defect. The bioimplant Permacol™, is produced from pig skin by extraction of fat, removal of
cellular components, RNA and DNA, after which the implant is maintained only 3D collagen lattice. Due to its chemical structure
with the formation of intermolecular cross-links with the help of HMDI (hexamethylene of diisocyanate) it is resistant to human
collagenase, which slows down the degradation of biological material.
Objective: to evaluate the possibility of using Permacol implant for replacement of defects of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor
in patients with malignant tumors of rectum and colon in experiment and clinic.
Materials and methods: the experiment was conducted on 15 chinchilla rabbits to study the biological properties of the implant
using histological method. After receiving the results of the experiment, Permacol has been used in the clinic of faculty surgery at
the department of coloproctology of Ryazan Regional Hospital.
Results and discussion: experience of bioimplant Permacol application is described. The experiment on rabbits compared the
biological properties of Prolen and Permacol implants was carried out, which Permacol showed good biocompatibility and high
resistance to tissue enzymes and of the infectious agent. In the clinic of faculty surgery at the department of coloproctology of
Ryazan Regional Hospital Permacol was used to replace the defect of the anterior abdominal wall and substitution of the defect of
the pelvic floor after extended surgical interventions in cancer patients. In both cases the experience proved successful.
Conclusion: the obtained results allow to recommend Permacol for use not in the open wound, and if possible, to close the implant
by the skin.
Keywords: Permacol, bioimplant, plasty, oncoproctology.

Determining the level of resection of the intestine in experimental acute intestinal obstruction using bioimpedance
Relevance. One of the most important stages during surgical treatment of acute intestinal obstruction is the determination of irreversible damages of the intestine.
The aim of this study was to improve outcomes of surgical treatment of acute intestinal obstruction through the reducing of a removable part of the intestine during bowel resection in the case of its necrosis.
Materials and methods. An experimental investigation was performed on 64 Wistar rats 180-230 g. Medial laparotomy was carried out on animals and acute strangulation intestinal obstruction in the small intestine was modeled by applying a thick ligature onto the small intestinal loop 1,5-2,0 cm long together with the mesentery. The pathological process was created for periods of 1 h (n=11), 3 h (n=13) and 6 h (n=12). The normal level of the impedance of the intestine wall on 13 rats was found.
Another group of animals contained 15 rats with modeled strangulation obstruction in the small intestine. Pathological process was created for a period of 3 h. The small intestinal segments were then resected at different distances from strangulation site and anastomoses were formed.
Invasive bioimpedancemetry was performed by a device “BIM-II” for measuring the electrical impedance of biological tissues (Patent of Russian Federation № 2366360). The measurement of the impedance of physiological solution in vitro was performed as a test of the device. After bioimpedancemetry histological examination was performed.
Results and discussion. The impedance index of physiological solution was 0,46 kΩ. Study of changes in impedance indices in the afferent and efferent portions of the small intestine showed that the indices decreased towards the strangulation zone, the lowest indices recorded at the interface of the strangulation zone. Histological examination of the small and large intestine in zones with impedance indices below 2 kΩ in the course of acute intestinal obstruction showed signs of necrosis of different severity. The maximum impedance level in these regions was 1.99 kΩ. No signs of necrosis were detected in the intestinal zones with impedance above 2 kΩ, irrespective of the period of the pathological process. The impedance index above 2 kΩ served as the criterion for resection of the intestine.
Histological examination of the intestinal anastomoses created in resection of the intestine in the course of acute intestinal obstruction with consideration for impedance indices and of anastomoses created in resection of the organ within a priori viable tissues showed no appreciable differences in the histomorphology of healing.
Conclusions. The impedance index of the intestinal wall of afferent and efferent portions of the intestine above 2 kΩ in the course of acute intestinal obstruction served as a criterion for determination of the level for resection of the intestine.
Key words: experiment, acute intestinal obstruction, viability of the intestine, bioimpedancemetry.

Experimental Method Application Software of the Bubbling Debridement of Wounds
The treatment of wounds remains a pressing multidisciplinary problem surgery that requires new high throughput approaches
including, reduction of risks of infectious and cosmetic defects.
The purpose of the study was to develop a method into a software of rehabilitation treatment of wounds soft tissue and studying its
efficiency in the experiment. The studies were performed on 192 male albino rats in 2 units of study.
Materials and methods Research in first and second blocks was aimed at studying the impact of software bubble rehabilitation on
the course of wound healing in aseptic and septic wounds, respectively. In control groups the treatment of wound process was carried
out by applying aseptic dressings. In the main groups were conducted, additionally, software bubbling sanitation in 0.9% sodium
chloride solution for 3 minutes.
Sessions of software bubble rehabilitation was carried out using a special device, which is based on the combined use of gas and
hydrodynamic impacts by passing through a solution of gas bubbles that come into contact with the wound surface, enhance the
quality of rehabilitation and improve circulation. For evaluating the course of the wound process in experimental research was
conducted clinical, macroscopic, histological and histochemical methods.
Results and their discussion Application of the method of PBS under aseptic wounds accelerated the relief of edema and hyperemia
more than 20%, reduce the period of exudation by 50% compared to the control group. In the treatment of purulent wounds of PBS
method made it possible to accelerate the phase change of the hydration and dehydration on the average in 1,5-2 times. In the study
of histoarchitectonic soft tissues in the control group it was observed the prolongation of the inflammatory phase of wound healing,
long-term preservation of necrosis in the muscular layer and the nonuniform development and maturation of granulation tissue, the
use of bubble rehabilitation led to more rapid and complete cleansing wounds from microorganisms and tissue breakdown products,
to even development of granulation tissue and early closure of the wound.
Conclusion Experimental studies have shown the safety and efficacy of software bubble remediation (PBS) in the treatment of aseptic
wounds of soft tissues.
Keywords: software bubbling debridement, soft tissue wound

Method of abdominal hernias surgery
Relevance. Postoperative ventral hernia is one of the most frequent complications after abdominal surgery. The problem of recurrent hernias seemed solved with the advent of synthetic implants, but their use in turn created new complications. The disadvantage of the existing methods of plastic umbilical hernias and hernia the white line of the abdomen is also the aponeurosis suture failure due to its pulping, diastasis rectus muscles, circulatory disturbance, leading to relapse.
The purpose of the study. Improving the efficiency of surgical treatment and prevent peritoneal commissures disease in the operations to ventral hernias by the using the original method of abdominal hernias surgery.
Materials and methods. In rabbits were done operations to abdomen white line hernias by Napalkov (n=10) and umbilical hernias by Sapezhko (n=10) with an original operated tissues omentization. Efficiency – blood suppling increasing was evaluated by the relative pulse oscillations amplitudes in the pulsomotorgramms method. In human hernia reparing by Sapezhko with tissues omentization, with the subsequent observation of the patient during two years.
Results and their discussion. Suturing the portion of the caul with saturation not less than 97% significantly increases blood flow to the seaming strips (p <0,05). Recurrent hernia and suture’s failure was not seams, no complaints all the period of observation the patient.
Conclusion. The developed method of hernia plastics increases the efficiency of the surgical treatment of ventral hernias, prevents peritoneal commissures disease. The method has been successfully pre-tested in the clinic.
Keywords. Recurrent hernia, ventral hernia, caul, saturation, pulsomotorografiya, peritoneal commissures.

Characteristic Features Of Gall Bladder Topography In Women Of Different Somatotypes And Those With Abdominal Obesity (Based On Results Of Spiral Computed Tomography)
Timeliness. Prevalence of cholelithiasis and significant public costs of the treatment is among the problems of modern medicine. Up to 10 - 15% adults have this disease. 800000 new cases of cholelithiasis are recorded in Russia annually. patients with Grade III abdominal obesity are especially difficult to treat, as increased subcutaneous fat thickness causes significant technical difficulties emerging during surgery, increases the extent of operative injury and worsen the treatment outcomes in this category of patients.
The study objective. To improve the outcomes of surgical treatment of cholelithiasis in patients with abdominal obesity by decreasing the extent of surgical injury during surgical approach to the gallbladder.
Materials and methods The article describes the results of intravitam topographic anatomical examination of the gallbladder (based on results of spiral computed tomography and 3D modeling) in women of different somatotypes in the setting of abdominal obesity.
Results and discussion. We evaluated anatomical structures of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs located in the right hypochondrium of females based on somatotypes and presence of abdominal obesity. Suggested 3D modeling method allows performing mathematical measuring which might be a basis for derivation of criteria of optimal surgical approach during cholecystectomy.
Conclusions. The presence of abdominal obesity does not cause changes in topographic anatomical characteristics of the gallbladder, however it is located substantially deeper due to significant increase in subcutaneous fat thickness.
Key words. Gallbladder, somatotype, abdominal obesity

About laparoscopic diagnosis of volvulus
Design of investigation: Explore possibilitys of visual evaluation intestine’s vitality.
Object of investigation: Intervention group: 22 patients who were operated laparoscopically. Control group: 12 patients who were operated by abdominal operation but which unused algorithm.
Methods of investigation: patients were examined by traditional methods, as well as by laser. Doppler flowmetry together with domestic analyzer capillary blood LAKK-01.
Results: We investigated laparoscopically microcirculation in intervention and control groups in dynamics - before and after operations of elimination of volvulus.
Were valid differences in microcirculation (perfusion unit), coefficient of variation, flaksmotsy frequency, amplitude of flaksmotsy (Av), vascular tone. Were doubtful differences in terms of the effectiveness of microcirculation. Microcirculation was investigated after distortion.
The investigation showed the preservation of microcirculation’s contravention in the control group. Thus investigation of microcirculation patients with volvulus by laser Doppler flowmetry together with domestic analyzer capillary blood LAKK-01 is an important component of the diagnostic, allowing to define leading pathogenetic mechanisms of contraventions.
Based on the proposed method developed diagnostic algorithm and laparoscopic criteria.
Key words: Through the use of the investigation of microcirculation, diagnostic algorithm and laparoscopic criteria managed to improve the diagnosis of volvulus.

Alexander Vishnevsky (To the 110th anniversary of his birth)
А.А.Вишневский – выдающийся хирург с мировым именем, замечательный педагог, известный государственный и общественный деятель, директор Института Хирургии, академик АМН СССР, заслуженный деятель науки РСФСР, лауреат Международной премии им. Лериша, Ленинской и Государственной премий СССР, Герой социалистического труда, Член Международной ассоциации хирургов, почетный член Чехословацкого научного медицинского общества им. Я.Пуркине, общества врачей Швеции, Пьемонтского общества врачей, профессор, генерал-полковник медицинской службы, Депутат Верховного Совета РСФСР 6–8-го созывов. Награждён 3 орденами Ленина, 4 орденами Красного Знамени, 2 орденами Отечественной войны 1-й степени, орденами Красной Звезды, «За службу Родине в Вооружённых Силах СССР» 3-й степени, а также иностранными орденами и медалями.
А.А. Вишневский родился 24 мая1906 г. в Казани, в семье видного отечественного ученого-хирурга Александра Васильевича Вишневского. С 1924 по 1929 гг. учился на медицинском факультете Казанского университета. После окончания университета А.А.Вишневский непродолжительное время работает на кафедре нормальной анатомии Казанского университета. В1931 г. добровольно вступает в ряды Красной Армии и назначается преподавателем кафедры нормальной анатомии Военно-медицинской академии в Ленинграде.
В 1936 годы защищает докторскую диссертацию. С 1939 года Александр Александрович – руководитель хирургического отделения Всесоюзного института экспериментальной медицины; с 1940 по 1941 гг. – профессор Центрального института усовершенствования врачей.
Во время Великой Отечественной войны последовательно занимая должности хирурга армии, главного хирурга Брянского, Волховского, Карельского, Резервного и 1-го Дальневосточного фронтов. После окончания войны – главный хирург Приморского, а с1947 г. – главный хирург Московского военного округа. В1947 г. назначается заместителем по научной работе, а в1948 г. – директором Института хирургии АМН СССР.
С1956 г. одновременно является главным хирургом Министерства обороны СССР. С 1956 года А.А. Вишневский – заслуженный деятель науки РСФСР. С 1957 года – академик АМН СССР. В 1963 году генерал-лейтенанту медицинской службы Вишневскому А.А. присвоено воинское звание «генерал-полковник медицинской службы».
В 1966 году Александру Александровичу присвоено звание Героя Социалистического Труда с вручением ордена Ленина и золотой медали «Серп и Молот». В 1971 г. А.А. Вишневскому присуждена Государственная премия СССР. А.А. Вишневский умер 14 ноября 1975 г.

Bialik Jacob R. (On the 100th anniversary of his birth)
Бялик Яков Романович (30.12.1916 – 15.04.2005) – хирург, педагог, майор медицинской службы, доктор медицинских наук (1968), профессор (1969). Родился в 1916 года в г. Житомир Волынской губернии. В 1939 году окончил Воронежский государственный медицинский институт (ВГМИ). В 1939-1941 гг. работал заведующим участковой больницы Аннинского района, заведующим хирургическим отделением завода № 61 в городе Липецке. Ведущий хирург Юго-западного, Сталинградского, Степного и 1-й белорусского фронтов, майор медицинской службы. С 1946 по 1971 годы прошел путь от ассистента кафедры детской хирургии до профессора кафедры факультетской хирургии. С марта 1971 года заведующий кафедрой общей хирургии ВГМИ.
Автор более 120 научных работ по различным проблемам хирургии и урологии, в том числе монографий: «Гипертрофия предстательной железы» (Воронеж, 1955) и «Холецистопанкреатиты» (Ленинград, 1968). Под руководством профессора Я.Р. Бялика были защищены 4 кандидатские диссертации. Автор воспоминаний «Записки фронтового хирурга» (2003). Награжден орденами «Красной звезды» и «Отечественной войны» 2 ст., медалями.