Vol 8, No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/29
Original articles
The Effectiveness of Phosphocreatine in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Heart Failure after Surgical Revascularization
Relevance In patients with multivessel and left main coronary artery coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is an effective treatment method. At the same time some patients after successful surgical revascularization in long term, after surgery developed symptomatic chronic heart failure (CHF). The purpose of the study To study the effectiveness of phosphocreatine (Neoton) in the treatment of CHF after CABG. Materials and methods We examined 32 patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure III / IV functional class (FC) in NYHA, which for 8 ± 2 years before the manifestation of heart failure, coronary artery bypass grafting was performed. Left ventricular ejection fraction in patients enrolled in the study was 34,1 ± 4%. 25 (78%) patients before treatment bypass angiography was performed, which after reviewing its results with our heart team, second surgical revascularization for various reasons, was considered inappropriate. Due to continuing low exercise tolerance, in addition to the basic treatment of CHF, exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton) was prescribed intravenously at a daily dose of 3, ± 0,5 grams per 12 ± 2 days. Dose and duration of treatment of exogenous phosphocreatine was chosen depending on FC of heart failure. Results and their discussion Prescription of phosphocreatine in addition to basic therapy led to an increase in CHF FC in 17 of 32 (53%) patients included in the study. In 30% of patients responding to therapy phosphocreatine (Neoton) increased exercise tolerance after 1 course of treatment, in 70% of patients - after 2 courses. On the background of treatment with phosphocreatine (Neoton) in the whole group a significant increase of CHF FC from 3,4 ± 0,3 to 2,7 ± 0,6 (p <0.001) was observed. The greatest efficacy was seen in patients with FC III CHF. Side effects were observed in 3 (9%) patients and presented as development of moderate hypotension, mainly when 4 g. of drug was prescribed and which was stopped lowering the infusion rate of phosphocreatine (Neoton). Conclusion. Prescription of exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton) in patients with III / IV CHF FC after a performed CABG allows more than 50% of patients to reduce the clinical manifestations of heart failure and improve exercise tolerance with good tolerability. We recommend including this drug in the complex treatment of CHF in patients with coronary artery disease after CABG and in which repeated revascularization it’s not appropriate. Key words Сoronary bypass grafting, chronic heart failure, phosphocreatine
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):314-317

Effect of gene therapy for quality of life and change of objective indexes blood supply of the lower limbs in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis
The purpose of the study To evaluate the results of gene therapy in patients with HODLLA stage II and III within the period up to 3 years. Materials and methods We have experience of using the first registered domestic genetic drug based on gene vegf 165 in treatment of patients with chronic obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries (HODLLA) for stages II and III of A.V. Pokrovsky - Fontaine in the amount of 65 observations. Of these, traced long-term outcomes in terms of over 3 years, 45 people (II stage - 27 patients, III st. N = 18). The average age of patients was 63,3 ± 5,8. Evaluation results performed depending on the initial stage of the disease. The efficacy of treatment was evaluated by the following methods: 1. Determination of the quality of life (physical and psychological components of health) was made in using Russian version of the standard questionnaire SF 36; 2. pain-free walking distance was determined during the treadmill-test (walking speed of 1 km/h, the angle of 0°); 3. save the leg; 4. the survival rate of patients. Results and their discussion Significantly improved quality of life at 1 year follow-up, and then save a positive result for 3 years for all patients with stage II disease. The average value of the physical health component for inclusion in the clinical trial was 29,0 ± 6 points. During the first year PH had increased to 42,2 ± 8. In the future, marked by a further increase to the level of 47,6 ± 9 to the end of the observation period. The mental component of health initially 34,2 ± 4,0 points, in the first year of observation MH increased to 52,9 ± 5, and 2 and 3 years was stabilized and reached 54,8 ± 6. The average value of pain-free walking distance was 159 ± 123 m, to the end of 1 year - 676 ± 542 m, to the end of 2 year it was 704 ± 475 m, 3 years - 654 ± 415m. A safety limb throughout the observation period was 100%, survival rate - 88.9%. Patients with stage III HODLLA original value PH was 22,3 ± 1,3 points. During the first year had increased to 31,4 ± 9,3 and further noted its gradual increase to 37,5 ± 9,0 at the end of 3 years. MH changes were more significant. When included in the CI it was 25,2 ± 4,3 points, for the first year of follow-up increase in 36,2 ± 11. For 2 and 3 years, he continued to grow and reached 51,1 ± 8,3 points. Initially, the average value of pain-free walking distance was 31,5 ± 25m, to the end of 1 year - 200 ± 107m, after 2 years - 274 ± 72m, after 3 years - 271 ± 63m. Save the limb for the entire observation period - 78%. Three observations in the first year and one in the second year of lower limb amputations performed at the level of the thigh on the progression of chronic ischemia. The survival rate in this group was 100%. Conclusion The use of a single course of treatment based on gene vegf 165 in patients with stage II and III of HODLLA A.V. Pokrovsky-Fontaine classification leads to a stable positive effect in the large majority of patients in long-term period of three years and does not require repeated courses of gene therapy. In 82% of patients showed improvement, both physical and, to a greater extent, the psychological component of quality of life; It showed a significant increase in pain-free walking distance, increased their daily activity. All patients showed good tolerability and lack of side effects; fixed stabilization of the results. The survival rate was 93.3%. Keywords. Atherosclerosis, chronic lower limb ischemia, gene treatment, quality of life
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):318-324

Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Extremity Vascular Injuries: Error Analysis
Early diagnosis and treatment of acute major vascular injuries are an open issue of vascular surgery in peacetime. It is
characterized by an increasing number of surgical errors, high mortality and frequent primary amputations, and caused by a lack
of knowledge and practical skills of clinicians that do not have enough expertise in medical aid organization to this patient category
during the evacuation stage.
The purpose of the study
To search for efficient methods of preventing surgical events and complications during extremity vascular
injury treatment.
Material and methods
We retrospectively reviewed 606 records and angiograms of patients who underwent surgeries for injured
extremity arteries in the surgical units in Tver and Tver Region (1966 -2013). 593 of the cases were male, 13 were female. The age
of the patients was 5-76 years. Single injuries accounted for 19.3% of the cases, associated injuries – 80.7%. Of the injuries treated,
sharp injuries and firearm wounds comprised 41.6%, blunt injuries – 54.8%, iatrogenic injuries -- 2%, vascular arrosions -- 1.6%.
Results and their discussion
Reparative surgeries were performed on 47.5% of the patients, ligation surgeries – on 32.2%, primary
amputations – on 20.3%. Of all the cases reviewed, 96.9% had a positive outcome, 3.1% of the patients died. In 222 cases (36.6% of
the total number of vascular injuries) we revealed 41.4% of diagnostic errors, 33.8% of tactic errors and 24.8% of technical errors.
Surgical errors were most commonly caused by major vascular injuries combined with the damage to the nerve stems, bones and
muscle groups.
A large number of errors in the diagnosis and treatment of extremity vascular injuries are mainly caused by inadequate
emergency and urgent care, lack of qualified and specialized medical care. Clinical presentation of wounds and major vascular
injuries combined with angiographic findings allows clinicians to accurately and informatively evaluate the arterial flow and
function of collaterals. The percentage of negative outcomes associated with treatment of extremity arterial injuries can be reduced
by decreasing the number of diagnostic, tactic, technical and organization errors. Reparative surgeries on the major arteries of
extremities are to be performed by vascular surgeons or traumatic surgeons specializing in angiology and having experience in
vascular surgery.
Key words
major vessels of extremities, injuries, diagnostic and treatment errors, clinical presentation, arteriographyJournal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):325-334

Tissue reaction to the implantation of the venous wall of synthetic and biological prosthesis
Problem of choosing graft for shunting still remains in vascular surgery.
The purpose of the study
To compare tissue reaction of an vein wall to implantation of synthetic and biological endoprostheses.
Materials and methods
The analysis of the pilot study carried out on 30 rabbits, divided into two treatment groups of 15 animals
each. In the first group in the wall of the inferior vena cava implanted synthetic polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, the second -
a biological prosthesis of the internal thoracic arteries bull. Lots of inferior vena cava in a place with an implanted prosthesis
subjected to histological examination on the 14th, 21th and 30th day after surgery. The drugs were studied by light microscopy after
staining with hematoxylin-eosin. Morphometric study was carried out, which consists in a certain proportion of the cell structure of
the connective tissue.
Results and their discussion
The inflammatory reaction in the vein wall synthetic prosthesis on the 14th day of 1.14 times on day
21 to 1.53 times, and on the 30th day of 1.52 is less pronounced than the implantation of a biological prosthesis. The response to a
biological graft vein wall at day 14 and later on the 30th day and is expressed very strongly represented as a significant inflammatory
changes with granulomatosis and immunomorphological shear to form the bor
der with graft lymphoid follicles.
When femoropopliteal bypass slot below the knee, in the absence of adequate autologous vein diameter
should be used combined with a synthetic PTFE prosthesis autovenous inserted into the distal anastomosis.
tissue reaction, vein, polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, biological prosthesis of internal thoracic arteries
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):335-341

The selection of surgical approach in the surgery of multiple rib fractures and flail chest
In the surgery of severe thoracic trauma the achievement of stabilization of the chest is one of the key factors that ensure a
positive treatment outcome. Operative fixation of fractures is a safe and effective method of stabilization, however, many technologies
require clarification, evaluation and improvement of approaches, including in the choice of surgical approach.
The purpose of the study
Choice of optimal approach for making ribs osteosynthesis at injured people with severe closed thorax
Materials and methods
The article describes the experience of surgical treatment of 75 patients with multiple rib fractures and flail
chest. All patients underwent osteosynthesis of the ribs with use of "Matrix Rib" technology. The patients had been selected on 2
groups: I group – 36 patients at whom operative access was performed through incision of soft tissue along intercostal spaces; II
group – 39 patients at whom alternative and improved options for surgical access had been used. We used the new technical devices,
contributing to the improvement of surgical techniques of rib fractures: a grid for marking the surgical field, trocar, two-channel
thoracoport for single-port thoracoscopy.
Results and their discussion
The estimation of different types of accesses was made. Also, their quantitative and qualitative
characteristics were indicated. There was no statistically significant influence of the type of surgical access on morbidity and
mortality. At patients of II group the reduction in the length of the surgical access incision, shorter operation, no need for additional
accesses had been achieved.
Surgical access which is performed in the projection of the lines of rib fractures suspected for restoration creates best
conditions to perform osteosynthesis. The use of special tools enables you to perform operative fixation of bone fragments of ribs
through a mini-invasive approaches, and conduct thoracoscopy to eliminate intrapleural damage.
Key words
Rib fracture, surgical approach, osteosynthesis
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):342-350

Applications under Сontrol Minimally Invasive Surgery Computed Tomography in Patients with Suppurative Lung Disease
Early diagnosis of suppurative lung disease largely prejudges the outcome of the treatment and prognosis. The severity of
the patients, the need for urgent remedial measures the difficulty of the survey require constant improvement of methods of diagnosis
and treatment. The most common method of diagnosis of suppurative lung disease is a chest X-ray. According to specialists, this
technique allows diagnosing the pathology of the chest cavity, but to establish the prevalence and stage of the inflammatory process
on the basis of the results is not possible. In recent years, considerable attention in the literature on the use of magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of suppurative lung disease. However, the question remains about the duration of investigation,
the difficulties in monitoring the condition of the patient, particularly when the ventilator, the need to synchronize breathing and
heart activity. Therefore, MRI when suppurative lung disease is difficult. Furthermore, the presence of metallic foreign bodies is a
contraindication to MRI.
The purpose of the study
The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of minimally invasive surgery under the supervision of computed
tomography in patients with suppurative lung disease.
Materials and methods
On the basis of the scan data were refined indications for intervention and determined safe access to
the pathological focus. Then produced a gradual introduction to the pathological focus percutaneous drainage with further wall
material for cytological and bacteriological examination.
Results and discussion
The widespread introduction into the everyday practice of computed tomography allowed to solve a number
f therapeutic and diagnostic problems in a surgical hospital. Computed tomography to date has significantly speed up the search
suppurative lung disease, to specify the location of purulent process and its relation to other anatomical structures. Encourage more
early activation and shorten hospital stay.
A reduction in the risk of postoperative complications, the absence of pain, revealed earlier activation and rehabilitation
of patients.
Key words
computed tomography, puncture, drainage, suppurative lung disease, intervention, treatment
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):351-361

Determination of Dynamic of Inflammatory Processes of Soft Tissue in Acute Anaerobic Non-clostridial Paraproctitis Based on Data of Joulemetry
Treatment of surgical infection is an actual problem of modern surgery. So the issues of diagnosis and treatment of patients
with acute abscess are highly relevant and often discussed in the periodical domestic and foreign literature. Acute paraproctitis is
the most common disease in emergency proctology practice. Actual aspects affecting the treatment outcome in patients with acute
paraproctitis is striving against the progressive pyonecrotic processes in the cellular spaces and postoperative wound.
The purpose of the study
To conduct an experiment for evaluating the electrochemical properties of wound content in vitro in
dynamics based on joulemetry in case of inflammatory processes in patients with acute anaerobic paraproctitis caused by non-
clostridial microflora.
Materials and methods
To study the electrochemical parameters of the wound content depending on the degree of inflammatory
activity in patients with acute anaerobic paraproctitis the sampling of wound has been performed. 54 investigated clinical samples
were taken. Samples of wound content was placed in a sterile tube with thioglycolic medium. The resulting slurry was injected into
the liquid flow sensor connected to joulemetry device and electrochemical parameters of studied liquid was recorded.
Results and their discussion
The electrochemical properties of the wound content in patients with acute paraproctitis of anaerobic
etiology has been obtained during the pilot study, 92.6% of the cases correspond to clinical picture and laboratory data.
In patients with acute anal abscess anaerobic non-clostridial revealed a positive correlation between electrochemical
parameters of wound and the activity of the inflammatory process of soft tissues. The changes joulemetry indicators in 54.5% of
the observations are completely coincided, and in 36.6% of cases, ahead of clinical and laboratory manifestations of negative or
positive dynamics of inflammation at 24 hours.
Key words
acute paraproctitis, anaerobic non-clostridial microflora, current job, joulemetry, electrochemistry properties.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):357-362

Method of Treatment Posttraumatic Synovitis Using Aqueous Anolyte and Catholyte
Of the management of patients with synovitis posttromboticeski currently ranks particularly relevant. About 15% of acute
post-traumatic synovitis becomes chronic, suppurative arthritis, contractures and post-traumatic deforming arthrosis.
The purpose of the study
To study the effectiveness of application of electroactivated aqueous solutions of anolyte and catholyte in
the complex treatment of patients with posttraumatic synovitis.
Material and methods
The Article is based on experience of treatment of 88 patients with post-traumatic synovitis. The patients
were divided into 2 groups: 23 patients of the 1st group received treatment in the traditional way: intra-articular injectiona was
introduced dioxidin solution 1% in the amount of 10 ml suspension of hydrocortisone 2.5% of 1 every 3 days for 12 days. 65 patients
of the 2nd group intra-articular injectiona was introduced standardized anolyte 0.3% solution of sodium chloride (neutral pH of 7.3
to 7.7 AFP +700-1100 mV) in the amount of 10 ml in 3 days for 9-10 days, while orally was administered daily catholyte of 0.3%
solution of sodium chloride (AFP minus 450-600 mV, pH 7.7-7.9) 3 times a day before meals in 100 ml throughout the period of
illness up to a maximum reduction of inflammation in the joints.
Results and discussion
The use of intra-articular and para-articular method of introducing the anolyte, together with the parenteral
use of catholyte, allows for faster cleaning of the joint cavity, reduce swelling, inflammation and intoxication. The proposed method
for the treatment of post-traumatic synovitis allows to obtain additional effects of treatment: to improve the metabolism of the
synovial fluid and cartilage, in the earlier stages faster pain syndr
Treatment allowed reducing the treatment time in hospital on average 4-5 bed/day and refuse physical therapy. The
course of treatment lasted at least nine days.
Key words
posttraumatic synovitis, solutions anolyte, catholyte, efficiency
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):364-368

Pathology and mineral composition of bone in the early stages of experimental osteomyelitis
Study of pathogenetic patterns and the nature of the structural changes in the bone tissue in the early stages of acute
osteomyelitis is relevant in terms of increased knowledge about mechanisms of development of complications in patients with
orthopedic and rehabilitation of the complex. The purpose of the work comprehensive assessment of pathological changes and
features of the mineral composition of bone tissue in the early stages of acute osteomyelitis in the experiment.
Materials and methods
The experiments were performed on 35 rabbits of both sexes, in accordance with bioethical requirements.
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis modeled by introducing a culture of Staphylococcus aureus in the medullary canal of the tibia.
All animals were obtained from a short-term experience under ether anesthesia by air embolism after 30 min, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours
after administration Staphylococcus aureus culture. Information on the timing of the experiment by light, electron (scanning and
transmission) microscopy and X-ray electron microprobe analysis studies especially pathomorphology and mineral composition of
bone tissue.
Results and their discussion
During the first 30 minutes of the experiment micro- and ultramicroscopic changes in bone were
minimal: preserved bone rods with small groups of red blood cells, and the mineral content of bones was characterized by a decrease
in the volume fraction of sodium. At the 6 hour experiment there was also no significant structural rearrangements of bone, but
there was a further reduction in the concentration of sodium and magnesium, and increase the volume fraction of sulfur. At the
same time, this period of the experiment was an increase in volume fraction of calcium and phosphorus. Morphological picture
in the next 12 hours of the experiment were characterized by the beginning of the destructive processes in the bone marrow, with
what is likely to involve some adjustment of mineral metabolism of bone tissue. There was a sharp increase in the concentration of
sodium while maintaining high values of volume fractions of intraosseous calcium, phosphorus and sulfur, reflecting the increased
mineralization. By the end of first day of the experiment to develop the process of destruction of bone tissue, which were accompanied
by demineralization. Second day from start of the experiment were activated processes of bone formation, and the demineralization
Thus, within one day of the experiment structural rearrangements missing bone, and its mineral composition change
associated with the adaptation process active in response to inflammation in the medullary canal. Second day experience of developing
bone destruction is accompanied by phenomena of osteoporosis, along with activation of osteosynthesis. Period for first day from
entering the pathogen can be considered as the most favorable in terms of prevention of subsequent orthopedic complications.
Key words
experimental osteomyelitis, patomorfologija, early diagnosis, mineral composition, osteopor
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):369-372

The influence of magnetoplasma therapy on microcirculation in patients with dermal burns
Despite therapeutic measures deep burns of skin continue to be associated with high mortality. This fact testifies that it is necessary
to improve existing methods of treatment of burn wounds and find ones.
The purpose of this article is evaluation magnеtoplazma therapy efficacy on micr
ocirculation in dermal burns.
Materials and methods
Lower limbs microcirculatory blood flow was examined by percutaneous Laser Doppler Flowmetry with
laser Doppler perfusion imager (LАKK – 02, NPО «LAZMA», Russia) in red wavelength spectrum in 36 patients with dermal burns
of the lower limbs. The main group consisted of 18 patients receiving both comprehensive and additional therapy. The latter included
the exposure of the wounded surfaces to the flow of air plasma by apparatus "PLASON" and variable magnetic field frequency 50
Hz magnetic induction 30 mT by equipment MAG-30.
Microcirculation in dermal burns was established to changes depending on the periods of wound healing. On Day 5
after the injury blood flow was depleted, its variability decreased, vascular tone increased. On Day 8 all studied parameters of
microcirculation increased, although they didn’t achieve control values. On Day 11 the studied parameters was noted to decrease
again. Patients receiving additional magnitoplazma therapy in all periods research had an increase in microcirculation.
Magnitoplazma therapy improves microcirculation in the burn wound, it contributes to the increase microcirculation
index, blood flow oscillations standard deviation, coefficient of blood flow variation, as well as the efficacy index of microcirculation.
dermal burns, microcirculation, Laser Doppler Flowmetry, magnitoplazma therapy.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):373-377

Clinical Case of Trophic Ulcers on the Background of Melanoma
Trophic ulcers on the background of malignant tumors of the skin, soft tissues and bones discover about 1-1,5% of cases.
In view of rare occurrence and diverse currents, early diagnosis is difficult and only possible with the use of cytological examination
of discharge and smears-prints, and various biopsy suspicious areas and edges of the ulcer with histological examination. Treatment
and prognosis depend on the stage of the cancer process, which determines the possibility of radical intervention.
The purpose of the study
Description of a case of observation of a patient with trophic ulcers of melanoma.
Materials and methods
Presents a patient of 74 years with the referring diagnosis: diabetes mellitus, type 2, compensation, diabetic
foot syndrome, purulent-necrotic wound of the right foot. Ulcer there are more than 3 years. Treated on an outpatient basis in the
clinic by place of residence, has repeatedly held stationary treatment in a surgical Department. For 3 years the wound has increased
several times. During examinations in the biopsy from the edge of the ulcer, which diagnosed a malignant melanoma of the skin with
ulceration. The patient underwent surgical treatment in the Oncology dispensary.
The lack of cancer awareness doctors can lead to long-term inadequate treatment of patients with trophic ulcers on
the background of malignant diseases, promoting the spread of the process and making it impossible radical intervention. Cancer
forecast depends on stage of the process and often is defined by possibility of radical surgery.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):378-381

Local hemostasis during endovascular interventions
Endovascular techniques are an important part of modern surgery , proven to be effective in the diagnosis and treatment of neoplastic
processes , diseases of the heart and blood vessels , surgical infections and bleeding. Research continues to develop equipment
manipulations , optimal drug prevention schemes , various methods of vascular imaging , devices for closing defects arteries and
others. The article reflects the relevance of the use of endovascular interventions , and historical aspects of local complications of
this technology . Particular attention was paid to the authors of hemorrhagic complications arising in the artery catheterization
with a frequency of 1.5 to 9 %. The article indicated predisposing local factors of complications , such as advanced age , presence
of anatomical features of the structure , blood diseases , heart, diabetes , obesity, renal failure , atherosclerosis, polimorbitnoy
pathology; In particular , only the risk of bleeding complications in patients age may reach 9 % or more. The article lists the
triggers of hemorrhagic complications after arterial puncture: the use of anticoagulant, thrombolytic and antiplatelet therapy,
repeated surgeries, prolonged exposure introdyussera in the artery, the use of instruments larger than 7 Fr, insufficient experience
of the operator and thoroughness puncture and subsequent hemostasis and others. Authors reduce the number slozhneny allows
professional staff , ultrasonic testing , which should be used in patients with hip circumference of 60 cm, in cases when impossibility
of determining the pulsation of the artery. The article presents the classification of devices for local hemostasis , according to which
the isolated compression , ligation , and klipiruyuschie occlusive device summarizes characteristics specific devices , presented
how they work , given the positive and negative aspects of their application. The results of the use of devices for hemostasis in the
literature are very contradictory and insufficient , which requires further study the effectiveness of their use in different groups of
processes , diseases of the heart and blood vessels , surgical infections and bleeding. Research continues to develop equipment
manipulations , optimal drug prevention schemes , various methods of vascular imaging , devices for closing defects arteries and
others. The article reflects the relevance of the use of endovascular interventions , and historical aspects of local complications of
this technology . Particular attention was paid to the authors of hemorrhagic complications arising in the artery catheterization
with a frequency of 1.5 to 9 %. The article indicated predisposing local factors of complications , such as advanced age , presence
of anatomical features of the structure , blood diseases , heart, diabetes , obesity, renal failure , atherosclerosis, polimorbitnoy
pathology; In particular , only the risk of bleeding complications in patients age may reach 9 % or more. The article lists the
triggers of hemorrhagic complications after arterial puncture: the use of anticoagulant, thrombolytic and antiplatelet therapy,
repeated surgeries, prolonged exposure introdyussera in the artery, the use of instruments larger than 7 Fr, insufficient experience
of the operator and thoroughness puncture and subsequent hemostasis and others. Authors reduce the number slozhneny allows
professional staff , ultrasonic testing , which should be used in patients with hip circumference of 60 cm, in cases when impossibility
of determining the pulsation of the artery. The article presents the classification of devices for local hemostasis , according to which
the isolated compression , ligation , and klipiruyuschie occlusive device summarizes characteristics specific devices , presented
how they work , given the positive and negative aspects of their application. The results of the use of devices for hemostasis in the
literature are very contradictory and insufficient , which requires further study the effectiveness of their use in different groups of
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2015;8(4):382-387