Vol 11, No 1 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/42
Full Issue
Original articles
Prognostic significance of application the non-invasive method of evaluating the functional state of residual parencheme of the liver in patients with focal liver education
The aim of the study was a determination of the prognostic significance of a non-invasive preoperative assessment to evaluate the functional state of residual liver parenchyma in order to prevent the development of acute hepatic failure.
76 patients with focal liver formation were examined. The first group included 46 patients, who were examined using the method of a non-invasive preoperative assessment of the functional state of residual liver parenchyma, which developed by the authors. The definition of the "resectional index" (IR) was made using the following formula: IR = Vint / TP (U), where Vint - the volume of intact liver parenchyma (cm3); TP - total protein of blood serum (g /l). The second group consisted of 30 patients, whose results of surgical treatment were analyzed retrospectively. Major hepatic resections were performed in 26 (56.52%) patients in the primary and 20 (66.67%) in the control group. The study conducted a comparative intergroup analysis of the frequency and severity of developing complications in the study groups. The complications were distributed according to the Dindo-Clavien classification scale, according to which the life-threatening complication rate was 8.7% and 26.67%, severe postoperative hepatic-cell insufficiency was detected in 2.17% and 16.67% of patients in the main and control group. The differences were statistically significant. It was defined value of the "resectional index" (more than 20 U), the excessing of which statistically significantly increased the risk of severe postoperative complications, in particular acute hepatic failure.

New technologies of endoscopic hemostasis in a treatment protocol of patients with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding
Relevance of research. Acute gastroduodenal bleeding is remaining a difficult and largely unsolved problem up to day. The fundamental importance in treating this category of patients is an endoscopic hemostasis. The decisive point in this problem is the most stable hemostasis and preventing a recurrence of a hemorrhage. In this regard, the search of new solutions and the development of known methods of treatment of the gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding is an important issue.
Aim of research. To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment protocol of patients with the gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding by applying combined endoscopic insufflations of hemostatic agents and a diovin as an integral part of a complex therapy.
Materials and methods. The research is based on results of treatment of the patients with the gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding being in a medical setting at the departments of surgery at Voronezh city clinical emergency hospital №1. During the treatment of the main group (59 patients) there was used an integrated approach with the usage of powdered hemostatic agents of gelplastan and lyophilisate NovoSeven in combination with diovin in the endoscopic treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding. There were used the traditional well-known methods of the endoscopic hemostasis without the usage of hemostatic agents and absorbent grains in treatment of the control group (56 patients).
Results and discussion. The evaluation of results of patients’ treatment with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding was performed according to the figures of the final hemostasis, the frequency of recurrent bleeding, the prevention of emergency operations, the rates of mortality, the duration of hospitalization. The developed protocol of the patients’ treatment with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding with the usage of combined the endoscopic insufflation of two hemostatics and diovin makes it possible to achieve the maximum persistent hemostasis at 94.9% of patients, to reduce the risk of recurrent hemorrhages by 2.5 times, to prevent emergency operations and, as a result, to reduce the lethality.
Conclusion. The usage of new technologies of endoscopic hemostasis by the hemostatic pneumoinsufflation gelplastan and lyophilisate NovoSeven in combination with diovin in the treatment of patients with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding allows to reduce the risk of recurrent hemorrhage from 12,5% to 5,01% (by 2,5 times), to prevent emergency operations, to reduce the lethality from 3,65% to 1,7% (by 2,1 times) and to reduce the period of staying in the hospital from 10,2 to 7,4 bed days (p<0.05).

Complex assessment of the laboratory and ultrasound methods of clinical examination including immunological markers in elderly patients with acute cholecystitis depending on the surgical treatment
Relevance. The prevalence of cholelithiasis increases with age and reaches 25-30% in elderly and senile patients [1]. The "golden standard" of surgical intervention for acute cholecystitis, by right, is considered to be video-laparoscopic cholecystectomy, but with severe concomitant pathology, video-laparoscopic cholecystectomy is limited. Even with the "open" cholecystectomy in patients older than 60 years, lethality is 5-10 times higher than in young people [4]. In connection with this, an alternative method of treatment of OX in patients of older age groups was proposed - thermal mucoclasiа of the gallbladder.
Aim. To carry out complex analysis of the results of laboratory and ultrasound methods of clinical examination in elderly patients with acute cholecystitis (AC) depending on two main types of surgical treatment: video laparoscopic cholecystectomia or thermal mucoclasia of a gall bladder.
Materials and methods. The results of the red and white blood counts, the assessment of biochemical blood parameters, immune markers and the outcomes of ultrasound examination of the gall bladder before operation and after different periods following this treatment were analyzed in elderly patients who were admitted urgently to the surgical units of the Kursk city hospitals.
Results and its discussion. In patients who underwent traditional cholecystostomy with the thermal mucoclasia lower values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and general protein levels were detected demonstrating the presence of anemia. In this group the secondary immunodeficiency with alterations of the T-cell immunity was noted. These changes are most probably related to aging since the average age of these patients was about 10 years more than in the VLHE group. Patients who were operated by VLHE were admitted to hospitals with more pronounced changes of biochemical blood parameters, i.e. with higher levels of bilirubin, ACT, ALT and amylase.
Conclusions. The results of the present study can be used for the choice of the surgical operation and for the pre-operatory treatment of elderly patients with acute cholecystitis.

Predictor of septic complications in colorectal cancer surgery
Prediction in colorectal surgery is very useful instrument in managing the health care system in hospitals. Searching for reliable risk factors of postoperative complications allows to identify patients of a high risk of complications group and to discharge earlier from hospital patients with a good prognosis. C-reactive protein is well known as a sensitive and dynamic marker of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. This study evaluated the feasibility of using C-reactive protein as predictor of septic postoperative complications. It was shown that analysis of serum CRP in early postoperative period allows to predict septic postoperative complications in colorectal cancer patients.

Gynecomastia as paraneoplastic syndrome
Background. Gynecomastia is one of the most famous and common paraneoplastic syndromes. With the growth of equipment clinics with modern diagnostic equipment, including the CT, increases the detection of breast pathology in men. There is the need for a correct interpretation of the data about the state of male breast by radiologists, and the attending physician, oncologist, mammologist, urologist, endocrinologist.
The purpose of the study to identify possible differences in frequency and radiation pattern of gynecomastia in patients with cancer and without it and also to follow the dynamics of the development of gynecomastia in patients with cancer, to identify the probable causes of the progression of gynecomastia in patients with cancer.
Materials and methods. It's data of 400 chest CT of men who were screened and treated for the different oncological pathology in Voronezh regional clinical oncological hospital in 2013-2015. And also data of 150 chest CT of men who were screened and treated for the various diseases (excluding oncological diseases) in the Voronezh regional clinical diagnostic center and Kursk regional clinical hospital in 2013-2015 was used.
Results. The data of the frequency of occurrence various types of gynecomastia in patients with cancer pathology and without it was obtained. The frequency of occurrence of gynecomastia in patients with cancer depending on the localization and morphology of tumor was analyzed. The dynamics of the gynecomastia in patients with cancer was tracked and possible causes of its progression in patients in this group were identified.
- Gynecomastia is a frequent pathology revealed by chest CT in men as suffering from oncological disease and without it.
- Gynecomastia significantly more often found in patients suffering from prostate adenocarcinoma and renal cell carcinoma.
- Surgical injury may be one of the reasons for the development of gynecomastia.
- Feature of gynecomastia in patients with cancer is its asymmetry. When the detection of asymmetrical gynecomastia by chest CT is recommend the further examination of patient to exclude him cancer pathology, special attention should be paid to the prostate gland and the kidneys.
- Upon detection of the progression of gynecomastia in a patient with a history of cancer need further examination to exclude cancer pathology progression.

The influence of different types of low-intensive laser radiation to healing of venous trophic ulcers in lower extremities
The influence of three types of low-intensive laser radiation to healing of lower extremities venous trophic ulcers in 82 patients was estimated (class VI, CEAP classification): the continuous radiation helium-neon laser (subgroup I), the modulated infrared laser radiation (subgroup II) and the combined laser radiation (pulse infrared radiation and continuous radiation of visible range) (subgroup III). The therapeutic laser devices such as "AFDL-1" (wavelength – 0,63 microns), "Scalar-1/40" (wavelength – 0,89 microns) and "Ulan-BL-20" (lengths of waves: 0,44; 0,52; 0,57; 0,64 and 0,89 microns) were used for conservative treatment of trophic ulcers. The planimetric methods such as evaluation of the ulcer defects area and speed of its epithelization in dynamics were used for objective comparison of different types of laser radiation efficiency. Due to this treatment in all patients the complete healing of trophic ulcers was achieved. In patients of subgroup I the average speed of epithelization was 0,26 ± 0,05 cm²/days, in patients of subgroup II – 0,17 ± 0,06 cm²/days, in patients of subgroup III – 0,33 ± 0,05 cm²/days. The advantages of laser radiation in the visible range in isolated (helium-neon laser) and combined options are revealed. The best results are received in case of combined laser radiation generated by portable devices which provide distribution of low-intensive laser radiation within all effected tissues. The combination of traditional medical methods with combined laser radiation is expedient in conservative treatment of lower extremities venous trophic ulcers.

New in surgery
Physico-mechanical features of barrier bicomponent membranes in abdominal surgery.
Relevance. Adhesive disease is one of the threatening complications with a pronounced symptom complex of the dysfunctions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of this pathology in the early postoperative period with operations on the abdominal organs reaches 11% among 19-25% of all complications. To date, the search and development of methods and means to strengthen the suture line, as well as improving of the hermeticity of inter-intestinal anastomoses remain relevant. In this regard, the prospects for the use of polymers and the development of such scientific areas as implantology in medical practice are unlimited.
Purpose. The aim of the study was to study the physical and mechanical features of polymer samples in a comparative aspect under the conditions of in vitro experiment.
The materials. Bi-component absorbable film implants based on cellulose polymers.
The methods. Microphotography of polymer film implants was carried out using a laboratory microscope Levenhuk D320L at magnification ×80. The thickness of the experimental samples was measured using an electronic micrometer iGaging 0-1" / 0.00005. Membranes with a size of 10×10 mm weighed using a laboratory balance. The volume and density of samples 10 × 10 mm were calculated. Determination of elasticity was carried out by fixing the angle at the moment of the integrity of the sample of the polymeric film implant in the native state.
The results. It was found that an important feature of these implants is their bilateral structure, which provides a more dense fixation to the damaged area and at the same time sufficient separation from the surrounding tissue. Thus, we selected samples No. 6, No. 1, which can be used for further in vivo studies.
The conclusion. Due to the variety of membrane properties and functions, it is possible to use polymer implants in many ways, which will affect the necessity and importance of using the selected samples in experimental and clinical implantology.

A rare case of combining foreign body of the esophagus with the Zenker’s diverticulum and primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Actuality: A rare combination of a foreign body of the esophagus with Zenker's diverticulum and spontaneous pneumothorax can be mistakenly regarded as clinical and radiologic manifestations of perforation of the cervical esophagus, a dangerous condition requiring emergency surgery.
Objective: On the clinical example, to show the importance of an integrated approach in the examination of patients with foreign bodies of the esophagus to exclude the perforation of the esophagus.
Materials and methods: A rare clinical case of a combination of a foreign body of the esophagus with Zenker's diverticulum and spontaneous pneumothorax on the background of bullous emphysema in a 62-year-old patient is presented.
Conclusions: In a comprehensive examination of patients with both foreign bodies of the esophagus with suspicion of perforation of the latter and spontaneous pneumothorax, an important role is played by performing spiral computed tomography, which allows excluding or confirming the esophagus perforation and determining the primary or secondary nature of pneumothorax, thereby providing an accurate and timely diagnosis and choose the optimal surgical tactics.

Review of literature
Modern approaches to the technical aspects of split-skin grafting
Split-skin grafting takes the leading place when closing extensive soft tissue defects. Such defects can be the result of both an acute process (pyoinflammatory soft tissue diseases, surgical interventions) and chronic disorders in the skin and underlying tissues (trophic ulcers of venous and arterial genesis, fistulas, decubitus, complications of the diabetic foot syndrome).
The main criterion for assessing the result of split-skin grafting is the percentage of engraftment of the skin graft. There are several classifications that characterize the degree of closure of the recipient wound (Petrova VI, Rysmana BV, Gostishcheva VK). According to most authors, the successful outcome of split-skin grafting depends on several groups of factors. Systemic factors include the content of the total blood protein, hemoglobin, which should not be below acceptable standards. To the local - the readiness of the recipient wound to skin plasty. Microcirculation in the recipient bed plays an important role. The opinions of the researchers about the bacterial contamination of the wound and its effect on the processes of engrafting the flap are opposite. Some believe that a good engraftment of an autodermotransplant is possible even in the presence of a wounded pathogenic microflora in the wound. In modern works the negative influence of microorganisms on the results of split-skin grafting has been proved. Moreover, the upper limit of bacterial contamination of wounds is determined, the excess of which inevitably leads to unsatisfactory results of the transplantation of the skin.
The method of postoperative donor wound management is a separate issue in plastic and reconstructive surgery. The review examines the criteria for the readiness of a wound for split-skin grafting, various types of preparation of the wound bed for plastic closure, surgical techniques for performing split-skin grafting, and options for closing the donor wound.

Modern aspects of etiology, diagnostics and treatment of osteomyelitisS
There are 3-10 % cases of chronic osteomyelitis among abscessed surgical disorders. Osteomyelitis develops after open fractures in 3-25% of cases, as well as after surgical treatment of closed fractures in 1-8% of cases. Relapses of chronic osteomyelitis occur in 20-35 % of cases, which, in turn, often requires the use of radical treatments. Staphylococcus aureus plays an important role in the development of chronic osteomyelitis. The role of proteuses, enterococcuses, bacteroids, peptococcuses and other microorganisms grows. Osteomyelitis is a type of purulent surgical infection in which a macroorganism interacts with a pathogenic microflora. The osteomyelitis clinic differs from the phase, form and pathogenetic process. There are primary and secondary osteomyelitis, acute and chronic phase, toxic, septicopyemic and local forms. The methods of treatment of osteomyelitis are conservative and surgical, and also their combination.

Yury Semyonovich Vinnik - Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Honorary Professor of the Federal State Educational Establishment of the Russian Federation "Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor VF Voyno-Yasenetsky", Ministry of Health of Russia (on the occasion of his 70th birthday)
The main field of Yu.S. Vinnik’s scientific interests is hepato-pancreatic-biliary surgery: acute pancreatitis, reconstructive biliary surgery, pancreatic injury, cholelithiasis and its complications; mechanical jaundice, surgery of the stomach and duodenum, herniology with the use of reticular endoprosthesis, surgery of the large intestine (x-ray endovascular surgery), purulent surgery, diabetic foot, frostbites (questions of the pathogenesis of cold trauma and the treatment of complications), immunodeficiency, cytokinotherapy, metabolic immunotherapy of surgical diseases, peritonitis; syndrome of systemic inflammatory response, use in surgery of new biopolymers - polyhydroxyalkanoates and medical products on their basis. Yu.S. Vinnik is the founder of the scientific school of abdominal and purulent surgery. Under the direction of Vinnik Yu.S. 47 candidate dissertations, 13 doctoral dissertations were defended. He is the author of more than 800 published works, 40 copyright patents of Russia and 37 monographs.
Since 1995, he has been elected to the present time as a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, since 1996 he has been an academician of the International Academy of Sciences on Ecology, Human and Nature Safety (MANEB), since 1999 - full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) since 2000 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE), Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (PANI). Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Federation. Vinnik is member of the Editorial Board of the journals of the VAK "Annals of Surgical Hepatology", "Bulletin of Experimental and Clinical Surgery", "Surgery News", "Moscow Surgical Journal", "Siberian Medical Review", "Surgical Practice". Member of the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Society of Surgeons-Hepatologists, the Russian Society of Surgeons-Gastroenterologists, the Russian Society of Herniologists, the Association of General Surgeons of the Russian Federation, the Russian Society of Endoscopic Surgeons.

Vladimir Dmitrievich FEDOROV, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, academician, Director of the Institute of surgery them. A.V. Vishnevsky (to 85-th anniversary from birthday)
Vladimir Dmitrievich Fedorov was born on 21 March 1933 in Moscow. After leaving school he entered the 2nd Moscow medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov (1950-1956), where he was carrying out Secretary' of the Bureau of the Komsomol duties during his education. As a student he was engaged in experimental scientific work on heart defibrillation. V.D. Fedorov studied in residency (1956-1958) and graduate school (1958-1960), worked as a teaching assistant (1960-1966) and then associate Professor (1966-1971) chair of hospital surgery of the 2nd Moscow state medical Institute. In 1963 he defended his Ph. D. and then in 1971 doctoral dissertation. In 1972, Vladimir Dmitrievich Fedorov was appointed Director of research laboratory surgery clinic of the Ministry of health of the RSFSR. In 1976, on the initiative of V. D. Fedorov, the first Department of Coloproctology of the Central Institute of doctors’ improvement education in the USSR, which he headed for 13 years, was founded. In 1982 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1986, academician of the Academy of medical Sciences (AMS) of the USSR. Since 1988, Vladimir Fyodorov was Director of the Institute of surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR. In 1990, V. D. Fedorov elected to the chair of surgery, faculty of postgraduate professional education of Moscow medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov. Since 1974 he worked as a Deputy chief surgeon of the Medical center of President's Affairs Administration of the Russian Federation.
Fedorov is the author of over 500 scientific works, including 13 copyright certificates and patents, and 20 monographs. 32 doctoral and 47 master's theses are protected under his leadership.
D. Fedorov was an honorary member of the Russian Association of endoscopic surgery and the Association hepatobiliary surgery, Moscow surgical society, surgical scientific societies of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Saratov region, Chairman of the surgical section and member of the Presidium of scientific medical Council of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, a member of the Interdepartmental health Council, Deputy chief editor of the journal "Surgery", member of the editorial Board of the journal "Surgical Laparoscopy and Endoscopy" and one of the oldest journals "British Journal of Surgery". For two years he headed the Association of surgeons named after N. And. Pirogov (1992-1994). More than 10 years he was a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences and performed the duties of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the institutes of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences. Vladimir Dmitrievich, a foreign member of the Belarusian Academy of medical Sciences (2000) and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2003), honorary Professor of the Petrovsky national research center of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences and the Bashkir medical College. Academician V. D. Fedorov is the main national representative in the International society of surgeons (1990) national representative in the International society of University surgeons Coloproctology. Mr Kuznetsov – laureate of the State prize of the USSR (1985) and the RSFSR (1991), RF Government prize (2002), Honored scientist of Russia (1997), awarded the order of red banner of Labor (1976, 1978), Lenin (1983), "For merits before Fatherland" III degree, Friendship of peoples (1993).

Viktor Sergeevich SAVELIEV - a legend of Russian surgery, an outstanding Russian surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of state prizes of the USSR, Chief Surgeon of the Russian Ministry of Health
Victor Savelyev was born in 1928 in Tambov region. He studied in the 2nd Moscow medical Institute (now Russian national research medical University named after Pirogov) from 1945 to 1951, after which he worked as an assistant at the Department of faculty surgery. He successfully defended his Ph.D. (1955) and doctoral (1959) dissertations. V. Savelyev for the first time in the Soviet Union fulfilled the prosthesis of bifurcation of aorta and nameless arteries, closed comissurotomy with aortic stenosis, have developed a method of extracorporeal circulation without filling of the apparatus with donor blood, but also the original model of the pacemaker. In 1967, Saveliev was elected head of the Department of faculty surgery and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of medical Sciences, and then -academician of the USSR Academy of medical Sciences (1974). For the first time he fulfilled reconstructive operations in upper Vena cava syndrome, thrombectomy for Paget–von Schrötter disease, surgical interventions for acute thrombosis in the inferior Vena cava system. He was the author of the manual on emergency abdominal surgery, reprinted three times (1976, 1986, 2004). V. S. Savelyev was elected an academician of RAS in 1998. He was chief surgeon of the Ministry of health of Russia for 38 years. V. Savelyev was Chairman of the scientific society of surgeons of Russia, President of the Russian Association of phlebologists, editor-in-chief of the journals "Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery" and "Phlebolymphology", honorary member of a number of foreign medical scientific and surgical societies. He is author of more than 500 scientific works, including more than 19 monographs. Under his leadership, more than 70 doctors and more than 300 candidates of medical Sciences have been trained.
V. Savelyev has a number of state awards. Victor Saveliev died on December 25, 2013 at the age of 86.

Alexander Alekseevich SHALIMOV – the chief surgeon of the Ministry of health of Ukraine, Director of the Kharkiv Institute of General and emergency surgery, Kyiv Institute of Hematology and blood transfusion, Kiev Institute of clinical and experimental surgery, editor in chief of the journal "Clinical surgery", Hero of Socialist labour of the USSR
A.A. Shalimov was born in 1918. He studied at the Kuban medical Institute in 1936-1941. Shalimov worked as a doctor in hospitals near Krasnodar, in the Chita region (1941), as well as in Bryansk and Orel. He became a chief surgeon of the Orel region in 1949. In 1951 he returned to Bryansk, defended his Ph.D. thesis, received the title of Honored doctor of the RSFSR. He moved to Kharkiv and defended his doctoral dissertation (1957) and he was appointed head of the Department of thoracic surgery and anesthesiology of the Ukrainian Institute of advanced medicine (1959), then Director of the Kharkiv Institute of general and emergency surgery (1965). Subsequently, he held such positions as head of the Department of thoracoabdominal surgery of the Kiev Institute of advanced medical, head of the surgical Department, Director of the Kiev research Institute of hematology and blood transfusion (1970) and the Kiev research Institute of clinical and experimental surgery (1971). Shalimov became chief surgeon of the Ministry of health of Ukraine in 1980. He was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1969 and an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1978. He was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR (1982), Hero of Ukraine.
Alexander Shalimov is author of 870 scientific papers, including 35 monographs and 112 inventions, he has trained 50 doctors and almost 100 candidates of medical Sciences
Shalimov was a member of the Board of the Association of surgeons N. I. Pirogov, the International Association of surgeons, the all-Union scientific society of surgeons, gastroenterologists and cardiologists, Chairman of the Ukrainian Republican scientific society of surgeons, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal "Clinical surgery", Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR 8-10 convocations. He was elected "Man of the year-1997" by the international chamber of the American Biographical Institute, awarded an Honorary Diploma of the international biographical center of Cambridge University for achievements in medicine of the XX century. Alexander Shalimov died on February 28, 2006.

Valery Pavlovich RADUSHKEVICH - surgeon, teacher, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor ( to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Valery Radushkevich was born on 20 Jan 1908 in Irkutsk. After graduating from the medical faculty of Siberian state medical Institute (1926-1931), he studied in clinical residency (1935-1936) and worked in the district hospital and then assistant hospital surgical clinic of the Novosibirsk medical Institute (1937). Also he was Director of the Novosibirsk regional station of blood transfusion (since 1938). During the great Patriotic war Valery Pavlovich – leading surgeon of the Novosibirsk hospital No. 1504, and then chief surgeon of the Novosibirsk (1945-1947). In 1948, he defended his doctoral thesis on the surgical treatment of arteriovenous aneurysms. He worked as the Director of the Voronezh state medical Institute (1950-1954), the head of the Department of hospital surgery (1950-1974), chief doctor of the Voronezh regional clinical hospital (1959-1970). In 1967 V. P. Radushkevich awarded the honorary title of Honored scientist of the RSFSR. For 25 years Valery Pavlovich was the Chairman of the Voronezh regional scientific and practical society of surgeons. He was the author of over 200 scientific works, including monographs: "Cardioversion of atrial fibrillation" (Voronezh, 1966), "Electrical defibrillation with atrial fibrillation and its importance in the surgery of mitral stenosis" (Voronezh, 1977). He was a member of the editorial Board of the journal "Surgery" and "Experimental surgery". V. Radushkevich was awarded the order of Lenin and Labor red banner, medals. Valery died 27 June 1976. The house, in which he lived, a memorial plaque.