Vol 12, No 4 (2019)
Original articles
Prognostic significance of a set risk factors for acute pancreatitis after transpapillary interventions
The urgency of the problem: Pancreatitis is one of the most severe complications of transpapillary interventions. It is not always possible to predict the occurrence of pancreatitis. Mortality from this complication reaches 3%.
Research objective: To substantiate the prognostic significance of risk factors for the development of acute pancreatitis in patients undergoing transpapillary interventions. To establish the probability of complication development depending on a different combination of PEP risk factors.
Materials and methods: 418 transpapillary interventions was performed on the base of NGHCI «Railway Clinical Hospital on Samara station OAO «RGHD» for 2 years. Acute pancreatitis was observed in 41 (9%) cases. Patients treated during the listed period were stratified into two groups: active treatment group (retrospective) and control group (prospective). Based on the analysis of the first patients group the following PEP were identified: female sex, young age, cholelithiasis, uneven cannulation of MPD, atypical PST. It was found that patients didn’t have one isolated risk factor. A combination of various risk factors was observed in all cases. Prediction of acute pancreatitis by applying the selection of patients with a high risk of complications is used in practice at the control group. The sensitivity of the PEP predictive method on the basis of identifying a risk group, on the basis of a factors combination which affect on the complication development was 96.6%. The specificity of this method is 97.1%.
Results: The frequency of pancreatitis in the active treatment group and control group was 9% and 14% after ERCP performing. At the same time, the method of the determining the high risk of PEP, which was identified retrospectively, allowed predicting the complication development in most cases. Acute pancreatitis developed in 22 patients out of 27 who had a risk of developing this complication. Complex medicamentally prevention was performed for all patients with high risk of PEP. The group of patients most susceptible to the pancreatitis development which has the following combination of risk factors was selected: female sex, age from 20 to 40 years old, litoextraction with choledocholithiasis , atypical PST, cannulation of MPD. The risk of complications in a patient who has these risk factors is 88.8% according to our data.
Conclusion: The identification of risk factors for the development of acute pancreatitis among patients undergoing transpapillary interventions allows to identify the group of patients most susceptible to complication. It allows starting a complex prevention of the complications development. Conservative prevention with Octreotide’s solution, infusion and antibacterial therapy is low-efficiency and does not reduce the risk of developing PEP. The introduction of other types of acute pancreatitis prevention, which have a more favorable effect and can prevent the pancreatitis development into clinical practice, is necessary.

The results of monitoring the dynamics and antibiotic resistance of microflora when performing split-skin grafting in a general surgical hospital
Relevance. One of the effective ways to close chronic wounds according to many authors is split-skin grafting. To obtain good results of plastic operations, a constant monitoring of the structure of microbiological associations of chronic wounds and their sensitivity to antimicrobial agents is necessary.
Aim. Analysis of the structure and properties of pathogens of wound infections when performing split-skin grafting and optimizing the choice of drugs for starting empirical antibacterial therapy.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of microbiological studies was conducted in 86 patients who underwent split-skin grafting. For statistical processing of the data obtained, the computer program Statistica 6.0 was used.
Results. Microbial contamination in patients on admission to hospital was (Me [Q1; Q3]) 106 [102; 108] CFU/ml. Unsatisfactory results of split-skin grafting were noted in 15 patients (17%). In this group of patients, strains of non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria - Pseudomonas aeruginosa (in 6 cases) and Acinetobacter baumannii (in 4 cases), which retained sensitivity to carbapenems in 65% of cases, were most often detected.
Conclusions. Non-fermenting gram-negative microorganisms sharply reduce the likelihood of good results of plastic operations. If found in the recipient wound after split-skin grafting signs of an infectious process, it is advisable to use carbapenems.

Selection of the Method and Analysis of the Results of the Application of Minimally Invasive Methods of Treatment of Hydatidous Liver Echinococcosis
Objective. To analyze minimally invasive treatment methods (puncture-draining intervention and laparoscopic) of liver echinococcosis and to develop an optimal treatment algorithm.
Methods. The results of 120 clinical observations of patients with liver echinococcosis who were treated from 2002 to 2018 are presented. based on SOKB them. V.D. Seredavina (Samara). The comparison group (n = 68) consisted of patients with PDV and laparoscopic intervention in the period from 2002 to 2008, the main group (n = 52) - patients with PDV and laparoscopic intervention in the period from 2009 to 2018.
Results. The starting points of the choice of treatment for echinococcosis in patients of the main group were the stage of life and the diameter of the hydatid cyst. Evaluation of the results of surgical treatment was carried out on the basis of a list of criteria that were assigned the values of "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". With the right choice of surgical treatment tactics, as well as the priority of echinococcectomy in patients of the main group, 94% of clinical observations (n = 52) achieved positive results.
Conclusion. The proposed differential algorithm of surgical tactics of echinococcosis using minimally invasive techniques answers questions regarding the choice of access and method of surgical treatment based on the size of cysts, their number and localization, as well as the period of the parasite's vital activity.

Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Lymphedema of the Lower Extremities
Comprehensive treatment with the use of gravitational therapy was carried out in 56 patients aged from 19 to 68 years. By the method of serial sampling, patients were grouped into 2 groups I-III stages of lymphedema. The first group of patients with primary lymphedema of the lower extremities - 16, the second group of patients with secondary lymphedema - 40. In the examination and treatment of patients, in combination with known methods, gravitational therapy was used. Clinical improvement of the manifestations of the disease, positive changes in the lymphatic drainage, microcirculation, condition of the soft tissues of the lower extremities, mainly in patients with stages I and II, confirmed by computed tomography, triplex scanning, thermography, ultrasound examination of the inguinal lymph nodes and soft tissues, hydrophilic McClura test and Aldrich. It has been established that the use of gravitational effects in combination with contractions of the gastrocnemius muscles stimulates external and internal factors of lymphatic drainage and increases the effectiveness of complex treatment of patients with lower limb lymphedema. However, the low effectiveness of the method of gravitational therapy in patients with primary lymphedema was noted.

Applications of hydrogel composite multifunctional depots systems in rendering palliative care in otorhinolaryngology
Relevance. Throat cancer is the most widespread malignant tumor of a throat and makes about 3% of all malignant tumors of the person. Bleedings at throat cancer is the most difficult and dangerous complication posing direct threat to life of the oncological patient. An intervention is usually characterized by the expressed painful syndrome in a zone of surgical access for patients with surgical pathology of ENT organs. For that reason, using of gel polymeric dressing means is the most modern and effective. Analgesic action is noted in the area of a postoperative wound within the first 60 - 90 minutes after imposing of such bandage.
Aim of research is to determine efficiency of multifunctional depot-system of the prolonged action on a gel basis of Kolegel-ADL of various degree of viscosity at a tamponade of a throat and trachea for elimination of a local hemorrhage.
Materials and methods. Koletes-ADL dressing was used at treatment of 39 patients with malignant tumors of a throat. Patients arrived in the emergency order with bleedings from a throat, were on hospitalization in acute hospital No. 1, Voronezh. A morphological variety of malignant tumors of this localization took place. The control group has included 19 people with similar destructive and tumorous processes complicated by bleeding treatment of which was carried out by the standard technique.
Results. As criteria of a convalescence considered the speed of reduction of the reactive phenomena in a wound and maturing of young granulations. Such characteristics like high viscosity of hydrogel dressing means, elastic consistency, entered into its structure antiseptics and local anesthetic allow to use it as tampon for a long period. One of essential advantages of use of Kolegel-ADL is creation a barrier impeding penetration of an infection into a skull cavity. The local anesthetic of Lidokin entered into structure of dressing means allows us stop a pain syndrome for a long time that reduces the need for parenteral introduction of anesthetics.
Gauze-based dressings were used in the control group. There was injury to the wound surface when changing bandages, and the remains of gauze fibers in the wound led to inflammation.
Conclusion. Multifunctional depot-system on a gel basis can be recommended as local antiedematous, haemostatic, antiseptic and anesthetic for local treatment of wound process in otorhinolaryngology, for therapy and prevention of purulent complications of wound surfaces of patients with oncological pathology of the throat complicated by bleeding.

The Model of Acute Pancreatitis of Different Degree in Experiment
Relevance of the topic. Acute pancreatitis (OP) is originally an aseptic inflammation of the pancreas, with possible damage to the surrounding tissues and individual organs, as well as systems, which is the third most common after acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis in the number of patients. In this regard, an experimental model is needed to further determine the tactics of management and treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis of varying severity.
Objective: to develop a universal model of acute pancreatitis with the ability to control the area of pancreatic necrosis through the use of various overlays (distal or proximal to the confluence of the accessory pancreatic duct into the common bile duct) of the ligature, which will ensure the development of total or subtotal pancreatonecrosis.
Materials and methods. Matured white Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were chosen as objects for the study. The simulation of acute pancreatitis in the experiment was carried out using a 50% bile solution (pH = 6.0) followed by intraductal injection without cannulation of the major duodenal papilla. To control the degree of severity and area of the pancreas lesion, we use the staged overlay of turnstiles at the confluence of the additional pancreatic ducts and the common bile duct, which ensures the development of acute pancreatitis of varying severity. On the 5th day, the rats were removed from the experiment, an autopsy was performed with the removal of pancreatic preparations for further histological examination. The evaluation of the immune and oxidative parameters of the blood of experimental animals. Statistical processing of the obtained results was performed using descriptive and variation statistics techniques.
Results. In the course of this work, moderate and severe acute pancreatitis is modeled, which allows us to focus on the course of each subject to variation statistics, determining their reliability, which is an important condition for creating the necessary platform for further study of the management and treatment of this disease.
Findings. I use the resulting model, we managed:
- to obtain a high reliable result of operations with minimal death of experimental animals, i.e. high repeatability of positive results;
- perform an accessible operation with obvious technical simplicity;
- see the possibility of a simulated disease for a long time up to 5 or more days, which subsequently allows medical intervention and testing of new dosage forms and drugs for treatment and studying their effects.
Thus, it is possible to judge the universality of this model of acute pancreatitis under experimental conditions.

Oxygen Sorption Treatment in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Wounds
Background. The number of patients with soft tissue wounds does not tend to decrease, which is largely due to the growth of patients with injuries, ulcerative defects, skin tumors, comorbid pathology, including diabetes mellitus, antibiotic-resistant strains and other causes. New methods of local treatment of wounds based on the application of the latest achievements of science are constantly being introduced into the work of surgical departments. High efficiency is demonstrated by the use of sorbents and oxygen, which enhance the reparative processes in wounds.
The aim of the study was to study in experimental conditions the effectiveness of the method of surgical treatment of soft tissue wounds, based on the use of jet oxygen sorption treatment (SCS).
Materials and methods. The study was performed on 150 white Wistar rats in 5 groups of animals. In the 1st control group treatment was not carried out. In the 2nd and 3rd control groups, the wound surface was treated with a jet of air and oxygen, respectively; in the 4th control group, sorbent was applied to the wound surface. In the 1st experimental group conducted scso wound surface. The study of the effectiveness of SCS was carried out using objective, planimetric, histological and histochemical research methods.
Results. The use of sorbent (4th control group) and the method of jet oxygen sorption treatment (1st main group) led to the most pronounced positive changes-acceleration of relief of the studied symptoms by 1.1-1.3 times and 1.2 – 1.5 times, respectively, compared with the data obtained in the 1st control group. Treatment of wounds with oxygen jet (3rd control group) had practically no advantages in comparison with treatment with air jet (2nd control group).
Conclusion. Indirectly, the highest activity of reparative processes during the observation period in the 4th control and 1st main groups was confirmed by the average optical density of RNA and SH-groups, and their desire to normalize to 10 days could indicate the completion of processes of stratification in the wound area. In total, the average area of wounds was minimal in the 1st experimental group, where this figure was by the 3rd and 10th days-74.0% and 99.5% compared to the baseline data.

Relative Ability to form Biofilms in Vitro of Staphylococcus Strains Isolated at Implant-Associated Infection and Inflammatory Complications Following Reconstructive Plastic Surgeries
Backgraund. The representatives of genus Staphylococcus assign a leading role in the etiology of implant-associated infection, its pathogenesis being closely related to Staphylococcus ability to form biofilms on the implant surfaces. These films suppress the humoral and cellular immunity factors reducing the efficiency of antibiotic treatment and contributing to the infection chronicity.
Aims. To study the ability of Staphylococcus spp. strains isolated at infectious complications following the replacement of large joints and reconstructive plastic surgeries in traumatology and orthopedics to form films in vitro.
Materials and methods. The ability to form biofilms of 72 Staphylococcus spp. clinical strains was studied in vitro. These strains were isolated from various biological materials of patients with infectious complications following large joint replacements and reconstructive plastic surgeries on the bones of limbs, and Staphylococcus reference strains. The ability to form biofilms was assessed using G.D.Christensen method that implies defining of biomass accumulation and quantitative detection by determining the optical density of gentian violet alcohol extracts in polystyrene microtitre plates. The obtained results were statistically processed using the Statistica 10.0 software. The nonparametric research methods were employed for median (Me) as well as the 25th and 75th quartiles (Q) calculation. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the three samples. The differences were considered significant at p <0.05.
Results and their discussion. Staphylococcus strains isolated from biological material of patients with implant-associated infection had statistically (p <0.001) more pronounced ability to form biofilms in vitro, and the ability to form biofilms of S.aureus strains isolated at implant-associated infection was statistically higher (p <0.001) than that of coagulase negative staphylococci. The Staphylococcus spp strains isolated from biological materials of patients with infectious complications following the reconstructive plastic surgeries had statistically lower ability to form biofilms (p <0.001), and no significant interspecies differences were observed in this group.
Conclusions. The study of infections and inflammatory agents’ ability to form films in traumatology and orthopedics is an essential prerequisite for microbiological diagnostics optimization and improvement of causal treatment efficiency.

Study of the Special Features of the Surface of Application Hemostatic Implants
Background: One of the important unsolved problems of hepatobiliary surgery is to stop the bleeding of the parenchymal organ. The most promising means of local hemostasis are spongy implants made of various materials, the study of which is one of the leading directions in modern surgery. Nevertheless, despite the relevance of the research, there is no uniform classification of the structural features of such hemostatics.
Aims: to study the features of the surface of the application of hemostatic implants based on collagen and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium.
Materials and methods: the authors performed light microscopy of the samples, photographing and subsequent processing of the photographs obtained using the trial version of the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, United States of America) to obtain black and white images by enhancing the contrast (+400 ), which excluded the possibility of false color definition. The black and white pixels were counted using the Altami Studio 3.4 program (Altami LLC, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation). Then, the real pixel size was converted into percentages using the trial version of Statistica 10.0 (Dell Software Company, Round Rock, United States of America). After that, the ratio of “low” areas of the implant (black pixels) to “high” (white pixels) was determined.
Results: According to the data obtained, a classification was developed for the heterogeneity of the surface of the relief of hemostatic implants, according to which all of them can be divided into three groups: with weak, moderate and strong severity of the heterogeneity of the surface relief.
Conclusions: when correlating the obtained results and selected groups, it was found out that the hemostatic sponge Tachocomb® (Takeda Pharmaceuticals LLC, Linz, Austria) has a slightly pronounced heterogeneity of the surface relief, and the hemostatic collagen sponge (OJSC Luga Belkozin, Luga, Russian Federation) and a Carboxymethylcellulose based hemostatic sponge (developed in cooperation with Linteks LLC, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) - moderately pronounced surface heterogeneity.

«Risks and Сhances» of Development of Adverse Events at Treatment of Enteric Fistula
Relevance. The basis of a solution of the problem of treatment of enteric fistula is made by the termination of current of contents on the formed pathological course. For this purpose use sandostatin or its analogs which efficiency needs objectification and statistical justification.
Purpose: to define possibilities of a method of mathematical modeling of risk and weighing of chances at assessment of emergence of an adverse event during a disease depending on a way of treatment of enteric fistula.
Materials and methods. Results of treatment of 65 patients with enteric fistula who were in a surgical department of hospital of N.A. Semashko of Yaroslavl during the period from 1988 to 2017 are analyzed. At treatment of 41 patients we adhered to traditional tactics. Sandostatin was included in a complex of therapeutic measures at 24 people. For identification of predictive value of clinical symptomatology, clinical laboratory indicators of blood, urine and haemo biochemical parameters carried out the statistical analysis according to Friedman of 352 options 112 of the estimated variables. At the same time assessment procedure of risk and weighing of chances of emergence of such events, adverse events as need of an operative measure for elimination of fistula (the first model) and a lethal outcome (the second model) is realized.
Results. On each of three investigation phases from 27 to 55 determined parameters indicating a high probability of the fact that against the background of use of traditional medical measures carrying out operation with the purpose of treatment of fistula is required are revealed. The quantity of the indicators connected with use of an octreotide at the first two investigation phases was minimum, and by 28 their days did not become at all that testified to high performance of the used means excluding need in a surgical grant during the entire period of observation. At the second statistical model in the conditions of traditional tactics throughout all research the number of parameters was notable higher. Meant it that the practiced complex of treatment of an intestinal fistula was ineffective. When using an octreotide total number of the integrated signs at the first and second investigation phases was minimum, and to the third stage of observation of similar parameters did not become at all that indicated high performance of treatment of enteric fistula, excepting the predicted risk of a lethal outcome.
Conclusion. The technique of statistical modeling allows to reveal well-being of medical process concerning enteric fistula. The mathematical analysis which is carried out at the same time gives the chance to define significantly changing variables. Unlike traditional tactics at early operational stages of an octreotide chances of development of adverse events decrease, and need of surgical intervention is completely leveled later and the probability of a lethal outcome decreases that correlates with clinical effectiveness of the practiced measures (reduction of lethality by 2.5 times).

Review of literature
The choice of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia (literature review)
Inguinal hernioplasty is one of the most common surgical procedures, but the long-term results of operations leave much to be desired: there are recurrences of hernias, chronic pain syndrome, violation of testicular function in men. A modern review of the literature on the most common surgical methods of treatment of inguinal hernias is presented. Separately, describes the methods of hernioplasty with using local tissue (autodermaplasty) and with the use of mesh implants (allohernioplasty). Material allohernioplasty set out on the basis of their surgical approaches are used: traditional (open) and laparoscopic. Special attention is paid to the necessary properties of the mesh implant, the choice of the method of its fixation. The advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods of hernioplasty are listed. Currently, there is no single standard for inguinal hernioplasty. The choice of the method is based on the experience of the surgeon, technical capabilities and desires of the patient. The most commonly used methods for autoplasty are Desarda and Shouldies, and among allogernioplasty - Liechtenstein technique (traditional surgical access) and laparoscopic methods (transabdominal preperitoneal hernioplasty, total extraperitoneal hernioplasty).

Abdominal abscesses
The article presents current data on the incidence of abdominal abscesses. The statistical data of the main nosologies of abdominal surgery complicated by the formation of abdominal abscesses are presented. This review describes the main methods of diagnosis of abdominal abscesses and approaches to their surgical treatment, the most commonly used in clinical practice. On the basis of the studied data, it is concluded that minimally invasive methods of treatment are the operation of choice in abdominal abscesses at the present stage of surgery development.


Mikhail Izrailevich PERELMAN - Russian and Soviet surgeon, academician of the USSR Academy of medical Sciences — RAMN (to the 95th of birthday)
Mikhail israelevich was born on December 20, 1924 in Minsk. He lived in the cities of Borisov, Gomel and Vitebsk. With the beginning of the war he went to the Caucasus, where in 1941 he entered the North Ossetian medical Institute (Vladikavkaz), moving to study in Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl. From 1944 to 1951 he worked as an assistant of the departments of normal anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, hospital surgery of Yaroslavl medical Institute, doctor of the regional station of sanitary aviation. In the summer of 1947 he worked in the hospitals of Kologriv, Rybinsk. From 1954 to 1955-assistant of the Department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the 1st Moscow medical Institute, and then associate Professor at the course of surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis at the Department of tuberculosis of the Central Institute of advanced medical. From 1958 to 1962-head of the Department of surgery of the small circle of blood circulation in the research Institute of experimental biology and medicine of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), from 1963 – thoracic surgery research Institute of clinical and experimental surgery of the USSR Ministry of health (now – rsch RAMS), which led for 18 years. In 1964 he was awarded the title of Professor and this year he is a consultant of the 4th Main Directorate of the Ministry of health of the USSR. Since 1966-Chairman of the problem Commission "Thoracic surgery" Of the scientific Council on surgery of RAMS. From 1969 to 1991-General Secretary of the all-Union society of surgeons. Since 1971-member Of the international society of surgeons. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1986 – academician of the Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR. In 1981, he moved to the position of head of the Department, and then Director of the Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Moscow medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov, became a consultant Of the Russian scientific center of surgery RAMS. M. I. Perelman author of 24 monographs and books, 32 chapters in domestic and foreign manuals and books, 35 articles in encyclopedias, 250 articles in the Central domestic and foreign journals, author or consultant of 9 scientific and educational films, was the supervisor of 68 candidate and scientific consultant in the preparation of 25 doctoral dissertations. Mikhail was the editor-in-chief of the journal "problems of tuberculosis and lung diseases", Deputy editor-in-chief of the "medical referral journal", a member of the editorial Board of the multi-volume edition of "International Trendsin" General Thoracic Surgery", magazines of" world of Surgery"," Pulmonology "and"world of Surgery". In 2013, Mikhail Perelman died and was buried at Novodevichy cemetery.

Alexander Mikhailovich AMINEV – surgeon, Professor, Honored worker of science of the RSFSR (to the 115th of birthday)
Alexander Aminev was born in 1904 in the village of Pokrovsky, Artyomovsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. From 1914 to 1919, he studied at the men's gymnasium, after the second grade school. Irbitsk. In 1921, Alexander Mikhailovich entered the medical faculty of the Ural University. In 1926, he became an intern at the Proedeutic Surgery Clinic, and then Assistant of the Department of General Surgery of the Medical Faculty of Perm University. In 1935 he was awarded the academic title of candidate of medical sciences. From 1936-1937 years A.M. Aminev worked as a director of the propedeutic surgical clinic, from 1936-1938. - Secretary of the editorial staff of the Works, from 1937 - assistant professor, from 1937 to October 1938. From 1937 he began to study and develop an endoscopic method - peritoneoscopy, for the first time in the USSR Endoscopic liver biopsy, liver wound tamponade and epiploon, removal of a foreign body from the abdominal cavity and dissection of adhesions. In 1938, A.M. Astrakhan was appointed director and at the same time head of the department of faculty surgery at the Astrakhan Medical Institute. In 1940, he received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and the title of professor. Since the beginning of World War II, Professor A.M. Aminev was appointed part-time free surgery of the hospital department of the Astrakhan regional health department. In September 1942, he was called up to the front by an army surgeon of the 28th Combined Arms, and then the 5th Panzer Army, and went from Stalingrad to Berlin.
In 1945, A.M. Aminev moved to Kuibyshev, where he became head of the department of hospital surgery, headed for almost 40 years. In 1948 he wrote the first in the country monograph on peritoneoscopy on laparoscopy. He became the author of 14 monographs and 265 scientific papers on coloproctology. In 1964 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. In 1969 "Lectures on proctology" were published, they were marked with the Prize for them. N.I. Pirogov, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. In the aggregate, A.M. Aminev is the author of 37 monographs and 518 scientific papers. Among his students are 112 candidates and 35 doctors of medical sciences.
Alexander Mikhailovich is a member of the Board of Directors of Surgery, a member of the Board of the All-Union and All-Russian Scientific Society, a chairman of the Kuybyshev Regional Scientific Society of Surgery, an honorary member of the international community, and also a co-editor of the journal Gastroenterology, Colon and Rectum Surgery (USA), honorary member 11 scientific surgical societies of the country. He was beaten by a deputy of the regional, city and district Soviets of Workers' Deputies. A.M. Aminev was awarded the Order of Lenin (twice), the October Revolution, the Red Star, World War 1 and 2 degrees, eight medals. Alexander Mikhailovich died on February 11, 1984 and was buried in Kuibyshev, since 1991 - Samara.
After the death of the scientist, his name was given. In 2007, in Samara, on Galaktionovskaya Street, where A.M. Aminev, a plaque was opened in his honor.

Sergey Petrovich FEDOROV - founder of the largest Russian surgical school, "father of Russian urology» (to the 150th of birthday)
Sergey Petrovich Fedorov was born in Moscow in 1869. In 1886 he graduated with honors from the gymnasium, and in 1891 - the medical faculty of Moscow University. In 1892, he was the first in Russia to manufacture and put into practice cholera and tetanus antitoxins, in 1893 - tetanus toxoid serum. In 1895, he defended his doctoral dissertation and was appointed as an assistant, and in 1896 - as a privat-docent of the faculty surgical clinic of Moscow University. In 1899 S.P. For the first time, Fedorov performed a single-step trans-vesicular prostatectomy, in 1901 a laparotomy for purulent peritonitis, in 1902 a gastrectomy with resection of the esophagus, resection of the colon. From 1903 to 1936, Sergei Petrovich headed the department of the hospital surgical clinic of the Military Medical Academy. In 1907, on his initiative, the Russian Urological Society was organized in Russia, the chairman of which he was elected (now bearing his name), the Urological Institute was established at the Military Medical Academy. In 1909 S.P. For the first time in the world, Fedorov performed the operation under intravenous hedonal anesthesia, which was the beginning of the widespread use of inhalation anesthesia. In 1909 he was awarded the title of honorary life-surgeon, and at the end of 1912 he was confirmed as a life-surgeon of the imperial family, which he combined with work in the Military Medical Academy. At this time, he wrote "Atlas of Cystoscopy and Rectoscopy" (1911), the monograph "Gallstones and surgery of the biliary tract" (1918). May 2, 1920 S.P. Fedorov was detained and put in prison. September 9, 1920, he was sentenced to a suspended five-year prison term. September 14, 1921 S.P. Fedorov was arrested again and at the end of November under escort sent to Moscow for a free settlement. In 1921 S.P. Fedorov took part in the creation of the first Soviet surgical journal "New Surgical Archive". From 1926 to 1933, he headed the Institute of Surgical Neuropathology (now the Leningrad Research Neurosurgical Institute named after A.L. Polenov, M3 of the RSFSR). S.P. Fedorov proposed new methods and modifications of operations on the nervous system, kidneys, intestines, biliary tract, new tools for their implementation. Under his leadership, the development of blood transfusion problems began for the first time in the USSR. He created the largest surgical school (N.N. Elansky, I.S. Kolesnikov, P.A. Kupriyanov, V.N. Shamov, etc.). In 1928, S. P. Fedorov was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. In 1933, he was the first of the surgeons to be awarded the Order of Lenin.
Died S.P. Fedorov in Leningrad in 1936 and was buried at the Communist site (now the Cossack cemetery) of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. He has published over 120 scientific papers, including 11 manuals and monographs. Memorial plaque in memory of SP Fedorov installed on the building of the Faculty Surgery Clinic of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov.

Dmitry Oskarovich OTT – Russian and Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist, the founder of the world endoscopic surgery (to the 160th of birthday, to the 120th of the development of the basics of laparoscopic surgery)
D.O. Ott was born in 1855 in the family of the vice-governor of the Novgorod province O.F. Ott. In 1874 he graduated from the Novgorod gymnasium and entered the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, which he graduated in 1879. In 1881, D.O. Ott passed the exam for a doctor of medicine. In 1884 he defended his doctoral thesis. Having received the title of private assistant professor at the Medical-Surgical Academy, in 1885 Ott began teaching at the Imperial Clinical Institute of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. At the same time, he supervised the Alexander Nevsky maternity hospital. In the rank of Professor D.O. Ott was approved in 1889. From 1893 he was appointed director of the Imperial Clinical Midwife Institute. In 1899–1906 - Director of the St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute. In 1895, D.O. Ott became the life obstetrician of the Imperial Court. In 1899, D.O. Ott introduced the method of ventroscopy into clinical practice, and on April 19, 1901, for the first time, he reported it at a meeting of the Petersburg Obstetric-Gynecological Society. For its implementation of the D.O. Ott developed special tools, used the air for pneumoperitoneum, the high position of Trendelenburg, equipped the operating table with special devices for supporting the patient's legs and shoulders. April 26, 1906 through colpotomic access after removal of the uterus with appendages D.O. Ott performed the world's first transvaginal appendectomy. He also performed ovariotomy, dissection of intra-abdominal adhesions, becoming the first surgeon in the world to perform endoscopic interventions on the abdominal organs, i.e. He was the ancestor of the world endoscopic surgery. D.O. Ott was one of the founders and chairman of the Petersburg Obstetrician-gynecological Society (1912), founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases. They published more than 145 scientific papers, including 5 monographs devoted mainly to issues of operative gynecology. BEFORE. Ott was an honorary member of Russian and foreign (Berlin, Italian, Egyptian and other) scientific medical societies. In 1924, a bronze monument to the professor was installed on the main staircase of the institute, and in 1989 the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was named after him. Dmitry Oskarovich Ott died at the 74th year of his life in 1929 in Leningrad and was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Pyotr Andreyevich Zagorsky - Russian anatomist, rector and Professor Emeritus of the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (on the 255th anniversary of birth)
Pyotr Andreyevich Zagorsky was born in 1764 in the Novgorodseversky governorship in the family of a priest. He studied at the Chernigov College, Medical-Surgical School. In 1785, P.A. Zagorsky was promoted to healers and began working as an anatomy prosector at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery of the St. Petersburg General Hospital. In 1790 he moved to the Shlisselburg district to the post of city and district doctor, and in 1793 he was transferred as a head-doctor to the Cuirassier Regiment. In 1794-1795 Peter Andreevich took part in the military campaign of Suvorov. In 1797 he was appointed adjunct anatomy. P.A. Zagorsky wrote the first Russian textbook on anatomy (1801), for the first time in Russia he introduced compulsory classes on corpses, suggested Russian anatomical terminology (1802), created a classification of deformities. In 1805, P.A. Zagorsky received the title of adjunct of anatomy and physiology, and since 1807 - an extraordinary academician, in 1809–1833 - academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. In 1808, he was appointed rector of the Medical-Surgical Academy. Since 1817, he is an honorary member of the Imperial Moscow Society of Naturalists. His school passed I.V. Buyalsky, P.A. Naranovich, I.D. Knigin, P.S. Kareisha, IB. Petrov, D.M. Vellansky, A.I. Fedorovsky and others. P.A. Zagorsky - the author of more than 150 scientific papers. Peter Andreevich Zagorsky died in 1846 at the age of 82 years.