The analysis of efficiency of introduction of the arthroscopic equipment in NUZ «DKB station Voronezh 1 OAO «RZHD»

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About the authors

NUZ "Road clinical hospital at the station Voronezh-1 JSC "RZD"

Author for correspondence.
doctor of medical Sciences, head of the Department of transport medicine of ipmo Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko, head doctor of ngha "railway clinical hospital at the station Voronezh–1 JSC "RZD" Russian Federation

Voronezh state technical University

researcher at Voronezh state technical University Russian Federation

Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko

PhD, associate Professor of public health, Economics and health care management IPMO Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation


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