Actovegin application in treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy and preventive maintenance of diabetic foot syndrome in surgical patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension
- Authors: 1, 1, 1
- Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko
- Issue: Vol 3, No 3 (2010)
- Pages: 260-264
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 428
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On the basis of the Voronezh municipal hospital of the first help №10 in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic polyneuropathy and arterial hypertension total oxidative capacity increase, LDLс oxidized antibodies enhanced level and total antioxidative capacity deficiency were revealed. Antioxidative and antihypoxemic action caused by actovegin in 400 mg daily dose in diabetic patients are established. We observed that actovegin indication produces corrective influence
on lipid peroxidation parameters and promotes improvement of diabetic polyneuropathy clinical implications preventive maintenance of diabetic foot syndrome.
About the authors
Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko
Author for correspondence.
assistant of endocrinology Department, Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation
Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of the endocrinology Department of the Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation
Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko
PhD, assistant of endocrinology Department, Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation
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