Distant result prognostication in illeofemoral reconstructive surgery in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis using morphometria of vascular wall
- Authors: Polyantsev A.A.1, Mozgovoy P.V.1, Frolov D.V.1, Polikarpov I.A.1, Naumov V.V.1, Spilchuk A.M.2, Schelokov R.V.3, Schelokova Y.V.1
- Volgograd state medical University
- The Volgograd regional clinical hospital №1
- Volgograd state University
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 67-70
- Section: Original articles
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/article/view/1070
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18499/2070-478X-2011-4-1-67-70
- ID: 1070
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Full Text
Scientific prognostication of distant results in reconstructive surgery in illeofemoral area for patients with obliterating
atherosclerosis using morphometria of the vascular wall. The study investigates 49 patients operated on aortoilliac arterial
segment. Observation period took 5 years. Late thrombotic reocclusions were presented in 16 patients (32,6%). Morphological investigations with morphometria of vascular walls were carried out. During the early and late postoperative period
permeability of reconstructed zones, as well as main artery permeability further than anaestamosis zone were estimated.
Prognostically unfavorable signs in respect of high possibility of thrombotic reocclusions in late postoperative period are as
follows:presence of macrophages in the arteries, intimae hyperplasia with degenerative elements etc. According to this data a prognostic model for determination of late postoperative thrombotic reocclusions for patients with aortoilliac arterial
surgery was created
About the authors
Alexander Aleksandrovich Polyantsev
Volgograd state medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: frolden@aport.ru
MD, Professor, head of Department of General surgery
Pavel Vyacheslavovich Mozgovoy
Volgograd state medical University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
Ph. D., Professor
Department of faculty surgery
Denis Vladimirovich Frolov
Volgograd state medical University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
PhD, associate Professor of General surgery with urology
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1Igor Aleksandrovich Polikarpov
Volgograd state medical University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
assistant, Department of General surgery with urology
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1Vadim Valerievich Naumov
Volgograd state medical University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
postgraduate student of the Department General surgery urology
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1Anastasia Mikhailovna Spilchuk
The Volgograd regional clinical hospital №1
Email: frolden@aport.ru
doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics Department of radiation diagnostics
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1Roman Viktorovich Schelokov
Volgograd state University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of laser physics
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1Yulia Viktorovna Schelokova
Volgograd state medical University
Email: frolden@aport.ru
Russian Federation, Russia, Volgograd, the square of the Fallen Fighters, 1References
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