Vol 2, No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/5
Original articles
Treatment tactic of patients with acute pancreatitis depending on the endotoxicosis grade
Treatment results of 177 patients with acute pancreatitis were analysed according to endotoxicosis grade, blood serum amylase and myoglobin level on admission. Patients with I-grade endotoxicosis and moderate blood level of amylase and myoglobin underwent conservative treatment which resulted in early healing of the pancreatic inflammation. The operative activity of patients with II-grade of endotoxicosis made up 41,2 %. As a result of intensive therapy and laparoscopic abdominal lavage the pancreatic infiltrate became infected with significant rise of blood serum amylase and myoglobin level. There was no mortality in this group. Patients with III-grade endotoxicosis and very high level of blood serum myoglobin had disseminated chemical peritonitis with retroperitoneal abscesses and they had proper laparotomy. In this group there was a mortality of 54,5%. Therefore blood serum myoglobin has been shown to be a marker for tissue destruction.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):272-276

Application experience inside a cavity of hydropressivno-ultrasonic sanation at patients with phlegmons and abscesses of soft fabrics
Results of treatment 81 patients at the age from 19 till 78 years with phlegmons and abscesses of soft tissues are presented. Patients have been parted on 3 groups: 1 control 22 patients have made which treatment carried out in “the open way» by a drainage, daily sanations wound cavities a solution of a hypochlorite of sodium; 2 control - 25 patients which local treatment spent with application intracavitary programmed hydropressivno-aspiration sanations in conditions of “the closed contour»; the basic - 34 patients the complex program of medical actions at which consisted in carrying out intracavitary programmed gidropressivno-aspiratsionnoj the sanation added with ultrasonic influence. Application of a method of intracavitary hydropressivno-ultrasonic sanation has allowed to accelerate authentically terms of purification of wounds from is purulentnecrotic tissues, microbic bodies, to stimulate neogenesis processes, to improve cosmetic results of surgical treatment that in aggregate promoted reduction of terms of treatment and aftertreatment of the given contingent of patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):282-287

The first experience of application infliximab at patients about a steroid-refractory and a steroid-dependent forms of a nonspecific ulcerative colitis
It is well known that corticosteroids are the current first-line therapy for patients with moderate or severe form ulcerative colitis (UC). About 30-35% of patients do not respond to corticosteroids and require alternative anti-inflammatory agent. The pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) plays a central role in mucosal inflammation. Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody against TNF-alpha has been proved highly effective in the treatment of steroid–dependent and steroid–resistant forms of UC.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):288-290

Complex treatment not ulcerative gastroduodenum bleedings with use of an endoluminal endoscopy
Experiment on 20 not purebred dogs it is estimated haemostatic and reparative efficiency of biologically active granulated sorbents. In clinical section results of treatment of 539 patients with gastroduodenum bleedings of not ulcerative genesis from the top departments of a digestive tube are resulted. The developed program of the complex therapy including an endoscopic insufflation of biologically active granulated sorbents, a liquid diathermocoagulation, «balloon» applications of sorbents, application of inhibitors of a proton pomp, antagonists Í2-histaminic of receptors and antacids, antihelicobacter therapy allows to reduce quantity of relapses of a bleeding and immediate surgeries at bleeding height.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):291-304

Experimental substantiation of application of a programmed magnetotherapy in treatment of wounds of soft tissues
Article is devoted studying of efficiency of application of a new method of a programmed magnetotherapy at treatment of experimental aseptic and purulent wounds. Experiences are spent on 384 white laboratory rats in 2 blocks of researches. On the basis data of clinical, morphological and histochemical methods of research high efficiency of application of the developed method is proved at treatment both aseptic, and purulent wounds. Use at therapy of the magnitotherapy medium programmed a magnet authentically raises efficiency of a method.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):305-315

Individual anatomic variability of forward area of a neck. New approaches and decisions
The article is devoted to new methods of conducting anthropometrical neck measurements reflecting its constitutional peculiarities (775 volonters). On the basis of the clinical (178 patients) and topographo-anatomical investigation (426 persons of boath sex groups) are studied the peculiarities of surgical anatomy of hypohyoid muscles, of thyroid and parathyroid glands structure as risk factors of making diagnostic mistakes and developing operative complications. A new approach is bein discussed for visualization of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the operative procedures on neck organs.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):316-329

Urgent surgical intervention in case of chiloperitoneum
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):330-332

About a hemostasis at a resection of the left share of a liver
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):333-334

To the question on treatment of closed fractures of the neck of the femur
Primary importance of the problem is due to high prevalence of fractures of the neck of the femur and the danger of unfavorable outcome incapacitating patients. Outcome in treatment of hip fractures depends on the degree of impairment of blood flow in the injured site. The aim of this article is to develop a noninvasive technique assessing vascular blood flow in the region of the hip using Doppler ultrasonography and on these grounds to give recommendation for further treatment through osteosynthesis or prosthetics. The new approach to evaluation of individuals with hip fractures enables to improve surgical curability of patients, reduce the rate of complications and repeat hospitalization, is within the competence of surgical staff and can be employed in traumatological departments of hospitals.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):335-338

Disputable points of postcholecystectomy syndrom termonology and classification
Cholelithiasis refers to a number of widespread diseases which are usually treated by cholecystectomy. Some patients face the problem of postcholecystectomy syndrome after cholecystectomy. Up to the present day there is no generally accepted definition of this term, no unified classification reflecting concrete reason of pains and dyspepsia after cystectomy which will allow to choose adequate diagnostic and healing procedure.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):339-343

Materials то studying history of development of the basic sections of maxillofacial surgery in Russia
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):344-347

Short articles
Чередников Евгений Федорович (к 60-летию со дня рождения)
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):348

Косоногов Леонид Федорович (к 80-летию со дня рождения)
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(4):349-350