Vol 8, No 3 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/28
Original articles
Features of a Clinical Current and Diagnostics of Acute Pancreatitis at Patients with Virus Hepatitis

Observations of Diagnosticis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis
Relevance There are common mistakes of diagnosis pancreonecrosis, statistical calculation extends from 2% to 10%, as for
postoperative mortality it's from 21% to 29,3%.
The purpose of the study To improv the results of treatment patients with acute pancreatitis by well-timed diagnostics and optimization
of surgical treatment methods for patients with pancreonecrosis.
Materials and methods We analyzed the results of examinations and treatment of 1536 patients with acute pancreatitis. Patients had
got all complex of examinations including laboratory analyzes, X-rays, ultrasonography, endoscopy.
Results and their discussion Edematous form of pancreatitis which didn't require surgery was observed among 1135 (73,8%)
patients, destructive form was observed among 401 (26,1%) patients. There were revealed diagnostic mistakes connected with
untimely detection of pancreatitis with destructive forms, it had been among 17 (1%) patients. In general 1170 (76,2%) patients
got conservative treatment, amongst them lethality was 35 (2,2%), 366 (23,8%) patients needed surgery. Totally 439 surgeons
were made such as 159 (10,3%) minimally invasive percutaneous drainage of purulent cavities controlled by ultrasonography, 141
(9,2%) laparoscopic sanitations and abdominal cavity drainage, 139 surgery including laparotomy and lumbotomy with framed
bursoomentostomy on purpose to make programmed sanitations of omental bursa and retroperitoneal area which were added with
cholecystectomy and drainage of extrahepatic biliary tract in 20 cases. The postoperative lethality level reduced from 18% in 2010
till 10,4% in 2014, the general lethality level lowered from 6,3% to 4,7%.
Сonclusion It's necessary to use differential access to improve treatment results of pancreonecrosis complications

Membranostabilization Component in Preventions of the Hepatic Disfunctions of Acute Pancreatitis

Clinical Observation Syndrome Bouveret (Biliary Ileus)
Background Biliary ileus is a rare cause of acute intestinal obstruction and is 1-4% of all cases of small bowel obstruction.
Objective: to Analyze the current data of the world medical literature on the problem of biliary ileus, basic medical diagnostic techniques aimed at improving the provision of health care to patients with this pathology.
Materials and methods the authors review the literature and 1 the author nablyudeniya Bouveret syndrome.
Discussion Bouveret's Syndrome is a rare form of obstructive ileus due to obstruction of the biliary calculus in the presence of biliodigestive fistula output Department stomachs or 12-p K-CI. The main clinical sign is the presence of signs of intestinal obstruction. The final diagnosis is established during surgical intervention. Mortality after enterotomy with extraction of ureteral stones is about 12%, after an extended intervention - up to 30% Completed surgical treatment, enterotomy, anterolateral.
Conclusions despite the fact that the variation of the biliary ileus, Bouveret syndrome, a rare pathology, it is necessary to remember about this cause intestinal obstruction. Special attention should be given to elderly patients with clinic intestinal obstruction.

The Possibilities of Conservative Treatment in Patients with External Colonic Fistulas

The Role of Some Immune System Parameters in Forecasting Development Acute Mesenteric Ischemia Experiment

Some Features of the Micrometastasis Arrangement in Ileal Lymph Nodes at the Cancer of Cervix Uteri
The purpose of the study To study structure features of the lymph nodes removed from patients at a cer-vival cancer without metastasises. Materials and methods The ileal lymph nodes without metastasises removed from patients at cervival can-cer in the time of a Wertheim hysterectomy or a radical trachelectomy were studied by method of a light microscopy. Results and their discussion Small oval or elliptic micrometastasises of a high-differentiated adenocarcinoma up to 105 μm2 in 2 ileal lymph nodes from one patient from 56 surveyed were found. Tumoral struc-tures were present only in 3-4 serial organ cuts made through 50 μm in a row, and metastasises were never located in the plane of the maximal area of a lymph nodes which are usually studied by pathomorphologists during establishment or specification of the clinical diagnosis. These metastasis-es were located in the surface departments of a cortical plateau, practically on border with a subcap-sular sine or a nodular capsule. In both organs with the found micrometastasises the phenomenon of a paracortical and follicular hyperplasia were noted. That is characteristic for nodes without metasta-sises, but not for organs at early stages of development of metastasises, thus on indirect signs it is impossible to judge existence or absence of small tumoral structures in lymph nodes. Conclusion For detection of micrometastasises in lymph nodes it is necessary from all organ to make serial cuts with an interval no more than 100 microns. Besides, the lymph nodes with mi-crometastasises of a malignant tumor have a paracortical and follicular hyperplasia, the reference for nodes without metastasises that can testify to antigenic stimulation of these organs, activation of their protective functions directed against as well as the tumor and its metastasises. |

Reserves to Reduce Mortality from Malignant Neoplasms in a Specialized Oncology Service Link

Sepsis: Modern Paradigm

Method of Strengthening the Posterior Wall of the Inguinal Canal with Direct Inguinal Hernias, the Transverse Fascia is Superimposed Endo-loop