Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/23
Original articles
Risk Stratification for Embolic Events in Surgical Patients with Left-Sided Infective Endocarditis
The purpose of the study This study was aimed to determine the structure and identify risk factors associated with the development of embolic events in surgical patients with left-sided infective endocarditis. Materials and methods The cohort includes 238 patients with left-sided infective endocarditis who underwent valve replacement surgery. All thromboembolic events which have occurred before, during and after surgery were studied. The influence of the basic epidemiologic, clinical, microbiological, echocardiographic, and laboratory data on the cases of embolism was analyzed. Results and their discussion In-hospital mortality in general cohort was 9.24%; in the group of patients with embolic events it was 11.54%, and in the event-free group it was 8.60%. The mortality in the sub-group with pre-surgical embolic events was 8.33%, and in the sub-group with post-surgical embolic events it was 18.75% (all deaths occurred in this sub-group were related to embolisms). In patient group with embolic events and in the event-free group mitral valve impairment was reported to occur in 44.23% and 31.72% of cases, respectively. Vegetations were reported in 93.28% of patients. Transesophageal echocardiography showed higher sensitivity in comparison with transthoracic echocardiography for vegetations located on mitral valve only (p≤0.05). The relation was confirmed between pre-surgical embolic episodes and bulky mobile vegetations (p<0.05). In 43.75% of cases thromboembolic episodes in post-surgical period took place after both mitral and aortic valves replacement, most post-surgical embolisms occurred within the first three days after the surgery. Conclusion Major risk-factors associated with pre-surgical embolic events in patients with left-sided infective endocarditis were: active infective endocarditis, mitral valve lesion, and large mobile vegetations. The embolic events which have occurred before surgery did not affect hospital mortality. Intra- and post-surgical embolic events in left-sided IE patients were not related to the risk factors associated with pre-surgical embolisms and were found to increase in-hospital mortality risk. The highest risk of postoperative embolism appeared to be in early post-surgical period. Key words Infective endocarditis, surgical treatment, embolic events, risk factors.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):98-108

The Role of Microsomal-Monooxygenase System of Liver and Indirect Electrochemical Oxidation of Blood in the Formation Mechanism of Endogenous Intoxication Syndrome in Animals with Experimental Bile Peritonitis
Relevance On the background of growth in the number of patients JCB problem ha is of particular relevance. Ha leads to the development of systemic inflammatory response, which is accompanied by excessive generation of cytokines, are able to inhibit the activity of cytochrome P-450-dependent MOS liver, responsible for the biotransformation of endogenous compounds. The purpose of the study Is to evaluate the modulating effect NGH on MOS liver in experimental. Materials and methods Study of cytochrome P-450-dependent MOS liver conducted on 120 mongrel rats-males, weighing 160-200, by the method of A.I. Archakov (1975) and I.I. Carosino et al., (1977). The protein content in a fraction of microsomes determined by O. Lowry (1951). The number of microsomal cytochrome P-450 were determined by the method of T. Omura, R. Sato (1964). State MOS liver was estimated by the rate N-demethylation of antipyrine and gidrauxilirovania aniline (I.I. Karuzina, A.I. Archakov, 1977). Results and their discussion Experiments indicate the development of the syndrome of EI in animals with ha oppression antitoxic function of the liver. Introduction of 0.03% solution NGH causes a significant increase of cytochrome P-450 and b5, indicating that it permantently activity, at the same time as the use of 0.1% solution NGH causes a decrease of their content, indicating fermentarii effect. Conclusion Obtained result is of considerable clinical importance, because the biotransformation of many of the antibiotics used in the treatment of acute abdominal pathology occurs almost exclusively microsomal enzymes hepatocytes that against bacterial infection there is a significant risk of overdose, therefore, the use of 0.03% solution NGH can contribute to the induction of cytochrome P450 liver
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):109-114

The Ways to Study the Effectiveness of Various Schemes of the Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Postoperative Septic Complications, and the State of the Lymphatic System Drainage in the Experimental Postoperative Period
The purpose of the study Another option, proposed by the author, is a parallel combination of antibiotic prophylaxis and varying lymph stimulation. Materials and methods The study was conducted on 36 Wistar male rats. The effectiveness of antibiotic prevention in the conditions of new model of infectious complications in surgical area was studied in groups of 6 animals. Results and their discussion It is experimentally proved that for a given simulation of postoperative complications ABP is really effective, i.e. the number of operations undergone by animals increases. Means, this model takes place on existence and can be used to study various methods of ABP. The condition of a lymphatic drainageis oppressed during the development of pyoinflammatory complications in regional and distal lymph areas concerning a surgery zone. Conclusion Antibiotic dose used in the ABP does not affect the frequency of development of SSIs (p> 0,05), but severity of other complications depends on it (peritonitis, death) p≤0,05. Combining it with lymphostimulation using minimal doses improving its efficiency p ≤ 0,05. The isolated lymphostimulation in the experiment is prevention of development of SSIs
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):115-118

Analysis of Preеmptive Post-Operative Analgesia Optimized Programms Effectiveness as a Basis for Anti-Stress Providing after Operative Delivery
Relevance The article presents the data of the original research to assess the clinical effectiveness of prevent and eliminate postoperative pain syndrome program after operative delivery. The purpose of the study Improving the efficiency of complex anti-stress protection of the organism for cesarean section based on prevention and treatment optimization of postoperative pain syndrome. Materials and methods Materials of the research presented of 80 obstetric patients having indications for operative delivery. Among the investigated contingent differentiated two contrasting groups. 40 patients were included in the control group (using traditional program of analgesia). Another 40 patients were included in the study group (using the developed program of analgesia). Methods of the research: assessment of the pain intensity with application of modern analogue scales (visual analogue scale, digital rating scale); assessment of the stress-tension level of the autonomic nervous system by cardiointervalography with mathematical analysis of cardiac rhythm; descriptive statistical methods to determine the level of intergroup differences significance. Results and their discussion In the study group identified the best level of analgetic protection and neurovegetative stabilization. Proved the possibility of prevention of postoperative pain syndrome severe forms in the studied conditions. All of identified intergroup differences have a high level of statistical significance. Conclusion The obtained results allow us to: statistically reasonably considered designed program of analgesia as a means of optimizing the anti-stress support for obstetric interventions, recommend it to practical application
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):119-124

Differentiated Medical and Diagnostic Tactics at Acute Destructive Pancreatitis
The purpose of the study To analyse results of treatment of patients with sharp destructive pancreatitis and to define the most effective methods of various draining operations with the purpose of reduction of number of complications, decrease in a lethality and improvement of outcomes of a disease. Materials and methods The basis of research was made by results of inspection and treatment of 256 patients by destructive forms of sharp pancreatitis, the postupivkshikh on treatment in No. 23 GKB of "Medsantrud" during the period with 2010 on 2014гг concerning sharp pancreatitis. In studied group didn't include biliarny and postoperative панкреонекрозы because of features па- тогенеза and a clinical current. The age of patients varied from 18 to 90 years and averaged 51,0±15,2. It was more senior than 60 years of 27,4% of the patients who had a serious accompanying illness among which pathology prevailed from serdechnoksosudisty (at 66,3%) and respiratory systems (at 37,4%) that is considerable отягощало their state and a current of the postoperative period. Results and their discussion Sharp destructive pancreatitis develops in 45% of cases within a pancreas and parapankreatichesky cellulose also has focal character. At 37,7% of patients destruction gains massive character with distribution on zabryushinny cellulose. Lightning techekny diseases total and subtotal destruction of a pancreas and involvement in process of all bodies and systems meets at 17,3% of patients. The medical and diagnostic laparoscopy and low-invasive methods of research with the subsequent "closed" drainage of the centers of destruction allows to reduce manifestation of endogenous intoxication at patients with sharp pancreatitis. At focal панкреонекрозе the medical and diagnostic laparoscopy and mininvazivny methods of drainage is a zaverkshayushchy type of expeditious treatment and allows to reduce number of purulent complications to 11,1%, all-somatic - to 6,6%, and a lethality to 1,1%. Conclusion The differentiated approach to surgical tactics of treatment of patients by destructive pancreatitis, depending on the scale of initial damage of a pancreas, allowed to reduce on the average number of purulent complications by one patient by 4 times (from 9,8% to 2,2%), to lower a lektalnost from purulent complications by 3 times (from 15,3% to 5,5%), and, as a result, to lower a postoperative lethality by 2,5 times (from 25,0% to 9,8%).
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):125-131

Integraned Palliative Treatment Tumors of Esophagus, Cardia and Esophageal Anastomosis
Relevance Marked increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the esophagus and cardia. By the time of diagnosis, more than 50 % of patients can not perform radical surgery because of the severity of the patient or the local prevalence of neoplastic lesions. The purpose of the study To assess the results of palliative interventions in malignant tumors of the esophagus, cardia and oesophageal anastomosis. Materials and methods Stenting of the esophagus and esophageal anastomoses performed 133 patients (99 men and 34 women). The age of patients ranged from 35 to 91 years . Esophageal cancer was in 80 patients, cancer of the gastric cardia involving esophagus in 33, compression of the esophagus from the outside in 5, recurrent gastric cancer after gastrectomy in 8, recurrence of esophageal cancer after surgery type Lewis at 4 esophageal cancer recurrence after extirpation of the esophagus with gastroplasty at 3. Stenting was performed silicone stents in 22 patients and nitinol partially or fully covered stents in 111 patients. Results and their discussion Complications of stent placement were observed in 9 patients (2 with silicone stents and 7 using nitinol stents). Complications after stenting were 21 patients (8 - silicone stents, 13 - self-expanding stents ). All complications promptly diagnosed and corrected. Stenting the stent -in- stent were 11 patients in the period from 2 to 14 months after stenting. Deaths were observed. Conclusion Endoscopic stenting of the esophagus and esophageal anastomosis is an effective and safe method of restoring oral ingestion. Preferably self-expanding stents used metal . Performing esophageal stenting prior to radical radiation therapy allows for treatment without splitting rate, with a low risk of esophageal stenosis under irradiation without increasing percentage radioreactions.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):132-140

New in Treatment of Varicose Veins of the Lower Extremities (Experience of Private Phlebology Practice)
The purpose of the study Study of treatment possibilities and summarization of experience of use of minimally invasive technologies in treatment of varicose veins in outpatient and office setting. Materials and methods A two year experience of diagnostics and treatment of varicose disease of 1024 patients in outpatient and office setting is reported. In diagnostics were used routine examination and ultrasound, venous insufficiency was estimated with CEAP classification. Photographic documentation was done with digital SLR camera. We used: conservative treatment, minimallyinvasive ways of treatment, sclerotherapy mostly. Own injection-aspiration method of sclerotherapy was developed and used and it allowed to minimize potential risk of DVT during compression sclerotherapy procedure. Results and their discussion All results of treatment were good and satisfactory. There are not detected complications. Conclusion Treatment of varicose disease within phlebology department of private outpatient medical center always requires an individual approach; introduction of modern minimally invasive cosmetically acceptable methods gives to doctor of office practice serious tool of treatment of almost all stages of chronic venous insufficiency; including usage of developed method of sclerotherapy which allows to treat patient without unacceptable risk for patient
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):141-145

Percutaneous Transhepatic Endobiliary Lithotripsy in Treatment of Patients with Megacholedocholithiasis
Relevance Large (>20mm.) common bile duct stones pose difficulties for endoscopic lithotripsy, severe somatic pathology limits conditions for performing laparoscopic and traditional operations. The purpose of the study Exploring endobiliary lithotripsy through greater access (28Fr.) to treatment megacholedocholithiasis. Materials and methods Results of treatment of 45 patients with complicated forms of cholelithiasis against severe physical illness. Complications of gallstone disease are: megacholedocholithiasis, the terminal part of the common bile duct stenosis, obstructive jaundice, acute purulent cholangitis, liver abscesses, hepatolithiasis and destructive cholecystitis. In patients with obstructive jaundice priority percutaneous biliary decompression based on ultrasonic gradation types of biliary hypertension and limited ability transpapillary endoscopic methods in large, blocking the common bile duct stones.The division of patients with obstructive jaundice into classes A B C can rationally choose a surgical approach based on the prediction of the alleged fatal outcome. All patients underwent percutaneous transhepatic biliary lithoextraction because of the "high" operational and anesthetic risks of traditional surgery and the inability to endoscopic removal of biliary tract calculi. Results and their discussion Made the first step, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy eliminates pathogenic cholehemia and systemic endotoxemia, which is especially necessary in elderly patients with somatic diseases. The use of percutaneous transhepatic lithotripsy endobiliary of megacholedocholithiasis made through consistently shaped, large-caliber transhepatic working channel(28Fr) eliminated the biliary obstruction with minimal complications - 8.8%. Conclusion The findings suggest, endobiliary transhepatic lithotripsy is the treatment of choice for patients with megacholedocholithiasis and high operational and anesthetic risk
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):146-151

Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma in the Postoperative Period
The purpose of the study To study the effects of drugs affecting neurotransmitters - of neuromidin in patients undergoing antiglaucoma surgery. Material and methods 95 patients (190 eyes), operated on for uncompensated primary open angle glaucoma, divided into 2 groups. The first (main) group: 65 patients, which, together with the local hypotensive drugs and traditional therapy was received neiromidin 15 mg (1 ml) intramuscularly, and then in tablets of 20 mg x 2 times daily outpatient as monotherapy, 20 days. The second (control) group: 30 patients (60 eyes), who received similar treatment, but without the neuromidin. All of the patients were made classical surgery fistulizing with peripheral iridectomy modification S.N. Fedorov et al. The paper uses the standard ophthalmological research methods: visometry, tonometry, biomicroscopy, direct and inverse ophthalmoscopy, dynamic and static perimetry, gonioskopia and quantify disk on Heidelberg retina tomograph by laser scanning. The research was carried out before beginning treatment at hospital discharge and in process through 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months. Results and their discussion Underwent surgical intervention resulted in lowering intraocular pressure in the main and control groups. In the group of patients treated with neuromidin, more marked significant improvement of visual functions, indicators HRT. Conclusion With the purpose of increase of efficiency of treatment of patients with primary glaucoma in the postoperative period it is recommended in complex treatment include neuromidin.The addition of neuromidin to traditional therapy improves visual acuity, the expansion of the field of view and increase the area of neironal rim, thickening peripapillary nerve fiber layer of the retina. Taking into account the decrease received positive effect six months after the operation, courses of drug therapy should be carried out 2 times in year.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):152-158

Contact Ultrasonic Lithotripsy in the Lumen of the Common Bile Duct
Relevance Choledocholithiasis occurs in about 18-36% of patients with calculous cholecystitis, and in elderly patients is more common than in the young. Available methods of laparoscopic common bile duct revision enough laborious and not always successful. Using endoscopic papillosphincterotomy subsequently leads to disruption of the reflex sphincter function and development of papillary insufficiency, also does not guarantee the removal of large stones. Consequently, the need and urgency of finding solutions to low-traumatic removal of stones from the common bile duct in individuals at high risk of surgical intervention, especially when the residual choledocholithiasis. The purpose of the study To decrease trauma treatment of choledocholithiasis using contact ultrasound lithotripsy in the lumen of the common bile duct. Materials and methods To perform lithotripsy in the lumen of the common bile duct was created waveguide original design. In in vitro experiments produced crushing stones extracted from the gall bladder of patients operated on for gallstones, various compositions. In in vivo experiments used 20 adult mongrel rabbits after modeling cholelithiasis by replanting calculus gallbladder voiced its cavity for 4 minutes. To study the pathological effects of these parameters ultrasound articulated wall of the intestine and the diaphragmatic surface of the liver for 3-7 minutes. Results and their discussion It was established experimentally that the optimal parameters for performing lithotripsy: output power 35%, from 40 to 65 watts, 26500-26700 Hz frequency. More mineralized, pigment stones are fragmented faster than cholesterol, medium and low-mineralized stones. In vivo experiments, in all cases in the cavity of the gallbladder found the remains of the calculus in the form of small fragments of sizes up to 0.5 mm. Pathological changes in irradiated tissues is minimal and completely leveled to 14 days after exposure to ultrasound. Conclusion Thus, in an effort to preserve the sphincter apparatus major duodenal papilla, the proposed waveguide can be successfully used in the treatment of gallstone disease without the threat of deep soft tissue injuries. Design of the waveguide allowsduring laparoscopic surgery to penetrate into the lumen of the common bile duct stones and make the fragmentation that would significantly reduce traumatic intervention.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):159-164

New Methods of Treatment of the Diffused Peritonitis
Despite the achievements of the modern medicine, diffused peritonitis until the present time remains the urgent problem in the emergent abdominal surgery. According to the data of the leading Russian and foreign clinics, mortality rate in this pathology in the last decades has not showed any reduction tendency and varied in the range of minimum 20-30%, achieving at maximum 50-70%. The article presents analytical review of new approaches to the treatment of the diffused peritonitis. The authors describe in detail their own developed three methods of treatment of peritonitis and indications for their application. In traditional (semi-closed method of treatment) sanitation of the abdominal cavity was conducted with the use of immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite in the gel of carboxymetilcellulose. Deponent of the antiseptic prolongs its bactericidal action, while the gel of carboxymetilcellulose prevents the gluing of the organs’ surfaces , by which reduces the severity of adhesive process. In surgical-laporoscopic method of treatment video-endoscopic sanitations of the abdominal cavity were done by pulsating irrigation of antiseptic. To close the defects of the abdominal cavity in semi-open method of treatment there was used large-net endoprothesis made from polypropylene. Between the edges of the wound there was left diastases, at which intra-abdominal pressure was below 15 mm. of mercury column. For selection of the appropriate method of treatment there was used the original scale of quantitative evaluation of factors, influencing lethality rate of patients. It was proved that semi-closed method of treatment is reasonable to use in patients without signs of the abdominal sepsis, while programmed video-laparoscopic sanitations should be used in cases of abdominal sepsis without poly-organic dysfunction and intra-abdominal pressure below 20 mm. of mercury column, programmed surgical sanitations are indicated for patients with severe abdominal sepsis with poly-organic insufficiency and abdominal hypertension above 20 mm of mercury column. Introduction of new methods of treatment to practice enabled to decrease the number of postoperative complications by 10% and lethality – by 8,2%
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):165-176

Methods of Evaluation of Surgical Components of the Treatment of Сerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
Exclusive attention to the vascular pathology of the brain, cerebrovascular disease is primarily due to their prevalence. In the process of treatment of acute disorders of cerebral circulation occurs the need for rational decision-making about surgical operations. Development of evaluation methods of surgical treatment components cerebrovascular diseases and stroke with the use of information technologies. Prevalence and dynamics of growth of acute cerebrovascular requires improvement of the treatment and diagnostic process. Surgical intervention occurs when a hemorrhagic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, bleeding in the cerebellum and a number of other cases cerebro-vascular diseases and stroke. For rational decision-making appropriate use of information technologies in the choice of surgical treatment on the basis of the theory of games. Application of the method of evaluation of surgical components enabling more reliable diagnosis, planning procedure surgical intervention cerebrovascular diseases and stroke
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2014;7(2):177-180