The Ways to Study the Effectiveness of Various Schemes of the Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Postoperative Septic Complications, and the State of the Lymphatic System Drainage in the Experimental Postoperative Period
- Authors: 1
- Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 2 Polevaia Str., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
- Pages: 115-118
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 72
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The purpose of the study Another option, proposed by the author, is a parallel combination of antibiotic prophylaxis and varying lymph stimulation. Materials and methods The study was conducted on 36 Wistar male rats. The effectiveness of antibiotic prevention in the conditions of new model of infectious complications in surgical area was studied in groups of 6 animals. Results and their discussion It is experimentally proved that for a given simulation of postoperative complications ABP is really effective, i.e. the number of operations undergone by animals increases. Means, this model takes place on existence and can be used to study various methods of ABP. The condition of a lymphatic drainageis oppressed during the development of pyoinflammatory complications in regional and distal lymph areas concerning a surgery zone. Conclusion Antibiotic dose used in the ABP does not affect the frequency of development of SSIs (p> 0,05), but severity of other complications depends on it (peritonitis, death) p≤0,05. Combining it with lymphostimulation using minimal doses improving its efficiency p ≤ 0,05. The isolated lymphostimulation in the experiment is prevention of development of SSIs
About the authors
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, 2 Polevaia Str., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D., Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy Russian Federation
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