Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/6
Original articles

Optimisation of medical-diagnostic tactics at sick of an acute appendicitis with application of videoendoscopical technologies
Analyzed efficiency of complex diagnostics at 1212 patients who have arrived with suspicion on an acute appendicitis and results of treatment of 1087 patients with an acute appendicitis. Depending on an operative measure kind all patients have been distributed on 3 groups. On the basis of the received results advantages of a new way videolaparoscopic are proved appendectomy and sanation of the abdominal cavity, allowing authentically to lower risk of development of postoperative complications and to improve quality of the medical help
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):18-21

Respiratory therapy in preventive maintenance of insufficiency of bronchial stump in the patients after pneumonectomy
The analysis of results of complex examining and treatment of 684 patients, of which 575 (84,1%) patients underwent pneumonectomy (PE) concerning oncological pathology or purulent lung diseases, and 109 (15,9%) patients operated concerning with bronchial fistulas after PE, was given in the article. The analysis of influence of the various factors on frequency of development bronchial stump insufficiency (BSI) was carried out. In 207 (53,1%) patients is revealed accompanying COPD, on which background after PE in 36 (17,4%) patients is marked development (BSI). In turn among 183 (46,9%) patients without accompanying COPD this complication was marked only in 2,7% of cases, that is, the presence COPD raised risk of development (BSI) more than in 6 times. The introduction of nebulized therapy has allowed in the basic group to lower risk of an aggravation COPD to 16,1% after PE on the left side and 17,2% after PE on the right, thus the frequency of development (BSI) on a background accompanying COPD has decreased up to 3,2% and 6,9%, accordingly.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):8-16

Comparative characteristics of results of osteosynthesis of medial femoral neck fractures, depending on the patient's age, time from injury to operation and type of release
Analyzed results of treatment of 142 patients with medial fractures of the femoral neck. All of them were made osteosynthesis. As retainers used large spongy screws, dynamic hip screw (DHS), three-bladed Smith-Peterson nail. Fractures fused in 82 patients, 48 patients with complications (failure of union, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head) performed total hip replacement.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):56-59

Clinical and experimental grounds of gallbladder mucoclasy methods for cholecystostomy made caseses treatment
Cholecystectomy is one of the pathogenic well found and radical method of calculous cholecystitis treatment. Nevertheless, lethality after elective surgery in group of patients older 60 years increase in proportional to their age. Using drainage operations on gallbladder is improve the results of the treatment of patients with high operation and anaesthetic risk. Residual concrements of gallbladder favour to develop acute cholecystitis relapse and their rehospitalization at once. Demucotisation of gallbladder cavity is alternative cholecystectomy and one of the prospective method, favour to decrease the lethality in that group of patients. In this study authors shows advantages and disadvantages of chemical and bipolar mucoclasy of gallbladder and also gives an experimental studying of new method - thermal mucoclasy of gallbladder.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):35-43

Active detoxicating in treatment of the abdominal sepsis
The work covers the use of efferent detoxication methods (plasmapheresis, extracorporal antibiotic pharmacotherapy, prolonged venovenous hemofiltration) against general peritonitis. The results demonstrated improvement of homeostasis indices and decrease of fatal outcome at early application of these methods.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):22-34

Tactic in management of patients with acute gastroduodenal bleeding ulcers
Our vast experience in management of acute and chronic bleeding ulcers is used in this study. Three stage protocols are used in management of all subjects. First stage included endoscopic offended vessel arrest by coagulation, clipping and injection of normal saline with adrenalin. Following successful bleeding arrest modern principles are used for further management. In second stage the stomach and duodenal functions are investigated i.e. motor, acid secretion, vagal response to acid blockers etc. Then the definitive line management is determined.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):52-55

Influence of water dispersions oxides nanostructures of metals on a current of purulent wounds
The problem of a surgical infection continues to remain actual throughout many years, in connection with change of structure of a contingent of patients and change of character of microflora of activators. Introduction of digital technologies of data processing allows more quickly and to trace effectively dynamics of healing of purulent wounds in experiment, simplifies process of reception of experimental results. Research water dispersions nanoparticles of oxides copper and silver metals as new group of means possessing antiseptic properties shows their high efficiency at influence on the infected wounds in experiment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(1):44-51