Vol 2, No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/3
Original articles
Use of data of three-dimensional radial visualisation at thinneedle aspiration biopsy of neoplasms adrenals
The analysis of data of three-dimensional visualisation at 17 patients with tumorous formations of adrenals is carried out. Authors undertake attempt of definition of the optimal access with rather short trajectory which is in conditions good echoаvailability, and also reducing to a minimum risk of damage of the main vessels. At use of three-dimensional data for planning trajectories and a choice of a zone of an aspiration indicators of sensitivity, accuracy and specificity have made 93,6, 95,3 and 100%, accordingly.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):96-100

Surgical tactics of treatment of patients with the spontaneous pheumothorax
The results of treatment of 230 patients with spontaneous pheumothorax were analyzed. The comparative estimation of efficiency of various methods of treatment of the specified pathology is spent; the algorithm of conducting patients with small, average and big spontaneous pheumothorax is developed. Indications to videothoracoscopic interventions are defined. Application of the developed algorithm has allowed to reduce number of complications by 10%, quantity of relapses on 5,5%; to reduce terms of full rehabilitation on 5,6±1,0 days.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):101-107

Basic mechanisms of development of postoperative empyema pleura and the ways of its prevention
Оn the basis of the analysis of references, classification of possible postoperative complications, frequency of their occurrence are presented, anesthesiology risks are discussed at thoracal operations, the emphasis is placed on the analysis of mechanisms of development, variants of preventive maintenance and treatment of a postoperative empyema of a pleura. Authors present own experience conducting patients with the pleura empyema, based on 1118 thoracal the operations spent with 2003 for 2007 in unit of surgery of lungs and mediastinum RSCS by acad. V.Vahidova. Analyzed results of complex treatment of 59 patients with an acute postoperative empyema of a pleura, are disassembled the errors which have led to its development, variants of medical tactics and results of treatment are specified.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):108-115

Catheter-directed thrombolysis for iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis
Analized results of treatment of 25 patients who have received regional thrombolytic therapy for treatment of a proximal (iliofemoral) venous clottage during the period with 1996 for 2007. On the basis of the received results it is proved, that the most successful is the treatments, begun in the early terms, however a favorable outcome it is possible and at the treatment beginning in terms till 3 weeks from occurrence of the first symptoms. Good results at low level of complications allow to receive regional thrombolytic therapy with urokinase use.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):116-121

Application endoscopic hydropress sanation and a program drainage in complex treatment of patients with phlegmons and abscesses of soft tissues
Analyzed results of treatment of 88 patients with phlegmons and abscesses of soft tissues by application endoscopic hydropress sanation and a program drainage. The algorithm of rendering assistance is offered patients taking into account features of the pathological process, differing small traumatizing, by high efficiency and good cosmetic results of treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):122-128

The rectocele and pelvic floor combined pathology surgical treatment results estimation in dependence of operative approach
The results of surgical treatment by means of transvaginal, transperineal, transanal and combined approaches of 200 patients with II-III degree of rectocele were analyzed. The transvaginal approach is the best when combined enterocele, proximal rectocele or anal incontinence needed sphincteroplasty take place. Suppurative inflammation and sexual disorders are less due to transperineal approach. The usage of transanal approach is better when also cutting of rectal mucosal prolapse needed.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):129-136

Surgical treatment of sick of urolithic illness and chronic pyelonephritis with application of correggere immunotherapies
The work is based on the results of treatment of 346 sick urolithic illness with an accompanying chronic pyelonephritis. To all patients it is spent remote with great dispatch-wave lithotripsy. It is proved that carrying out lithotripsy against the traditional medicamentous grant not only doesn`t eliminate, but even aggravates a condition of the immune status. Inclusion in a traditional medical complex of pharmacological modulators “Licopid”, “Derinat” and also their combinations causes correction immunologic frustration, reduces risk of a becoming infected of uric ways, improves a clinical condition of patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):137-142

Surgical treatment postoperative abdominal hernias with use adhesive of barrier means
We develop a method of isolating hernia repair with use adhesive barrier means which is applied at 33 patients (1 group). All received results compared to those in 2 group of patients, surgical treatment with use mesh explants which isolated from bodies of a belly cavity local fabrics (40 persons). For an estimation of surgical features of operations with application adhesive barrier means, we have studied the following parameters: duration operation a stage of installation and its influence on the general duration of operation; expressiveness of a painful syndrome in the first days of the postoperative period; duration of the period of restoration of function of intestines in the nearest postoperative period.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):143-146

Experience of conducting patients with hemangiomas and extensive angiodysplasias of a head and a neck
Authors present experience endovascular is treatments of extensive angiodysplasias and hemangiomas of the person and a neck, existing approaches to treatment of the given pathology are reconsidered. The estimation is given method application endovascular is to selective microembolization of eisodic vessels in complex treatment of angiodysplasias and hemangiomas of the person and a neck at their difficult anatomic localisation and relapses of disease after before the spent treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):147-157

Studying of safety of application of highly pressure head hydroimpulsive sanation of an abdominal cavity in experiment
In article influence highly pressure head hydroimpulsive streams on intensity of processes peroxidative oxidations of lipids, degree of expression of an endointoxication, a condition of system of regulation of a modular condition of blood at healthy animals is surveyed. Experiences are spent on 90 white rats in 5 groups of research: 3 control and 2 skilled.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):158-167

The new approach and principles early instillation of diagnosis general forms of infection and mesenchymal sepsis
To carry out analysis results of treatment 2250 patients with differents forms infection of soft tissues. Combination of clinic of system inflammatory reaction to moderate augmentation C-reactive protein over 30 mg/l, olygopeptides more 0,34 unit, lactoferrin over 1900 ng/ml, breach balance of cytokines with prevailing TNF in combination with conservation systemic inflammatory response syndrome more 72 hourses after the equivalent operation and beginning conservative treatment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):168-172

Errors and complications at treatment of fractures of malleoluses
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(2):173-176