Surgical treatment postoperative abdominal hernias with use adhesive of barrier means
- Authors: 1, 1
- Road Clinical Hospital Art. Voronezh - 1 of OJSC "Russian Railways" Voronezh State Medical Academy of Burdenko
- Issue: Vol 2, No 2 (2009)
- Pages: 143-146
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 329
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We develop a method of isolating hernia repair with use adhesive barrier means which is applied at 33 patients (1 group). All received results compared to those in 2 group of patients, surgical treatment with use mesh explants which isolated from bodies of a belly cavity local fabrics (40 persons). For an estimation of surgical features of operations with application adhesive barrier means, we have studied the following parameters: duration operation a stage of installation and its influence on the general duration of operation; expressiveness of a painful syndrome in the first days of the postoperative period; duration of the period of restoration of function of intestines in the nearest postoperative period.
About the authors
Road Clinical Hospital Art. Voronezh - 1 of OJSC "Russian Railways"
Voronezh State Medical Academy of Burdenko
Author for correspondence.
врач-хирург Дорожной клинической больницы на ст. Воронеж - 1 ОАО «РЖД».
Road Clinical Hospital Art. Voronezh - 1 of OJSC "Russian Railways"
Voronezh State Medical Academy of Burdenko
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