Vol 2, No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://vestnik-surgery.com/journal/issue/view/4
Original articles
Application of the analysis of a condition of vegetative nervous system in diagnostics, forecasting of a current and definition of tactics of treatment of an acute appendicitis
On the basis of the executed mathematical analysis of a variation of a warm rhythm of 74 persons are taped, that at persons with prevalence of parasympathetic nervous system at development of an acute appendicitis it is possible to prognosticate less expressed destructive changes in an appendix while at the persons having prevalence of sympathetic nervous system, development of destructive forms of an acute appendicitis is more probable. Such interrelation between the form of an acute appendicitis and the status of vegetative nervous system remains practically invariable as in preoperative, early postoperative the periods, and in remote postoperative the periods.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):184-192

Diagnostics and treatment of rare forms of hydatid disease of a chest cavity
Echinococcosis - still actual clinical problem in the countries of Central Asia. Unusual localisation of an echinococcosis meets seldom. Experience of surgical treatment of patients with rare forms of an echinococcosis of a thorax is resulted. At the retrospective analysis, for last 33 years (1975-2008) Authors have noted 116 cases of unusual localisation hydatid cysts from total 2989 (3,88%) patients with intrathoracic localisation of an echinococcosis. 113 patients are operated, from them in 112 cases radical operations, in one - palliative echinococcectomy from a pulmonary tissue and organs of a mediastinum with liquidation large hydatid cyst are executed. For the purpose of differential diagnostics, specification by process localisation in a thoracal cavity, the sizes of formation, character of its contents carrying out of such methods of diagnostics, MSКТ and USI is necessary. The basic method of treatment is surgical, supplemented adequate chemotherapy. Choice operations at an echinococcosis of atypical localisation are interventions organ-saving character.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):193-198

Application videolaparoscopic hydropress sanations of an abdominal cavity at an acute peritonitis
Article is devoted by efficiency of use of the developed method videolaparoscopic hydropress sanation of an abdominal cavity at the acute peritonitis, based on processing of a parietal and visceral peritoneum by microdisperse streams of an antiseptic solution in conditions videoendosurgery technicians. In work, on the basis of the comparative analysis of treatment of 86 patients, efficiency of application videolaparoscopic hydropress sanation at patients with an acute peritonitis is proved, indications and contraindications are formulated.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):199-206

Tactics of surgical treatment thoracabdominal wounds
Analized results of treatment of 108 victims with thoracabdominal wounds. The comparative estimation of efficiency of various methods of diagnostics and treatment of the specified pathology is spent; the algorithm of conducting patients with the thoracabdominal wounds, allowed to reduce a lethality on 2,6 % is developed, to lower frequency of occurrence of postoperative complications on 14,7 %, duration of hospitalisation to reduce to 2,5 days.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):214-223

Estimation of gravity of a condition of patients with an abdominal sepsis on the basis of the developed algorithm
The retrospective analysis of 336 case histories of patients with the acute widespread peritonitis complicated by a sepsis is carried out, at an estimation of which gravity of a condition specially developed algorithm based on displaying of value of separately taken continuous quantity indicators on similar indicators of patients, taken of a database also has been used. The carried out analysis has taped high reliability of differences of a mark estimation of the died and survived patients, presence of strong correlation communications with a disease outcome. The probability of a correct estimation of the forecast of disease on the basis of 16 and more prognostic criteria fluctuated from 77,5 to 87,7%, an incorrect estimation - from 1,7 to 4,9 %.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):224-235

Antiinflammatory and anticommissure activity of immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite in treatment of experimental peritonitis
The experimental research was conducted on 343 male rats Vistar. In the first stage there was investigated the efficacy of different substances for debridement of abdominal cavity in experimental peritonitis. We found that immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in gel of carboxymetillcellulose in conditions of experimental peritonitis reduce the level of endogenic toxicosis in 1,6 times and severity of commissure process – in 2,4 times. In the second stage there was investigated the dynamics of disintegration of sodium hypochlorite in abdominal cavity in experimental animals. We proved that the optimum concentration of antiseptic using immobilized forms of NaClO is preserved during 3 hours, and the sodium hypochlorite markings are detected during 24 hours.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):236-241

Experimental substantiation of ultrasonic postoperative sanation of an abdominal cavity in treatment of an acute peritonitis
Article is devoted studying in experiment of a new way of postoperative sanation of an abdominal cavity with use of ultrasonic technologies. Postoperative ultrasonic sanation of an abdominal cavity does not cause rasping disturbances of a hemostasis in an organism of healthy experimental animals that testifies to safety of application of the given method.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):242-249

Postoperative incisional hernias - undecided problems
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):248-255

The knight of the Russian surgery
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):256-259

Municipal authority of public health services of a city of Voronezh «City hospital of the first help № 10»
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2009;2(3):260-263