Application of the analysis of a condition of vegetative nervous system in diagnostics, forecasting of a current and definition of tactics of treatment of an acute appendicitis

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On the basis of the executed mathematical analysis of a variation of a warm rhythm of 74 persons are taped, that at persons with prevalence of parasympathetic nervous system at development of an acute appendicitis it is possible to prognosticate less expressed destructive changes in an appendix while at the persons having prevalence of sympathetic nervous system, development of destructive forms of an acute appendicitis is more probable. Such interrelation between the form of an acute appendicitis and the status of vegetative nervous system remains practically invariable as in preoperative, early postoperative the periods, and in remote postoperative the periods.

About the authors

Воронежская государственная медицинская академия им. Н.Н.Бурденко

Author for correspondence.
доктор медицин- ских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой опе- ративной хирургии и топографической анатомии Воронежской государственной медицинской акаде- мии им. Н.Н.Бурденко

Городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи №10, г. Воронеж

врач-хирург город- ской клинической больницы скорой медицинской помощи №10, г.Воронеж


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