Biomechanical analysis of indicators of movements in the joints of the lower extremity in patients with coxarthrosis as a method of functional diagnosis

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Biomechanical parameters of the movements of patients with different stages of idiopathic, posttraumatic coxarthrosis and
with avascular necrosis were studied. Low limb movements were recorded with electromagnetic system. Angular amplitudes,
angular velocities and parameters of joint stiffness and joint flexibility were calculated using movement recordings and
previously developed biomechanical model. It was shown that these parameters adequately describe the stage of hip joint
injury. As for patients with early stages of coxarthrosis, these parameters describe the differences between the limb under
suspicion and the intact limb. The proposed biomechanical parameters can be used as the numerical assessments of a
functional state of the low limb under coxarthrosis: for a diagnostics, including early one, for an assessment of the results of  operative interventions, for an assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation procedures

About the authors

Vladimir Vasilyevich Guriev

Moscow state medico-stomatological University

Author for correspondence.

 PhD, associate Professor
of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery

Russian Federation, Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya St., 4

Vasily Iosifovich Zorya

Moscow state medico-stomatological University


 doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, honored science worker of the Russian Federation, head of chair of traumatology, orthopedics and
military field surgery

Russian Federation, Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya St., 4

Elena Vladimirovna Biryukova

Institute of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of RAS


 candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, senior
researcher, laboratory of mathematical
neurophysiology training

Russian Federation, 5A Butlerova str, Moscow 117485

Roman Alexandrovich Prokopenko

Institute of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of RAS


candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, Junior researcher of the laboratory of mathematical
neurophysiology training

Russian Federation, 5A Butlerova str, Moscow 117485

Alexander Alekseevich Frolov

Institute of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of RAS


 d.b.N., head  laboratory of mathematical neuroscience training

Russian Federation, 5A Butlerova str, Moscow 117485


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Copyright (c) Guriev V.V., Zorya V.I., Biryukova E.V., Prokopenko R.A., Frolov A.A.

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