
The analysis of the results of diagnosis and treatment of 60 patients with the diffuse purulent peritonitis. The first (control) group consist of 34 patients treated by programmed sanitations of the abdominal cavity with application by common method without intra-abdominal pressure using to close laparostomy, which was closed by the “zipper” method. The second (study) group included 26 patients, for which there were used a large-cellular mesh polypropylene endoprosthesis to close the defects of abdominal wall. At each programmed sanitation the prosthesis was dissected longitudinally along the entire length and stapled so that the level of intra-abdominal pressure did not exceed 15 mm Hg. In the nearest post-operative period in patients of the second group the indicators of endotoxicosis were 1,3 times lower, the motility and peristalsis of the intestines was 2,1 times higher than in patients of the first group, which led to the decrease of post-operative lethality in 1,3 times

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Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


Email: author@vestnik-surgery.com


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