Application of ultrasonic treatment and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate in the surgical treatment of experimental osteomyelitis

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Chronic osteomyelitis is one of their complex health problems, since it accounts for up to 6% of cases in the structure of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, relapses of the disease occur in 30%, and disability is 90% of cases.The aim of the study was to improve the results of treatment of experimental chronic osteomyelitis by applying ultrasound sanation and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate.Materials and methods. The study was carried out on 210 white rats, which were divided into 5 groups: 2 control rats and 3 experimental ones. In the 1st control group, no treatment was performed. In the 2nd control and experimental groups, the hearth was surgically sanitized. In the 1 st experimental group, the focus was performed by ultrasonic treatment. In the 2nd experimental group, the bone cavity was filled with a synthesized hydrolyzate of collagen. In the third experimental group, the combined use of ultrasound sanitation of the focus and filling it with synthesized collagen hydrolyzate was carried out. To assess the dynamics of treatment, the analysis of the general condition of animals, hematological and morphometric studies was performed.Results and their discussions.The dynamics of the general state of animals, the antioxidant defense system, the mineral metabolism, and the evaluation of the histoarchitectonics of bone tissue have been studied. It was noted that against the backdrop of the inflammatory process in chronic osteomyelitis, all the studied indicators indicate a reduced regenerative capacity. Using the developed treatment methods based on ultrasound sanitation, synthesized collagen hydrolyzate, as well as their combination, accelerated relief of inflammatory phenomena, normalization of AOS, mineral metabolism, and regenerative abilities of bone tissue were observed.Conclusions. The developed complex method of treatment based on combined application of ultrasound sanation and synthesized collagen hydrolyzate allowed to shorten the healing period of the wound defect, normalize the general condition of animals, free radical oxidation and mineral metabolism parameters, and accelerate the regenerative capabilities of bone tissue.

About the authors

Natalya Alexandrovna Malkina

FGBOU in VSMU them N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Post-graduate student of the Department of General Surgery

Russian Federation, st. Studencheskaya, 10, Voronezh, 394036

Alexander Alekseevich Andreev

FGBOU in VSMU them N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of the Department of General Surgery

Russian Federation, st. Studencheskaya, 10, Voronezh, 394036

Anton Petrovich Ostroushko

FGBOU in VSMU them N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of Russia


PhD, lecturer, Department of General Surgery Voronezh State Medical University N.N. Burdenko

Russian Federation, st. Studencheskaya, 10, Voronezh, 394036


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