Breach Cytokine and Humoral Adaptive Immunity and their Correction in Patients with Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Foot Bones

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Relevance Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is one of the urgent problems of surgery. Against the background of introduction of new methods of surgical treatment and programs combined antibacterial therapy percentage disability of patients with chronic osteomyelitis remains high. Found that immune mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic osteomyelitis, participating in the formation of the state of the patient secondary immunodeficiency one level or another. The purpose of the study To estimate the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones with the use of standard therapy and immunomodulatory drugs (glutoxim or polyoxidonium). Materials and methods Adaptive immunity of 60 patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones, ages of 30-59, admitted to the Department of purulent surgical infection before and after treatment was evaluated. Concentrations of cytokines and immunoglobulins levels were measured by ELISA using commercial kits "Vector-Best". Results and their discussion In patients with chronic osteomyelitis of foot bones marked increase in the level of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines and reduced blood IgA. Use glutoxim led to effective control of cytokine status, increased levels of IgA. Use of polyoxidonium or glutoxim reduced the number of complete amputation of toes with resection of the metatarsal bone. Conclusion The need to include in the treatment algorithm glutoxim or polyoxidonium. Addition to standard treatment drugs glutoxim and polyoxidonium reduces the amount of disarticulation of toes with resection of the metatarsal

About the authors

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
graduate student of surgical diseases FPO Kursk State Medical University, a surgeon general surgery department BMU Kursk Regional Hospital

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

MD, PhD, head of the department of microbiology, virology, immunology, Kursk State Medical University, Vice-Rector of KSMU

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

MD, PhD, head of the department of Surgical Diseases FPO, Rector of Kursk State Medical University


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