Vol 3, No 4 (2010)

Original articles

The main milestones of life of the great Russian surgeon Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. A life as a feat and an imitation subject

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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):290-301
pages 290-301 views

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov and the Demidov Prize



Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):302-304
pages 302-304 views

Features of medical tactics in the patients with bronchopleural fi stulas after pneumonectomy

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The problem of preventive maintenance and surgical treatment of bronchopleural fi stulas after pneumonectomy (PE) is considered in the article, authors gave the data on stratifi cation of risk factors of development of bronchial stump insuffi ciency (BSI) after PE with defi nition of groups of risk. The analysis of surgical treatment of 109 patients with bronchopleural fi stulas after PE, undergone operations from 2002 to 2008 years in the department of thoracic surgery of the Krasnodar Centre of Thoracic Surgery was carried out. Active surgical tactics at development of BSI after PE is most justifi ed irrespective of character and side of a defeat, that is defi ned by good results in 88,6% of the patients (against 66,7 % in the patients after wating surgical tactics). On the basis of developed factorial estimation of a degree of risk of development BSI after PE tactics of treatment is reconsidered and optimized, that has allowed to lower frequency of death rate from 7,1% to 3,1%.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):305-307
pages 305-307 views

Estimation of results of surgical treatment of the acute destructive pancreatitis

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Acute pancreatitis for several years consistently ranks second, and in some regions - fi rst place in the structure of the urgent surgical pathology, ahead of acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. The most common cause of disease is alcohol abuse and gallstone disease in 10-30% of patients the etiology of acute pancreatitis remains unclear. Basis of the study were the results of examination and treatment of 276 patients with destructive forms of acute pancreatitis, ¬ Shih enrolling for treatment at the Clinical Hospital № 23 them. “Medsantrud” in the period from 2006 to 2010. In the studied group did not include the postoperative biliary and infected pancreatic necrosis because of features of pathogenesis. Differentiated approach to surgical treatment in patients with destructive pancreatitis depending on the scale of the initial lesion of the pancreas has allowed an average reduction in the number of purulent complications per patient in 4 times (from 9,8% to 2,2%), lower letalnost of purulent complications 3 times (from 15,3% to 5,5%), and consequently reduce the overall mortality in 2,5 times (from 25,0% to 9,8%).
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):308-316
pages 308-316 views

Infl uence of the genetic factors on the risk of the disease and characteristics of the course of the acute alcohol pancreatitis

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The analysis was made about distribution of polymorphous variants of the gene of the cation tripsinogen (PRSS1) and genes of glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1). This research was held according to the group of people, who have the disease of alcohol pancreatitis (49 people). This group of people was compared with donors (69 people). The gene mutation which exists under the condition of alcohol aggression was the reason of appearing the acute pancreatitis. In Krasnoyarsk 51% of people have the gene of alcohol aggression, which causes the existence of the acute pancreatitis. Destructive pancreatitis was made after an patient’s alcohol ingestion. This comprised 50% and 41,6 % of ill people, who have a “neutral” genotype. When there is a mutation of genes GSTM1 And GSTT1, overall affection of the pancreatic gland begins. If patients have a “neutral” genotype GSTM1, GSTT1 and have the acute alcohol pancreatitis, the alteration of cellicolous metabolic process begins.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):317-322
pages 317-322 views

Staging of surgical care for acute destructive pancreatitis

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Treatment results for acute destructive pancreatitis were analyzed. Effi ciency treatment staging for acute destructive pancreatitis is shown. If conservative treatment was ineffective for 1-3 days, indications for surgical treatment were applied. Half-opened method was used (laparotomy, necrosequestrectomy, omentobursostomy, lumbotomy); opened method was used for extended pyo-necrotic complications with development of purulent peritonitis (laparostomy). Our differentiated approach to the choice of drainage methods, combined with adequate antibacterial treatment allowed to reduce mortality from 40,3% to 18,53%. That is why we can suggest that our staged method is effective for treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis in agrarian region. Multistage treatment tactics for pyo-necrotic pancreatitis allows controlling adequately infl ammation process in pancreas and abdomen.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):323-326
pages 323-326 views

Pathomorphologic picture of the organs of the peritoneal cavity and the retroperitoneal space in case of the experimental syndrome of intra-abdominal hypertensia

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The article presents the results of experimental researches conducted on 20 piglets that had the model of the experimental syndrome of abdominal hypertensia. In the fi rst group of the animals intra-abdominal hypertensia was kept up at 15-20 mmHg for 6 hours, in Group II – 21-25 mm Hg, in Group III – 26-30 mmHg that corresponded to II, III, IV degrees of the syndrome of intra-abdominal hypertensia in accordance with the classifi cation developed by M.L.Cheatham (1995). The fi ndings have revealed a direct dependence of the degree of pathomorphologic changes of organs of the peritoneal cavity on the level of intra-abdominal pressure. The severest pathological changes up to necrotic processes were observed in case of intra-abdominal hypertensia when the level of intra-abdominal pressure was more than 26 mm Hg. The results of the research of the microcirculation of capillary blood fl ow and blood lactate performed by the laser analyzer have confi rmed the aggravation of ischemic damages of the organs when the severity of intra-abdominal hypertensia was increased. They correlate with pathomorphologic changes.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):327-334
pages 327-334 views

Choice of the method of the partial gastrectomy in the chronic duodenal obstruction

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In clinic of hospital surgery 42 patients at whom during an operation the diffi cult duodenal ulcer in a combination to chronic duodenal obstruction is taped were observed. In this situation authors recommend to carry out a Roux’s partial gastrectomy accompanied an end-to-side duodenojejunostomy. This technique allows to take in reliably a duodenal stump and to diminish probability of an alkaline refl ux-gastritis. The comparative analysis of short-term results of this operation with results of a standard Billroth-II partial gastrectomy has shown appreciable depression of a duodenal stump leakage rate. Studying of the long-term results shows relevant better life quality of the basic group patients in comparison with group of the patients who have sustained a Billroth-I partial gastrectomy.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):335-338
pages 335-338 views

Role of the gene polymorphism of DNA excision reparation and xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes in early diagnosis of gastric cancer

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Recently studies of the correlation between gene polymorphism of DNA excision reparation and xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes and risk of gastric malignancies appearance have been taken widely. We investigated the ratio of the pathologic and normal types of DNA excision reparation genes hOGG1, XPD1, XPG, XRCC1, XRCC2 and GSTT1, GSTM1 genes as a mean for early gastric cancer diagnosis. Revealed results showed that the risk of gastric cancer is higher in pathologic genotypes CYP1A, GSTT1 and GSTM1 and DNA excision reparation genes XRCC1 C194T, XPD1 A751. Besides their property of the risk factor for gastric cancer these pathologic alleles and genotypes of the studied genes play a pathogenic role in development of the clinical features of this malignant process.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):339-343
pages 339-343 views

Hydropressive magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography: its role in diagnostics of diseases of hepatopancreatoduodenal region

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Hydropressive magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (HPMRChPG) is a new invasive examination method of the bile-excreting system. In combination with conventional MR imaging and MR cholangiopancreatography, hydropressive magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography is a highly informative diagnostic procedure of the causes and rate of a biliary hypertension. Increase in hydraulic pressure in the biliary tract allows to increase the information value of the MR cholangiopancreatography. Application of the developed diagnostic method allows to dismiss invasive radio-opaque diagnostic procedures almost completely. Practically in all cases the information obtained in HPMRChPG is suffi cient to choose the therapeutic approach, type and extent of an operative intervention.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):344-347
pages 344-347 views

Surgical treatment of complicated colorectal cancer

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The results of surgical treatment of 118 patients with colon cancer complicated with acute obstruction. Most patients are elderly. Surgical tactics in this pathology is uncertain. Mortality remains high in the group of radical, and in the group of palliative interventions. The highest risk of postoperative complications and death in patients older than 60 years. The objective is to choose the method of personalizing operation, based on the severity of the patient, the degree of compensation of comorbidity, endotoxemia after adequately performed the preoperative and the failure of all Conservative methods permit obstruction.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):348-350
pages 348-350 views

Use a skin graft for a incisional hernia repair

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Incisional hernias remain one of the important problems of surgery. At the experimental study it is established that on the acellulated with plasma scalpel skin graft less expressed infl ammatory reaction, than on polypropylene mesh. The results of treatment and quality to life were studied in 124 patients, for which had been performed a hernioplasty for incisional hernia in a surgical branch the Smolensk regional clinical hospital at period since 1997 to 2007. The hernioplasty with acellulated skin graft had been performed for 74 patients (main group) and the polypropylene mesh had been implantated for 50 (control group). The follow-up was up to 9 years. The recurrence rate was 6.9% in the main group and 7.9% in control. There is no signifi cant difference between groups. The quality of life was signifi cantly more in main group whereas the pain was signifi cantly less. The conclusion was made that plastic by acellulated skin graft possible to consider the method of the choice at treatment of the incisional hernias.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):351-356
pages 351-356 views

The CT-scan place in diagnosing and medical tactic choose in case of the abdominal and retroperitoneal trauma in children

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There is work experience of emergency surgical children hospital in perfection of abdominal trauma diagnosing in children presented. The perfection was done on the ground of implementation abdominal and retroperitoneal organs CT-scan, which was done in 98 cases. CT-scan of injuring areas was carried out in emergency (35,6%) and postponed (64,4%) order before and after contrast enchancement. Clinically disguised combined and multiple damages were discovered in 18 cases. Ascertainment of organ breakage degree was based on determination of injuring parenchyma part in per cent. Abdominal and retroperitoneal organs CT-scan in case of conservative treatment, laparascopic and open surgery affects markedly on completeness and authenticity of fi nal clinical diagnosis.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):357-361
pages 357-361 views

Comparative estimation of dynamics serum IgG after gastroplasty wounds of the liver, spleen and kidney in experiment



Research is executed on 187 rabbits «Shinshilla». Under a narcosis it was spent laparotomy, in a pilot batch from the greater curvature of a stomach on a vascular leg the serous-muscular fl ap by which the wound of a liver (45 rabbits) was covered simulated lacerated-contused, spleens (45 rabbits) and the left kidney (45 rabbits) was found. In a control series were spent hepatorrhaphy (13 rabbits), wounds of a spleen (13 rabbits) and kidneys (13 rabbits) it was covered by a greater omentum, it was spent link sided nephrectomy (13 rabbits). Terms of supervision - from 1 till 360 day. Defi nition of credits IgG was carried out by reaction indirect hemagglutination with liquid erythrocytal diagnosticum on shigella Flexneri with preliminary addition L-cisztein. The received results have shown, that dynamics serum IgG after investigated operations depends on a kind of operative intervention and from plastic properties used autotransplant. Application of a serous-muscular fl ap of a stomach on a vascular pedicle promotes more intensive output IgG in a blood channel in terms of 5-7 day owing to activation by an operational trauma of immune system of a stomach, in terms of 60-90-120 day owing to effect of «deposition IgG » in required autotransplant and to less intense current of immunity during regeneration of wounds of a liver, a spleen and a kidney in comparison with hepatorrhaphy, omentoplasty and nephrectomy as follow more productive current infl ammatory- reparative process. At safe operations serum IgG it is restored in the nearest terms of the postoperative period. After gastroplasty this restoration occurs more effectively in comparison to an omentum.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):362-367
pages 362-367 views

Histochemical analysis of the reparative processes in the aseptic experimental wounds under hydroimpulse renovation and the platelet concentrate usage

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By using of histochemical methods, the effectiveness of hydroimpulse sanation and enriched by platelets blood autoplasma (platelet concentrate) application in the treatment of aseptic wounds was evaluated. Established that treatment with fortifi ed by platelets blood autoplasma stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis, which is manifested not only reduction of wound defect reepithelization terms, but also accelerated the stratifi cation characteristic of the intact epithelium. Revitalization of the metabolic processes, which is manifested in this method of treatment by increase of RNA and SH-groups content, mobilizes sprout layer cells of the epidermis and the resilience of tissues to the damaging factor.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):368-372
pages 368-372 views

Lethality at nonclostridial anaerobic infection of maxillofacial region

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Authors analyzed the causes of death for 12 death in patient with anaerobic nonclostridial phlegmons face and neck, on the basis of clinical, laboratory and pathologic-postmortem research. The main complications leading to death associated with the phases of the fl ow of purulent-infl ammatory process (sub- and decompensated). Objectifi cation of the phases of the disease makes it possible to predict and confi rm the fact that circumstantial criteria threat of development or already having sepsis in patients with neklostridialnoy anaerobic infections of soft tissues of the face and neck.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):373-376
pages 373-376 views

The results of inclusion of gravitational therapy in the treatment of patients with osteomyelitis of the lower extremities



The article provides a comparative analysis of treatment of 130 patients with osteomyelitis of the lower extremities using gravitational therapy and 130 patients with conventional treatment methods. The research was conducted in clinics of the Samara State Medical University. Gravitational therapy is a new noninvasive method of physiotherapy, which was fi rst used in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteomyelitis. It is noted that the inclusion of gravitational therapy in complex treatment, signifi cantly improves the immediate and remote results of treatment, quality of life of patients with osteomyelitis of the lower extremities.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):377-383
pages 377-383 views

Life quality evaluation in coronary surgery



The article represents data about the modern conception of life quality studying in clinical medicine. The survey of basic approaches to the evaluation of this characteristic in patients with ischemic heart disease has been made; general and specifi c questionnaires, which are most frequently used in cardiology and cardio surgery in order to determine life quality level, are represented. In the article the infl uence of surgical myocardial revasculization on this characteristic in the nearest and distant post-operating period has been analyzed, and the dependence of life quality level after coronary bypass/stenting of coronary arteries on demographic and clinical characteristics has been examined as well
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):384-387
pages 384-387 views

Complication of endovascular Х-ray examination in patients with coronary heart disease with diabetes mellitus and their ways of correction

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Complication of endovascular Х-ray examination in patients with coronary heart disease in diabetes mellitus is associated with the risk of nephropathy induced by the introduction of contrast agents (CIN). The frequency of development of CIN in patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 after coronary angiography. KIN more likely to develop in patients with type 2 diabetes compared with patients without glucose metabolism. Discussed prevention measures that reduce the risk of developing CIN.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):388-391
pages 388-391 views

About fractures of metallosteosintesis as reason of unsatisfactory outcomes of transpedicular fi xation



The analysis of results of transpedicular fi xation of spine for the purpose of revealing of unsatisfactory outcomes and complications. Results of operative treatment of 103 patients with not complicated thoracic and lumbar vertebras are analyzed. All patients make a backbone osteosynthesis by transpedicular fi xator. Following the results of inspection of patients in terms from 1 till 5 years the received results can be divided as follows: crises of cores of a design with unextracted fragments of a clamp, carrying out of cores by anatomic reference points, presence kyphosis the deformation signifi cantly infl uencing change of an axis of a backbone in a lateral projection, reservation deformity of a vertebra on preoperation level after removal of construction. The conclusion. Use of complex system of preventive maintenance of unsatisfactory outcomes and optimization of operative reception of transpedicular fi xation at not complicated thoracic and lumbar vertebras will allow to improve results of treatment of the given category of patients.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):392-397
pages 392-397 views

Experimental justifi cation application of calcium channel-blocking agent on patient with urolithiasis

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Using an empirical analysis of pathogenetic therapy of patients with urolithiasis justifi ed the use of calcium channel blockers in this group of patients. An investigation of a new domestic calcium channel-blocking agent Diumancal (analogues of natural coumarins) was carried out with the purpose to include it into the complex treatment for the stone passage in patients with urolithiasis. The infl uents of Diumancal on contractile activity of the ureter was studied in experiments. Diumancal may be used therapy; preventive maintenance urolithiasis and can be recommended for new indications.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):398-401
pages 398-401 views

Gistotopography urinary tract and postoperative dyskinesie

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From 178 deaths among children and adults age 42 studied morphometric topographic Anatomy and gistotopografy bladder, ureter, pelvic-ureteral and vesico-ureteral junction sustained. Installed miofascikular structure muscle membranes, is a functional model of the urinary tract. Experiment at 243 puppies and adult dogs 46 justifi ed principles Microsurgical technology in reconstructive plastic surgery of ureter and urinary bladder (ureterocistoneostomie, plastic ureters and bladder, Shah of ureters and ureteral anastomosis).
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):402-407
pages 402-407 views

Infl uence of surgical and conservative treatment of diseases urogenital at reactivity immunologic of patients

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Examination clinical and labaratoire of patients with diseases urogenitals-urolitic disease, benigh hyperplasia,acute worsening salpingoophiritis chronic, urogenital chlamydiosis, there are organized the changings thypic of immunologic reactivity, effect suppressive at contreinfectiouse stability of patients, surgical intervention dependent their volume, increasing suppressing protective reactions by drugs conservative and therapeutic benefit.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):408-414
pages 408-414 views

Assessment of effi cacy of patient-controlled epidural analgesia after nephrolithotomy and nephrectomy

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Patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) may provide effective postoperative analgesia after surgery. The main goal of our study was to assess the effi cacy and safety PCEA after nephrolithotomy and nephrectomy. We enrolled 60 adult patients. All patients have been divided on 2 groups. After surgery in the fi rst group (n=30) standard epidural analgesia 0,2% naropine with fentanyle 2 mkg/ml and adrenaline 2 mkg/ml was used. In the second group (n=30) we used PCEA 0,2% naropine with fentanyle 2 mkg/ml and adrenaline 2 mkg/ml with a lockout interval of 15 min, a continuous background infusion of 2 ml/h and bolus 4 ml. Pain scores were assessed in rest and coughing by 10-point visual analog scale (VAS) at 6, 12, 24 h. after ICU admission. In addition, the consumption of naropine and the incidence of adverse effects were recorded. Data were compared using Student’s t-test and x2 test. VAS was signifi cantly lower in second group. PCEA was more effective within the fi rst 24 hours.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):415-417
pages 415-417 views

Pancreas role in limeted proteolysis progress

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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):418-420
pages 418-420 views

Method of surgical approach in cases of anaerobic non-clostridial infl ammation of tongue and suprahyoid area



Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):421-423
pages 421-423 views

The outpatient model of ambulatory surgical centre:the problem of patient safety

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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):424-428
pages 424-428 views

Experience of the innovative approach to the problem of an acute gastroduodenal bleedings

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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):429-430
pages 429-430 views

Incidence of care-associated infection in medical-prophylactic institutions and risk factors



Внутрибольничные инфекции (ВБИ) – инфекции, возникающие при оказании медицинской помощи в стационарах. Согласно статистике в Российской Федерации у 3-18% пациентов во время пребывания в стационаре развиваются ВБИ . В этой связи актуальность изучения проблемы не вызывает сомнений и специальных комментариев не требует . Целью исследования являлся анализ заболеваемости внутрибольничными инфекциями и разработка профилактических мероприятий.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 2010;3(4):431-434
pages 431-434 views

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