The role of organo-tissue barriers in the formation of a systemic inflammatory reaction and neutralize toxins in pancreatic necrosis, the choice of rational tactics surgical treatment

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Despite the intensive development of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis (PN), mortality remains
high, reaching 30-50% or more. This is due, on the one hand, with insufficient study of the mechanisms pancreatogenic
toxemia, generalized infection, manifestations of the Systemic Inflammatory Response (SIR) and the role of organ-tissue
barriers in the neutralization of toxins (the liver, lungs, muscles and cellulate array), on the other hand, the ineffectiveness
of drugs in their system application as a result of blocking organ microcirculation and limiting their availability. As a result,
research has found evidence of the complexity of the SIR and the mechanisms of toxemia in the PN (enzymatic, metabolic
and bacterial), which showed a high level of leukocytosis, the study of enzymes, especially when infected Mon, reflecting the
morphological and functional liver damage, as the primary detoxification barrier pancreatogenic aggression. These humoral
indicators can serve when they raise specific markers of the severity of toxemia and SIR. Application regional arterial drug
therapy provider medicinal effect is in the region of defeat, can achieve better results in reducing mortality in Mon, compared
with traditional methods of treatment.

About the authors

Vladimir Grigoryevich Lubyanka

Altai state medical University

Author for correspondence.

MD, Professor, head of Department of hospital surgery

Russian Federation, 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, d. 40.

Victor Fedorovich Chernenko

Altai state medical University


 doctor of medical Sciences, Professor  Department of hospital surgery

Russian Federation, 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, d. 40.

Aleksandr Hrustevich Aliev

Altai state medical University


 MD, PhD, associate Professor ka-Phaedra hospital surgery

Russian Federation, 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, d. 40.

Andrey Nikolaevich Zharikov

Altai state medical University


 PhD in medical Sciences, assistant
Department of hospital surgery

Russian Federation, 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, d. 40.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Yelchaninova

Altai state medical University


 doctor of medical Sciences,
Professor, head of Department of biochemistry

Russian Federation, 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, d. 40.

Alexander Nikolaevich Mishchenko

Regional clinical hospital, Barnaul


 doctor of Department of
x-ray surgery

Russian Federation, 656024, Barnaul, St. Lyapidevsky, 1.


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Copyright (c) Lubyanka V.G., Chernenko V.F., Aliev A.H., Zharikov A.N., Yelchaninova S.A., Mishchenko A.N.

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