To the Question of Surgical Tactics in Children with Facial Bites

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Relevance Treatment of children with facial bites is known as an unresolved medical and social problem. Questions of surgical tactics are discussed to date. The purpose of the study To study of possibilities of new tactic approach in treatment of children with facial bites. Matherials and methods 84 children with facial bites were observed in Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Children Hospital (2002 – 2012). In the basic group were included children, who was operated in Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Children Hospital (n=70). In the control group were included patients, who were operated in hospitals of us region in the first step, and later were treated in Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Children Hospital (n=14). In the groups were no significant distinction on gender, age, basic trauma and intercurrent diseases. Results and their discussion Complications rate in the basic group was two times lower than in the control. Treatment of children with bite wound of the face in special children hospital with multidisciplinary approach led to decrease of complications and better esthetic results. Conclusion The traditional concept of treatment in children with facial bites, including delivery of the patients to the nearest hospital and perform all the necessary actions in the health primary care, needs to be revised. Transportation of children to involve a multidisciplinary hospital at a cost of time, but does not reflect negatively on the quality of care. Children with facial bites should be delivered immediately after the trauma in the specialized surgical center. In first-aid care should be hemostasis and applying aseptic dressing. Diagnostic and surgical procedures carried out without intermediate steps, directly in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, lead to significantly better immediate and long-term results, both clinical and esthetic. This approach is associated with significant reduction of complications rate and reconstructive operations

About the authors

Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Children Hospital, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Surgeon, the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children Hospital

Nizhnii Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russian Federation

MD, Professor, the Department of Hospital Surgery named after B.А. Korolyov, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academ

Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Children Hospital, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russian Federation

Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children Hospital.


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