Modern Approaches to Сomplex Treatment of Necrotic Tissue Diseases

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This article presents the relevant information on the prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis modification factors, as well as evaluation of modern methods of treatment necrotic soft tissue diseases. Special attention is paid to the actively developing method of physical therapy of necrotic process - the low-frequency ultrasonic (LFUS) cavitation. Presented a detailed assessment of the basic properties of ultrasound treatment on the wound process: mechanical wound cleansing cavitation squirt, acceleration of metabolism at the subcellular and tissue levels, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms , the potentiation of antibacterial and antiseptic , strengthening of regional blood flow , enhancing the repair processes in the wound. Application LFUS cavitation relevant to the outpatient treatment phase necrotic diseases of soft tissues due to its high-performance, ease of use , and also show the best correlation with program implementation of hospital- substituted technologies in outpatient link of health care. The study of literature shows that few studies use LFUS in outpatient practice do not contain explicit organizational and structural features and algorithms for the treatment of patients with purulent-necrotic diseases of soft tissues LFUS cavitation. Matters relating to the definition of optimum conditions , the multiplicity and duration of exposure to wound, the optimum compositions of acoustic mediums, the optimal method of local anesthesia, when used LFUS in patients with different clinical forms of necrotic soft tissue diseases , there remains little known

About the authors

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 20/1 Delegatskaia Str., Moscow, 127473, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
applicant, Department of Surgery, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Federal Research and Clinical Center of specialized types of health care and medical technology FMBA of Russia, 28 Orekhovyi Ave.,
Moscow, 115682, Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery, Chief, Department of Surgery and Laboratory of Minimally Invasive Surgery, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


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