Rationale for the endovascular treatment of rectal cancer

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Immediate and long-term results of combined endovascular and surgical treatment of 10 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer accompanied by colonic obstruction are presented. In the period of up to 24 hours after the simultaneous selective oily chemoembolization of the upper, middle and lower rectal arteries the positive result was obtained in 100% cases: resolution of colonic obstruction, decrease in size of tumor and improvement of the condition of the mesorectum were confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging and transrectal ultrasound. In nine cases radical surgical treatment was conducted after 2-3 days. The overall 3-year survival rate was 87.5%, disease-free survival rate was 75%. In all cases distant metastases in the liver were not observed.

About the authors

Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Author for correspondence.
Email: msolshansky2010@yandex.ru
Doctor of Med. Science, Physician of the Dep. of Endovascular Diagnosis and Treatment of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy

Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
Doctor of Med. Science, Prof., Head of the Hospital Surgery Department of Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko

Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy

Email: surgery-v@ya.ru
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of General Surgery, Director of the Institute of Surgical Infections of Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko

Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
Candidate of Med. Science, Head of the Department of Coloproctology of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
Candidate of Med. Science, Head of the Department of Endovascular Diagnosis and Treatment of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital № 1


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