Correction of the immunity infringements in use antiadhesive polymeric implants in experiment

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Deficiency of immunity after every surgical intervention? Which is accompanied with a serious illness, anesthesia, many
drugs (antibiotics), develop deficiency of immunity. And adhesive disease of peritoneum is the most frequent complication
of surgical operations. In accordance with some scientist, - implantation of the most effective antiadhesive polymeric agents,
can be the cause of development deficiency of immunity too. In experiments in white rats were studies indexes of immunity
in experimental abdominal adhesive process with implantation of prophylactic agent Mesogel. Were proved by experiments,
that immunomodulators. Derinat and Longidasa can correct the disorders of immunity in postoperative period

About the authors

Victor Anatolievich Lazarenko

Kursk state medical University

Author for correspondence.

 PhD, Professor, head of chair of surgical diseases of FPE, the rector of the Kursk state medical University

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Aleksandr Ivanovich Konoply

Kursk state medical University


 MD, Professor, Department of biological chemistry

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Alexander Ivanovich Bezhin

Kursk state medical University


 MD, Professor,
head at Department of operative surgery and
topographic anatomy

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Lipatov

Kursk state medical University


 PhD in medical Sciences, associate Professor
Department of operative surgery and topographic

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Marina Sergeevna Gomon

Kursk state medical University


 PhD, assistant Professor of human anatomy

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Alexei Leonidovich Loktionov

Kursk state medical University


 candidate of medical Sciences, assistant of the surgical diseases chair

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.

Valery Anatolyevich Zhukovskiy

Kursk state medical University


 candidate of chemical Sciences, scientific adviser

Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, Kursk, St. Karl Marx, D. 3.


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Copyright (c) Lazarenko V.A., Konoply A.I., Bezhin A.I., Lipatov V.A., Gomon M.S., Loktionov A.L., Zhukovskiy V.A.

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