Immunotherapy at the diabetes 2 types, complicated by the syndrome of diabetic foot, by the complex of natural cytokines and antimicrobial peptides
- Authors: Kovalchuk L.V.1, Potemkin V.V.1, Baldina T.N.1, Barbin P.B.2
- Russian state medical University. N. I.Pirogov
- Institute of surgery. A. V. Vishnevsky
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 85-89
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1073
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In research results of inspection and treatment of 75 patients with DFS are analysed. Patients are divided into 2 investigated groups depending on character of disease and treatment schemes. The first group have made 25 (33,3 %) patients
by whom treatment under the traditional scheme (antibacterial therapy, disaggregants, angioprotectors, antioxidants,
correction level of hyperglycemia, surgical treatment, bandagings with ointment of Levomekol was spent). In the second
group are included 50 (66,7 %) patients with purulent-necrotic defeats of foot, in which treatment, along with the standard
methods, it was used immunecorrection by a preparation "Superlimf". The control group of 25 persons is presented by
healthy people. It is established that application immunotherapy by complex natural cytokines and antimicrobial peptides
at a diabetes 2 types, complicated by the diabetic foot syndrome, pathogenetic is proved. Оbserved decrease of activity of
processes lipid peroxidation was, stabilization in antioxidant blood protection, decrease endogenous intoxication, normalisation of phagocytic a component of immune system, level of circulating immunoglobulin in blood. At patients about a
syndrome of diabetic foot immunecorrection a preparation "Superlimf" is a choice method immunomodelling therapies
About the authors
Leonid Vasilyevich Kovalchuk
Russian state medical University. N. I.Pirogov
Author for correspondence.
MD, Professor, academician of RANS, head of Department of immunology
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7Vladimir Vasilievich Potemkin
Russian state medical University. N. I.Pirogov
PhD, Professor, head of Department of endocrinology
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7Tatiana Nikolaevna Baldina
Russian state medical University. N. I.Pirogov
postgraduate student of the Department endocrinology
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7Pavel Borisovich Barbin
Institute of surgery. A. V. Vishnevsky
postgraduate student of the Department of AB-dominale surgery
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow, street Ostrovitjanova, 1s7References
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