Analysis of the Ratio of Collagen Types I and III in Skin and Aponeurosis in Patients with Ventral Hernias

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Relevance Disorder of the connective tissue remodeling in patients after surgical treatment of ventral hernias is the great problem of modern herniology. Pathology of the connective tissue is considered as the main cause of this disorder, and is closely connected with the disturbance of collagen metabolism in the zone of post operation scar. The purpose of the study Study the relationship between collagen type I and III of the connective tissue in skin and aponeurosis in patients with hernia disease and with another surgical pathology. Materials and methods Comparative investigation of the skin and aponeurosis connective tissue structure was performed in 95 patients, suffering from ventral hernias, with the help of polarization microscopy. All patients were divided into two groups: 46 patients with ventral hernias and 49 patients with another surgical pathology. Results and their discussion In patients with hernias had significantly lower ratio of TC (p≤0,001) as in the preparation of the skin, and aponeurosis compared with patients without hernia. It was revealed strong direct correlation dependence between the connective tissue structure of skin and of aponeurosis, which makes the prognosis of ventral hernia development possible with the help of investigation of the skin structure. Conclusion In patients with WG had significantly (P ≤ 0,001) lower ratio of TC in the skin and aponeurosis. Collagen composition of the connective tissue of the skin and aponeurosis are in a strong direct correlation (r=0,72), which makes it possible to judge the changes in the structure of the aponeurosis in terms of the ratio of collagen in the skin. The use of polarization microscopy to determine the proportion of collagen types I and III in the preparations of the skin and aponeurosis is highly informative in the verification of hernia disease

About the authors

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
PhD, associate professor, department of surgical diseases № 1 of the Kursk State Medical University

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

MD, professor, rector of the Kursk State Medical University

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

MD, professor, head of surgical diseases № 1 of the Kursk State Medical University

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

PhD, associate professor, department of Pathological Anatomy of the Kursk State Medical University

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation

clinical intern, department of surgical diseases № 1 of the Kursk State Medical University


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