Microcirculatory Changes in Patients with Arteriosclerosis Obliterans after AortaFemoral Arterial Reconstruction

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Relevance Assessment of reconstructive surgery effectiveness in atherosclerosis obliterans demands reliable monitoring of the main arteries along with collateral circulation of the lower limbs. Laser Doppler Flowmetry is a non-invasive measuring method of the lower limbs vascular system. The purpose of the study To investigate changes in microcirculatory blood flow and its regulation in patients with atherosclerosis obliterans before and after reconstructive surgery of the aorta-femoral segment. Materials and methods Lower limbs microcirculatory blood flow was detected by percutaneous Laser Doppler Flowmetry with laser Doppler perfusion imager (LАKK – 02, NPО «LAZMA», Russia) in red wavelength spectrum. 54 patients with atherosclerosis obliterans, aorta-femoral segment were investigated after aorta-femoral bypass surgery. Results and their discussion High level occlusion revealed decrease in the amplitude of endothelial functioning range, prevailed neurogenic component of vascular tone and elevated initial value of the bypass index. The rhythmic spectrum of blood flow did not reach its baseline level in cuff-based blood flow occlusion after effective revascularization. The high level of bypass index after aorta-femoral reconstruction was related to arteriola-venular shunt. Conclusion Patients with high level occlusion required additional microvasculature assessment in the preoperative period and further correction after reconstructive surgery taking into account the pathophysiological mechanisms regulating the processes of microcirculation

About the authors

Kursk State Medical University, 3 K.Marksa Str., Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: main@kgmu.kursknet.ru
MD, Prof., head of chair of surgical diseases FPO, rector of the Kursk state medical Russian Federation

Kursk State Medical University, 3 K.Marksa Str., Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation

Email: ea-bobrovskaya@yandex.ru
Ph.D., associate Professor Department of surgical diseases FPO Kursk state medical University Russian Federation

Kursk State Medical University, 3 K.Marksa Str., Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation

Email: genaryashkin@mail.ru
post-graduate student of the chair of surgical diseases FPO Kursk state medical University Russian Federation


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