Tissue reaction to the implantation of the venous wall of synthetic and biological prosthesis

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Problem of choosing graft for shunting still remains in vascular surgery.
The purpose of the study
To compare tissue reaction of an vein wall to implantation of synthetic and biological endoprostheses.
Materials and methods
The analysis of the pilot study carried out on 30 rabbits, divided into two treatment groups of 15 animals
each. In the first group in the wall of the inferior vena cava implanted synthetic polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, the second -
a biological prosthesis of the internal thoracic arteries bull. Lots of inferior vena cava in a place with an implanted prosthesis
subjected to histological examination on the 14th, 21th and 30th day after surgery. The drugs were studied by light microscopy after
staining with hematoxylin-eosin. Morphometric study was carried out, which consists in a certain proportion of the cell structure of
the connective tissue.
Results and their discussion
The inflammatory reaction in the vein wall synthetic prosthesis on the 14th day of 1.14 times on day
21 to 1.53 times, and on the 30th day of 1.52 is less pronounced than the implantation of a biological prosthesis. The response to a
biological graft vein wall at day 14 and later on the 30th day and is expressed very strongly represented as a significant inflammatory
changes with granulomatosis and immunomorphological shear to form the bor
der with graft lymphoid follicles.
When femoropopliteal bypass slot below the knee, in the absence of adequate autologous vein diameter
should be used combined with a synthetic PTFE prosthesis autovenous inserted into the distal anastomosis.
tissue reaction, vein, polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, biological prosthesis of internal thoracic arteries

About the authors

Курский государственный медицинский университет, ул. К.Маркса, д.3, Курск, 305041, Российская

Author for correspondence.
Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
– д.м.н., проф., зав. кафедрой общей хирургии Курского государственного медицинского университета

Орловский государственный университет, Медицинский институт, Российская Федерация

Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
д.н.м., проф. зав. кафедрой общей патологии и физиологии Орловского государственного университета.

Курский государственный медицинский университет, ул. К.Маркса, д.3, Курск, 305041, Российская

Email: admin@vestnik-surgery.com
соискатель кафедры общей хирургии Курского государственного 

медицинского университета.


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