Features of a Clinical Current and Diagnostics of Acute Pancreatitis at Patients with Virus Hepatitis

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The purpose of the study To study peculiarities of the clinical course, diagnosis and treatment outcomes of acute pancreatitis in patients with viral hepatitis. 
Materials and methods The study is based on an analysis of 133 cases of acute pancreatitis. Of these 82 patients with acute pancreatitis have viral hepatitis and 51 patient developed acute pancreatitis without concomitant viral hepatitis. 
Results and their discussion Septic complications of destructive forms of acute pancreatitis was significantly more frequently encountered in patients with concomitant viral hepatitis (in 15 patients of the study group (18.3%) and two patients of the control group (3.9%)). Bacteremia was registered in 9 patients of the study group (10,9%). There were no cases of bacteremia in a control group. The incidence of liver failure in patients with a combination of acute pancreatitis and viral hepatitis was significantly higher than among patients of the control group (24,3% and 1.9% respectively). 
Conclusions Our study demonstrated a high incidence of septic complications of acute pancreatitis in patients with viral hepatitis. It was found that the presence of viral hepatitis in patients with acute pancreatitis is an adverse prognostic factor contributing to the high incidence of septic complications and mortality

About the authors

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41 Kirochnaia Str., Saint-Petersburg, 191015,
Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: mail@vestnik-surgery.com
VD, Prof., head of the Department of faculty surgery named after I.I. Grekov, North-Western state medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41 Kirochnaia Str., Saint-Petersburg, 191015,
Russian Federation

Email: mail@vestnik-surgery.com
 MD, prof. of the Department of faculty surgery named after I.I. Grekov, same university

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41 Kirochnaia Str., Saint-Petersburg, 191015,
Russian Federation

Email: mail@vestnik-surgery.com
 PhD, assistant professor of the Department of faculty surgery named after I.I. Grekov, same university

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41 Kirochnaia Str., Saint-Petersburg, 191015,
Russian Federation

Email: mail@vestnik-surgery.com
surgeon at St-Petersburg Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital

The purpose of the study To study peculiarities of the clinical course, diagnosis and treatment outcomes of acute pancreatitis in patients with viral hepatitis. 
Materials and methods The study is based on an analysis of 133 cases of acute pancreatitis. Of these 82 patients with acute pancreatitis have viral hepatitis and 51 patient developed acute pancreatitis without concomitant viral hepatitis. 
Results and their discussion Septic complications of destructive forms of acute pancreatitis was significantly more frequently encountered in patients with concomitant viral hepatitis (in 15 patients of the study group (18.3%) and two patients of the control group (3.9%)). Bacteremia was registered in 9 patients of the study group (10,9%). There were no cases of bacteremia in a control group. The incidence of liver failure in patients with a combination of acute pancreatitis and viral hepatitis was significantly higher than among patients of the control group (24,3% and 1.9% respectively). 
Conclusions Our study demonstrated a high incidence of septic complications of acute pancreatitis in patients with viral hepatitis. It was found that the presence of viral hepatitis in patients with acute pancreatitis is an adverse prognostic factor contributing to the high incidence of septic complications and mortality


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