Clinico-experimental research at a primary glaucoma

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Article is devoted questions of surgical treatment of not compensated glaucoma of various degrees by means of the modified technique of performance of classical filtering operation. The offered method of preventive maintenance of a cicatrisation
of filtrational area is based on application of a principle of a denervation at surgical intervention performance. The pathomorphologic mechanism of more expressed hypotensive effect offered antiglaucomatous operations is studied in experiment. The proposed method is technically simple, safe and contributes to the stabilization of visual functions and ophthalmotonus, which improve the quality of life of patients with glaucoma.

About the authors

Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
ophthalmologist, postgraduate of the Department of ophthalmology, Institute of postgraduate medical training of the Voronezh state medical Academy named after N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation

Voronezh state medical Academy named. N. N. Burdenko

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Department of ophthalmology IPMO Voronezh state medical Academy named after N. N. Burdenko Russian Federation


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