Great russian surgeon, morphology, scientist, humanist, N.I. Pirogov: the 130-anniversary of death

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About the authors

Научно-исследовательский институт морфологии человека РАМН Винницкий национальный медицинский университет им. Н.И.Пирогова, г. Винница, Украина Ужгородский национальный университет, г. Ужгород, Украина

Author for correspondence.


  1. Bakulev A.N. Znachenie N. I. Pirogova, ego uchenikov i posledovatelei v istorii otechestvennoi i mirovoi khirurgii [N. I. Pirogov's value, his pupils and followers in the history of domestic and world surgery]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1956, Medgiz 1957, 9-25.
  2. Vishnevskii A.A. Termicheskie ozhogi — vazhneishaia problema voenno-polevoi khirurgii [Thermal burns — the most important problem of field surgery]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1965 Meditsina 1966, 10-30.
  3. Zavalishin N.I. N.I. Pirogov i ego printsipy organizatsii meditsinskoi pomoshchi na voine [N. I. Pirogov and his principles of the organization of medical care in the war]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1958, Medgiz 1959, 7-25.
  4. Kairov I.A. Pedagogicheskaia deiatel'nost' N. I. Pirogova [Pedagogical activity of N. I. Pirogov]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1960, Medgiz, 1961, 36-47.
  5. Kul'chitskii K.I., Klantsa P.A., Sobchuk G.S. N.I. Pirogov v usad'be Vishnia [Pirogov in the estate Cherry]. "Zdorovia", Kiev, 1981.
  6. Kupriianov V.V. Nauchnoe nasledie N.I. Pirogova v anatomii i ego znachenie dlia meditsiny [Scientific heritage of N. I. Pirogov in anatomy and its value for medicine]. Arkhiv AGE, 1960, № 10, str. 3-13.
  7. Kupriianov P.A. N. I. Pirogov kak khirurg i anatom [Pies as surgeon and anatomist]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1960, Medgiz, 1961, 8-24.
  8. Lopukhin Iu.M. Lektsii po topograficheskoi anatomii i operativnoi khirurgii, M., 1994, str. 14.
  9. Oppel' V.A. Istoriia russkoi khirurgii. Kriticheskii ocherk [History of the Russian surgery. Critical sketch]. Vologda, 1923, str. 409.
  10. Petrovskii B.P. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov [Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov]. Trudy pirogovskiikh chtenii, Meditsina 1986, str.7-16
  11. Pirogov N.I. Iavliaetsia li pereviazka briushnoi aorty pri anevrizme pakhovoi oblasti legko vypolnimym i bezopasnym vmeshatel'stvom? (Dissertatsiia) [Whether bandaging of a belly aorta at aneurism of inguinal area is easily feasible and safe intervention? (Thesis)]. Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo meditsinskoi literatury, 1951.
  12. Pirogov N.I. Sevastopol'skie pis'ma. Sobranie sochinenii, VI. chast' II [Sevastopol letters. Collected works, VI. Part II]. Moskva. 1961.
  13. Pirogov N.I. O pereviazke Akhillova sukhozhiliia [About bandaging of the Achilles tendon]. M., 1957; I: 113-161.
  14. Pirogov N.I. Voprosy zhizni. Dnevnik starogo vracha, pisannyi iskliuchitel'no dlia samogo sebia, no ne bez zadnei mysli, chto mozhet byt' kogda-nibud' prochtet i kto drugoi (5 noiabria 1879 – 22 oktiabria 1881) / Pirogov N.I. [Life questions. The diary of the old doctor, written only for itself, but not without ulterior motive that can sometime be will read also who another (on November 5, 1879 – on October 22, 1881) / Pirogov N.I.] – SPb: VMedA 2008; 392.
  15. Pirogov N. I. Ob anatomicheskom institute [About anatomic institute]. V kn.: Pirogov N. I. Seva stopol'skie pis'ma i vospominaniia. M. 1950; 476.
  16. Pirogov N.I. Doklady gubernskoi zemskoi upravy poltavskomu poltavskomu zemskomu sobraniiu 6-go ocherednogo sozyva v oktiabre 1870 g [Reports of a provincial territorial justice to the Poltava Poltava territorial meeting of the 6th next convocation in October, 1870]. Poltava 1870; 293.
  17. Pirogov N.I. Iavliaetsia li pereviazka briushnoi aorty pri anevrizme pakhovoi oblasti legko vypolnimym i bezopasnym vmeshatel'stvom? [Whether bandaging of a belly aorta at aneurism of inguinal area is easily feasible and safe intervention?] M 1951; 52.
  18. Pirogov N.I. Iavliaetsia li pereviazka briushnoi aorty pri anevrizme pakhovoi oblasti legko vypolnimym i bezopasnym vmeshatel'stvom? [Whether bandaging of a belly aorta at aneurism of inguinal area is easily feasible and safe intervention?] M 1951; 84.
  19. Pirogov N.I. Iavliaetsia li pereviazka briushnoi aorty pri anevrizme pakhovoi oblasti legko vypolnimym i bezopasnym vmeshatel'stvom? [Whether bandaging of a belly aorta at aneurism of inguinal area is easily feasible and safe intervention?] M 1951; 89.
  20. Vestnik estestvennykh nauk i meditsiny 1832; 3-4: 145.
  21. Pirogov N.I. Iavliaetsia li pereviazka briushnoi aorty pri anevrizme pakhovoi oblasti legko vypolnimym i bezopasnym vmeshatel'stvom? [Whether bandaging of a belly aorta at aneurism of inguinal area is easily feasible and safe intervention?] M 1951; 92.
  22. Radushkevich V.P. Znachenie idei i trudov N. I. Pirogova dlia razvitiia sovetskoi khirurgii [Value of the ideas and N. I. Pirogov's works for development of the Soviet surgery]. Pirogovskie chteniia, 1967, Meditsina 1969; 7-38.
  23. Tarasov L.A. Khirurg i anatom, pedagog i patriot (N. I. Pirogov) [Surgeon and anatomist, teacher and patriot (N. I. Pirogov)]. Barnaul, 1981.
  24. Razumovskii V.I. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. Ego zhizn', nauchno-obshchestvennaia deiatel'nost' i mirovozzrenie (publichnaia lektsiia, chitannaia v Kazani 29 noiabria 1906 g.) [Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. His life, scientific public work and outlook (a public lecture, chitanny in Kazan on November 29, 1906)]. – SPb., 1907; 29.
  25. Shevchenko Iu.L. Ot «ledianoi anatomii» do komp'iuternoi tomografii (aktovaia rech' 18 dekabria 2009 g. k 150-letiiu so dnia izdaniia N.I.Pirogovym «Illiustrirovannoi topograficheskoi anatomii raspilov, proizvedennykh v trekh izmereniiakh cherez zamorozhennoe chelovecheskoe telo» (1851-1859) [From "ice anatomy" to a computer tomography (the commencement address on December 18, 2009 to the 150 anniversary from the date of the edition N. I. Pirogov "The illustrated topographical anatomy of the cuts made in three dimensions through the frozen human body" (1851-1859)]. M.: RAEN, 2009; 20.

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