Neovasculogenesis stimulation is a new trend in the treatment of chronic arterial occlusive diseases of lower extremities
- Authors: Sukovatykh B.S.1, Orlova A.Y.1
- Kursk state medical University
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 79-84
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1072
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An analysis of experimental investigation of 70 male Vistar rates and results of examination and treatment of 30 patients suffered by chronic low limbs ischemia caused by atherosclerosis has been completed. All experimental animals
were divided into three groups: healthy, control, and investigated respectively. A chronic limb ischemia was achieved
by excision of the main vessel such as femoral, popliteal, and upper part of calf vessels. Having achieved an ischemia
a treatment was not done in the control group. Whereas animals of the control group received injection of platelet enriched autoplasm into the calf and thigh muscles. It was discovered that intramascular injection of platelet enriched
autoplasm into the animal’s ischemic limb increases microcirculation level 2,4 times and dicreases area of muscular
necrosis by 2,4 times to 28 experimental day. In patients 500 ml of blood were derived, from which a platelet enriched
plasma was made. 100 ml of the plasma were injected under ultrasound guidance along the deep femoral and popliteal arteries of the more 2nd “b” degree ischemic limb. A contralateral limb was used as a control group. After the treatment a blood flow volume was increased 1,4 times, main 885,08– in 1,3 times, and microcirculation level – in 1,2 times.
About the authors
Boris Semenovich Sukovatykh
Kursk state medical University
Author for correspondence.
MD, Professor, head of the Department of General surgery
Russian Federation, Kursk, Karla Marksa street, 3Anzhelika Yur'evna Orlova
Kursk state medical University
post-graduate student ka-Phaedra General surgery
Russian Federation, Kursk, Karla Marksa street, 3References
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