The reasons of the most frequent formation of impression of external surface of tibia’s distal plateau
- Authors: Fedorov V.G.1, Solovyov V.M.1, Shapranov O.N.2, Ezhov E.S.2
- The Izhevsk state medical Academy
- the Republican clinical hospital
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 107-110
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1078
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Ankle fractures are more often intrasynovial and lead to impression changes. The research includes the studying of mechanical properties of distal epimetaphis and spongy bone’s density according to spiral computed tomography data. The
research brought out that external and back surfaces of tibia are less dense. It explains the reasons of impression deformation of lateral surface of tibia’s distal plateau in cases of Dupuitren-typed fracture. This information is necessary to make
the right choice of treatment’s tactic
About the authors
Vladimir Grigorievich Fedorov
The Izhevsk state medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
PhD, assistant
Department of traumatology, orthopedics and military-field-howl surgery
Vladimir Mikhailovich Solovyov
The Izhevsk state medical Academy
M. D., Professor, Department of traumatology, orthopedics and military field surgery
Russian Federation, ANS Republic, Izhevsk, Nizhny. Communarov, 281Oleg Nikolaevich Shapranov
the Republican clinical hospital
head of the trauma Department tragicheskom
Russian Federation, ANS Republic, Izhevsk, Votkinskoe shosse, 57Evgeniy Sergeevich Ezhov
the Republican clinical hospital
graduate student of travmatolog-logical branch
Russian Federation, ANS Republic, Izhevsk, Votkinskoe shosse, 57References
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