Reparative processes at the site of intestinal anastomosis created in experimental
- Authors: Novozhilov V.A.1, Goldberg O.A.2, Lepihova S.A.2, Semenyuta A.A.3, Rasputin A.A.3, Nazarov Y.M.4
- Irkutsk state Institute of improvement of doctorsThe city of Ivano-Matreninskaya children's clinical hospital, Irkutsk
- East-Siberian scientific center of reconstructive and restorative surgery SB RAMS
- Irkutsk state Institute of improvement of doctors
- City children's hospital №1, Angarsk
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 130-134
- Section: Original articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1082
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The results about treatment of 45white rats presents since the intestinal anastomosis had been performed. The optimal types
of intestinal anastomosis formation were investigated in reconstructive operations on the intestine in experimental animals.
The morphological analysis of reparative process taking place in anastomosis area was carried out during applying of the
different types of intestinal sutures. This experimental study confirms the evidence of two series continuous suture and
reliability of its use during operations in experimental models. It also proves the priority of its applying in clinical practice
of newborns
About the authors
Vladimir Alexandrovich Novozhilov
Irkutsk state Institute of improvement of doctors The city of Ivano-Matreninskaya children's clinical hospital, Irkutsk
Author for correspondence.
MD, Professor, Department of pediatric surgery, Irkutsk
state Institute of advanced physicians, head physician of the city of Ivano-Matreninskaya children's clinical hospital
Oleg Aronovich Goldberg
East-Siberian scientific center of reconstructive and restorative surgery SB RAMS
Russian Federation, Irkutsk, street of Fighters of Revolution, 1Svetlana Aleksandrovna Lepihova
East-Siberian scientific center of reconstructive and restorative surgery SB RAMS
Russian Federation, Irkutsk, street of Fighters of Revolution, 1Anna Aleksandrovna Semenyuta
Irkutsk state Institute of improvement of doctors
post-graduate student
Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Microdistrict Anniversary, 100Andrey Alexandrovich Rasputin
Irkutsk state Institute of improvement of doctors
post-graduate student
Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Microdistrict Anniversary, 100Yegor Mikhailovich Nazarov
City children's hospital №1, Angarsk
anesthesiologist – resuscitator
Russian Federation, Russia, Irkutsk region, Angarsk, 85th district, 35References
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